The Frederick Douglass Foundation: Educating, Enhancing, and Empowering
April 7, 2010
The Frederick Douglass Foundation: Educating, Enhancing, and Empowering
On Friday, March 19, 2010, the Leadership Institute trained a dynamic group of national black conservative leaders and candidates at the Frederick Douglass Foundation's Leadership Summit in Washington, DC. Students learned how to develop their message, organize their grassroots, and raise the money needed to win in November. Please visit the Frederick Douglass Foundation's website to learn more about this incredible organization. Also check out this fascinating article on the challenges facing black conservatives.>
LI Trains over 100 in Delaware
April 7, 2010
LI Trains over 100 in Delaware
On Saturday, March 27, 2010, over 120 enthusiastic activists from Delaware and as far away as upstate New York descended on Dover for a rollicking day of training on topics related to communications, voter contact, organizing, and volunteer recruitment and deployment. While many were veterans of past campaigns, there were likewise a good number of participants who were only recently drawn into politics by current events in Washington and in their state capitals. Several participants have already inquired about further, specialized training. >
LI Trains at Americans for Prosperity State Summit
March 31, 2010
LI Trains at Americans for Prosperity State Summit
The Leadership Institute's Department of Political Training trained over 150 activists at the Americans for Prosperity's Defending the American Dream State Summit in Atlanta, GA on Saturday, March 27, 2010. The Institute hosted an Internet Activist Workshop training activists how to employ new media strategies to help with their campaigns and grassroots advocacy. Activists learned how to harness the power of social networking, blogging, online video, social action networks, text messaging, and other online utilities to enhance their cause. The Leadership Institute is proud to partner with AFP to provide conservative activists with the political technology they need to win.>
LI Takes Campaign School to Tennessee
March 31, 2010
LI Takes Campaign School to Tennessee
On Saturday, March 27, 2010, the Leadership Institute brought their world-renowned training to the volunteer state, conducting a campaign school in Nashville, TN. Over 100 candidates, party activists, and movement conservatives learned how to win elections. The audience included multiple congressional candidates as well as a many state legislative and local candidates. Training was provided by LI staffer Robert Arnakis and faculty member Joel Mowbray. Campaign school attendee Denise Burnett of Springfield, TN had this to say about the training: “Excellent & highly informative. I will definitely recommend this to anyone who is considering volunteering in a campaign or working for a conservative cause.” State House Candidate Darrell Woodcock of Hendersonville, TN said “This class has made my decision to run for an office less frightening. I have a ton more confidence then when I entered the class.” >
The Heritage Foundation's Own Becky Norton Dunlop Addresses LI Staff and Interns
March 30, 2010
The Heritage Foundation's Own Becky Norton Dunlop Addresses LI Staff and Interns
On Friday, March 26, 2010, Becky Norton Dunlop of The Heritage Foundation spoke at a luncheon for LI staff and interns. Mrs. Dunlop's topic was American energy policy. She addressed the necessity of the US to attain energy security in order to have economic security. To view Mrs. Dunlop's entire speech, please click here.>
LI Graduate Makes a Splash in St. Louis
March 29, 2010
LI Graduate Makes a Splash in St. Louis
Jonathon Burns, an LI graduate and former field representative, is gaining recognition in St. Louis as he fights a proposal to raise the sales tax in St. Louis County. ran a story about Mr. Burns' battle in the March 28, 2010 issue. The article highlights how Mr. Burns is rallying Tea Party activists to fight the sales tax bump with him. He has even debated a local mayor on the subject. For more information on Mr. Burns' activities and his organization, Citizens for Better Transit, click here.
LI Introduces Another Brand New Training
March 24, 2010
LI Introduces Another Brand New Training
Join the Leadership Institute on April 21, 2010 as we unveil our brand new Event Planning Workshop. This one-evening class will provide you with the skills necessary to coordinate a successful event. Topics include negotiating with vendors, recruiting hosts and attendees, and determining what type of event is best for you and your organization.Register for the Event Planning Workshop today and get information on our concurrent two-day fundraising training. Contact Amanda Dehn at 703-247-2000 for more details.>
LI Guest Faculty Wow the Crowd in Georgia
March 16, 2010
LI Guest Faculty Wow the Crowd in Georgia
This past Saturday, March 13, 2010, 64 activists and candidates gathered in Cartersville, Georgia to learn the nuts and bolts of campaign and grassroots activism from Leadership Institute guest faculty and seasoned politicos Benita Dodd and Holly Robichaud. One candidate remarked about Holly, “You are so creative, competitive, and interesting. I will want your advice and assistance one day after I get my feet wet!” She also commented on Benita's lectures by saying, “I love your passion. I love how smart you are. I love your presentation!” Once again, LI's volunteer guest faculty provided the best techniques to help conservatives win!>
LI teams up with Patrick Henry College
March 15, 2010
LI teams up with Patrick Henry College
Patrick Henry College undertook a weekend retreat as part of its Leadership Program for students studying Public Policy and Government. Twenty students made the trek up into the Catoctin Mountains west of the college where they spent the weekend in the college's lodge, the Bear's Den. On Saturday, March 13, 2010, the Leadership Institute's Grassroots Training Division presented a training module in the form of an interactive workshop for the students, an innovative experience for both the students and the LI instructors.>
LI Takes Training to Liberty University
March 12, 2010
LI Takes Training to Liberty University
A total of 120 participants took part in the two-day Grassroots Campaign School at Liberty University on March 6-7, 2010. They included repeat attendees from previous schools at Liberty, and several who had found the school on the Leadership Institute web site. One attendee traveled from Pittsburgh to attend the training. To find out when a grassroots training is coming to your town, click here.>
Historic LI Training Coming to Tennessee
March 10, 2010
Historic LI Training Coming to Tennessee
For the first time in the history of the Leadership Institute, the Youth Leadership School and Grassroots Campaign School will be held concurrently on the historic campus of Vanderbilt University on March 27-28. Conservative activists, both young and old, can take part in these trainings.The Youth Leadership School teaches young people to organize both on campus and for the conservative candidate of their choice, and the Grassroots Campaign School teaches candidates and their volunteers how to develop and effective grassroots strategy. Register today!>
LI Offers Brand New Workshop along with a Classic
March 9, 2010
LI Offers Brand New Workshop along with a Classic
On February 23-24, 2010 the Leadership Institute trained 50 people at the Direct Mail School and the inaugural Grant Writing Workshop. The students got tips from veteran development professionals, including direct mail guru, Richard Viguerie. Attendees walked away with the tools they need in order to take their fundraising to the next level in 2010, which is sure to be a big year for conservatives.>
LI Trains over 40 Interns at Day-long Workshop
March 8, 2010
LI Trains over 40 Interns at Day-long Workshop
On March 4, 2010 forty-four area interns came together to network, work on professional development, and learn about the programs that the Leadership Institute has to offer. Both Congressional offices and local organizations such as the Heritage Foundation, the CATO Institute, FreedomWorks, and the Family Research Council sent their interns to the Leadership Institute to focus on skills such as networking, first impressions, personal finance and a 'resume crash course' offered by Meghann Olshefski (Director, Employment Placement Services). Students who attended the training also have the chance to attend another LI training at no cost. >
PAC Study Shows Likely Business Interests for 2010 Elections
March 2, 2010
PAC Study Shows Likely Business Interests for 2010 Elections
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Morton Blackwell DATE: Tuesday, March 2, 2010 (703) 247 2000 * * * MEDIA RELEASE * * * * * * PAC Study Shows Likely Business Interests for 2010 Elections *** The Leadership Institute has released its study of the publicly disclosed political contributions of corporate and business association political action committees in the most recent (2007-2008) election cycle. The study reports fully on the giving of all 1,036 business-related PACs which gave $25,000 or more to federal election candidates in the 2007-2008 election cycle. The study reveals the major business PACs' giving patterns to several types of political candidates including Republicans, Democrats, conservatives, liberals, incumbents, and challenger candidates. These giving trends enable legislators, candidates, business leaders and journalists to discover the political giving of corporate America. The report tracks and ranks the giving patterns of business PACs by the recipients' political affiliation and category “Candidates and campaigns for the upcoming 2010 elections could target those major business PACs most likely to contribute to them,” said Morton C. Blackwell, president of The Leadership Institute. “They could focus on ‘hunting where the ducks are.'” The report includes the addresses of all 1,036 PACs studied. The study also allows employees, corporate stockholders, and business association members to compare their association PACs with other PACs. Investors at all levels can learn about and influence their business PAC's giving to U.S. House and Senate candidates. “Customers can see the political giving of corporations with which they have done business,” said Blackwell. “They could change vendors if they didn't agree with their political giving pattern.” This is the latest of the biennial PAC reports released by The Leadership Institute. ###
Patriots Gather in Georgia for Grassroots Training
March 1, 2010
Patriots Gather in Georgia for Grassroots Training
The Georgia chapters of Tea Party Patriots and FreedomWorks hosted a Grassroots Activist Workshop on Saturday, February 27. 2010 in the shadows of the State Capitol Building as they prepared to take to the steps once again for the one-year anniversary of the country's first tea parties. Over 65 patriots joined together to learn how to build coalitions, recruit more volunteers, and effectively communicate their message to the masses.For more information on LI's Grassroots Activist Workshops, please click here.>
Hundreds of Conservatives attend the 4th Annual CPAC Job and Internship Fair
February 22, 2010
Hundreds of Conservatives attend the 4th Annual CPAC Job and Internship Fair
On Friday, February 20th, 2010, over 600 conservatives attended the 4th annual Leadership Institute Job and Internship Fair at CPAC in Washington, DC. Attendees met with hiring managers from 24 leading organizations including the Leadership Institute to discuss job and internship opportunities. Also on hand were three professionals who offered free resume consultations. Participating employers walked away with stacks of resumes and look forward to hiring our job fair participants. If you missed the CPAC Job Fair, you can connect with these employers and more, online at or contact Leadership Institute staff for a personal career counseling session.>
Students Brave the Weather to Attend Training
February 12, 2010
Students Brave the Weather to Attend Training
During the week of February 8-12, 2010, over 45 conservative campaign staffers and a few candidates braved the blizzard to learn campaign management strategy and techniques at the Leadership Institute's Campaign Manager School. The dedication of both students and faculty show the strength and vitality of the conservative movement. Expect great things in 2010!>
LI Trains Over One Hundred at the National Tea Party Convention
February 12, 2010
LI Trains Over One Hundred at the National Tea Party Convention
On February 4-6, 2010, hundreds of activists gathered in Nashville, Tennessee for the first National Tea Party Convention. The Leadership Institute provided grassroots training for over one quarter of those in attendance and is looking forward to providing training at the next convention taking place July 15th through the 17th.>
Fifty Students Attend Fundraising and Communications Workshop in Boston
February 2, 2010
Fifty Students Attend Fundraising and Communications Workshop in Boston
50 social conservatives gathered in a Boston suburb on January 30-31, 2010 for a two-day Fundraising and Communications Workshop to get a jump-start on their competition. The biggest hit of the two-day training was listening to Robert Willington, a local activist and national strategist, share insider secrets for a successful online fundraising and communications campaign. Willington is credited with the web-strategy for the recent successful campaign of Scott Brown for Senate in Massachusetts.>
Wake Up Right with the Leadership Institute
January 29, 2010
Wake Up Right with the Leadership Institute
Join the Leadership Institute on Wednesday, February 3, 2010 for the Wednesday Wakeup Club Breakfast featuring Jed Babbin. Jed Babbin is editor of Human Events, America's oldest conservative journal as well as Breakfast begins at 7:30 am, and the program kicks off at 8:00 am. Registration for the event is only $15 per person. For more information or to register, click here. >
Total: 799