Development Associate at Americans for Tax Reform Praises LI Training
Lauren Hart
March 4, 2011
Development Associate at Americans for Tax Reform Praises LI Training
Americans for Tax Reform Development Associate Aaron Buchhop who is a part of the ATR internship program has taken six Leadership Institute trainings, saying “LI training schools I've attended have helped me in a number of areas, both personally and professionally.” After attending the fundraising school at the Leadership Institute, Mr. Buchhop said that by far the most beneficial thing to him was “how to organize a development department in an organization and putting into practice the suggestions made at this school.” LI's February fundraising school, How to Raise Money...the Easy Way, hosted 82 students and took an in-depth look at how to improve an organization's fundraising efforts through personal solicitation, online fundraising, and event fundraising to support the cause or candidate. Mr. Buchhop has taken six LI trainings including: the Job and Internship Fair; How to Raise Money…the Easy Way; Youth Leadership School; Advanced Public Relations; and two Public Speaking Workshops. “Public Speaking was my first and most inspirational LI school,” Mr. Buchhop said. “It motivated me to be more involved at LI and to take advantage of the excellent training provided in a variety of areas.” Commenting on the Youth Leadership School, Mr. Buchhop said it was the “most beneficial in its heavy promotion of conservative grassroots organizing and activism. The Advanced Public Relations School enabled me to start seeing the flip side of media so as to better understand how to work with the media and avoid being used by it.” When asked about how he would describe his LI experience, he said, “LI staff and teachers are very willing to assist and answer questions. Networking is very important at any LI school and it is strongly encouraged. I have met conservative students and professionals from all walks of life. Networking with the people I have trained with has opened doors for future opportunities, both for them and for me. And of course the provided meals are always good!” What does Mr. Buchhop plan next? “I plan on incorporating all LI training into my life in one way or another. Specifically with the development training, I hope to use the organizational knowledge I have acquired at the most recent school to not only help strengthen and better my current development work, but to develop a more solid, experienced understanding of development operations as I advance in my career.” We wish you the best Aaron! To learn how to talk with voters, be a public relations professional, create a campaign plan, fundraise, or get TV training like Aaron—come get LI training.
$5000 Video Contest
Lauren Hart
March 1, 2011
$5000 Video Contest
The Independent Women's Voice is having a video contest with a cash prize of $5,000 for the best video on Obamacare. Due date: March 23.The below news release is from the Independent Women's Voice:"The Independent Women's Voice (IWV) announces its “ObamaCare Anniversary Video Contest!” We want your one-minute or less video explaining how the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act — popularly known as ObamaCare — will hurt our medical system and our freedoms."At IWV, we believe the health care law passed last year takes our country in the wrong direction by putting government bureaucrats in charge of health decisions instead of empowering patients. We worry that ObamaCare will drive medical costs higher, reduce the quality of care, and ultimately lead to rationing. "If you share these concerns, we want you to put together a video of one minute or less that dramatizes the problems with ObamaCare. The video can be clever, personal, funny or touching – however you can make the most compelling case. So grab your camera, invite your friends and family, and tell your story!"The winning video submission will receive a $5,000 cash prize. The second and third prizes are $2,500 and $1,000, respectively, and there will be one $500 cash prize for an honorable mention. All winning videos will be featured on IWV's YouTube channel and at Winners will be announced at 12 p.m. EST March 23, 2011."To submit your video: Send us a video, one minute or less, no bigger than 2GB, along with your full name, phone number, state of residence and the words "I agree to the IWV Video Contest Rules" in the body of the email to with "IWV Video Contest Entry" as the subject. The deadline is March 19, 2011 midnight EST."The contest winner will be determined by whichever video has the most "My choice for winner" comments from unique YouTube accounts at 12:01 a.m. EST on March 23, 2011. The winner will be notified by email and telephone, and announced on at 12 p.m. March 23, 2011. Additional rules apply."For more information and for official rules visit:">
LI's Youth Leadership School is “the best you can do to be better involved”
Harald Brevik
February 24, 2011
LI's Youth Leadership School is “the best you can do to be better involved”
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 As the nation celebrated the legacy of George Washington this past weekend, young men and women gathered in Lexington, Kentucky to prepare for leadership at LI's Youth Leadership School (YLS).For two full days students learned how to fight liberal bias effectively, energize youth groups, and promote campus activism. Judging the quality of the school, Amaris Wade said, “We learned how to campaign effectively for virtually any cause.” With lecture topics ranging from leadership identification to organizational building to media and public relations, the students listened attentively.While students attending have tough fights on their respective campuses and in their respective communities, they set their aims high and vowed to utilize the material from the school to proceed on a path to success.“I am looking forward to initiating a conservative youth movement in Bolivia,” said Carla Webber, also a intern with the Leadership Institute.. Ms. Webber continued by saying, that she also wants to “teach teenagers these skills so that they too can be encouraged to become effective and strong leaders for our nation.”For decades, the Youth Leadership School has been the premier launch pad for thousands of youth wanting to make a lasting impact. The tools and techniques taught at the school prepare students for “what it means to be a youth leader,” Greg Caswell from the University of Kentucky said.As the school finished, students rushed to share their newfound knowledge with their peers and take one step further on their chosen path. Ms. Webber concluded, “This training is absolutely essential for someone who is looking for a political career. Whoever has to deal with opposition and wants to win should take the YLS.For information on upcoming trainings, please click here. For information specific to LI's Youth Leadership Schools, please call 703-247-2000 to speak with Director of Youth Leadership Schools Kent Strang.>
Resume and Job Placement Help
Lauren Hart
February 23, 2011
Resume and Job Placement Help
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} At the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), the Leadership Institute hosted a job fair with 18-plus employers recruiting for conservative talent from a great pool of 495 jobseekers. LI also provided free one-on-one resume consultations. This kind of quality care toward jobseekers and employers is not unusual from the daily experience at LI. Director of Employment Placement Service Andrea McCarthy makes sure to connect with jobseekers in person, over the phone and by email to help them in their job search. Ms. McCarthy also works to identify and support the hiring needs of conservative organizations, Capitol Hill offices, campaigns, and media outlets.Through an employer and a jobseeker can create a profile, upload their resume, submit their references, and upload writing samples. Unlike many other job placement services, Conservative Jobs hosts a robust public policy questionnaire that evaluates an individual's view on particular issues. Ms. McCarthy and her department have held thousands of resume consultations and placed hundreds in conservative jobs.“The CPAC Job Fair was a great success! Several organizations found excellent candidates for summer internships, and the Leadership Institute hired the new Donor Relations Officer directly from the fair,” Andrea said. “Danielle Savoy joined the LI team on Tuesday, February 22, 2011, ten days after the job fair took place.” Employers that were present at CPAC's job fair hosted by LI included:Accuracy in MediaAmericans for ProsperityAmericans for Tax ReformAmericans United for LifeFreedomWorksHSP DirectIntermarkets, Inc.Judicial WatchManhattan InstituteNational Taxpayers UnionPrison FellowshipTerra EclipseThe Heartland InstituteThe Leadership InstituteTownhall.comWorld Journalism InstituteYoung Americans for FreedomYoung Americans for LibertyFor more information on LI's employment placement service, please click here. For free resume consultations, please call Andrea McCarthy at 703-247-2000.>
LI Celebrates George Washington's Birthday
Harald Brevik
February 22, 2011
LI Celebrates George Washington's Birthday
Nearly 300 years after his birth on February 22, 1732, George Washington's legacy -- as a general and as a president -- is remembered by his country. Honored in a eulogy as "first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen," Washington is known as the father of the United States. Assessing Washington's overreaching impact is a daunting task, yet British Prime Minister Winston Churchill succinctly wrote, “George Washington holds one of the proudest titles that history can bestow. He was the Father of his Nation. Almost alone his stanchness in the War of Independence held the American colonies to their united purpose. His services after victory had been won were no less great. His firmness and example while first President restrained the violence of faction and postponed a national schism for sixty years. His character and influence steadied the dangerous leanings of Americans to take sides against Britain or France. He filed his office with dignity and inspired his administration with much of his own wisdom.”Today the Leadership Institute remembers the birth of George Washington and celebrates his gifts to this nation. Please join other Institute supporters in sharing your thoughts on Washington's legacy on the Leadership Institute Facebook fan page.>
Free Lunch on Us
Harald Brevik
February 18, 2011
Free Lunch on Us
February 18, 2011, Arlington, VA—On Thursday, Feb. 24 the Leadership Institute will offer a free lunch with a distinct panel series featuring Byron York, Jim Geraghty and Michael Schwartz, who will together discuss what we can expect from the 112th Congress.Attendees will receive a complimentary lunch and the opportunity to hear from distinguished guests –• Byron York, chief political correspondent, Washington Examiner• Jim Geraghty, contributing editor, National Review• Michael Schwartz, chief of staff, Senator Tom Coburn After prepared remarks, the panel will take questions from the audience.The lunch panel will be held at LI. The address is 1101 North Highland Street, 3rd Floor, Arlington, VA 22201. The building is just steps from the Clarendon Metro.To RSVP, please contact Tyler Foote through email at or by calling 703-247-2000.The Leadership Institute is an educational foundation whose mission is to increase the number and effectiveness of conservative activists and leaders in the public policy process. LI trains and places conservatives in government, politics, and the media by teaching them how to succeed in the public policy process. To do that, LI offers 40 types of training programs, works with more than 1,465 conservative campus groups, and helps employers connect with conservative jobseekers. Since the Institute's 1979 founding, more than 91,576 students have been trained. Alumni include U.S. Senators, Members of Congress, city council members, local mayors, state legislators, and conservative activists and officeholders at every level. For more information, please visit:  >
Fundraising Strategies For Winning the Future
Harald Brevik
February 17, 2011
Fundraising Strategies For Winning the Future
February 17, 2011, Arlington, VA--Running a successful campaign and being victorious is hard in and of itself, and without fundraising, it is virtually impossible. To ensure excellence in fundraising, the Leadership Institute hosted a 'High Dollar Fundraising School' over the past two days."The school was invaluable for someone like me who is new to fundraising, but expected to get results," said Brian Garst, director of government affairs at the Center for Freedom and Prosperity. Mr. Garst was one of over 50 professionals and students who traveled to Arlington, VA for this training.Among the featured faculty were seasoned and experienced LI staffers, as well as company leaders, business owners, and political operatives. As Mr. Ronald J. Hamilton of Pennsylvania put it, "I enjoyed hearing from people who are out in the field, actually doing the work they are presenting."The curriculum consisted of several techniques that, when adequately applied, will guarantee a fundraising hey-day for any campaign or organization. Todd Meredith, Owner of Morgan, Meredith, & Associates, addressed the issues of direct mail, cash flow projections and donor programs. Through real life examples and illustrations, Mr. Meredith guided the attendees carefully through the intricate process of properly implementing these efforts.Other faculty members also included Rick Hendrix, co-founder of ClearWord Communications, Carter DeWitt, vice president of Development at the Tax Foundation, and Ann Fitzgerald, president of A.C. Fitzgerald and Associates.Ms. Fitzgerald used her extensive experience in the conservative movement as a marketing strategist and fundraiser guru to teach the participants the importance of organizing and engaging every element of your organization.Praising the school, Ken Vaughn, a Congressional candidate from Lynchburg, VA, said, "most of this stuff isn't rocket science, it's common sense; but it's stuff we don't think about, and tend to forget. It's invaluable."At the end of the two-day school, the participants were prepared to reevaluate their organization and campaigns fundraising efforts. Some even followed Charlottesville, VA resident Elizabeth Blake's example: "I've signed up for 12 more trainings this upcoming year," she said, as the school came to a close.For more LI training opportunities, including more fundraising training, please click here.The Leadership Institute is an educational foundation whose mission is to increase the number and effectiveness of conservative activists and leaders in the public policy process. LI trains and places conservatives in government, politics, and the media by teaching them how to succeed in the public policy process. To do that, LI offers 40 types of training programs, works with more than 1,465 conservative campus groups, and helps employers connect with conservative jobseekers. Since the Institute's 1979 founding, more than 91,576 students have been trained. Alumni include U.S. Senators, Members of Congress, city council members, local mayors, state legislators, and conservative activists and officeholders at every level. For more information, please visit:>
Success at CPAC 2011
Lauren Hart
February 16, 2011
Success at CPAC 2011
The Leadership Institute took training to Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) Thursday, Friday and Saturday last week, where hundreds of conservatives were trained in public speaking, campus activism, fundraising, the history of the conservative movement, government accountability, and job-hunting secrets.Hundreds of students, activists, and elected officials visited with LI and its Campus Leadership Program. At the LI booth, Andrea McCarthy, Director of Employment Placement Services, was on-hand to offer free resume consultations. Cody Holt, a sophomore at Patrick Henry College, first attended LI training when he was a college freshman. He took the broadcast journalism school at the Institute offices in Arlington, and even received LI's the Balance in Media Fellowship, a scholarship for those studying journalism. With the fellowship, Cody interned last summer at a radio broadcast school in Los Angeles. "I use a lot of what I learned at the Broadcast Journalism school in my internship," he explained, adding that his goal is to be a show host. "I want to be the next Rush Limbaugh."Chuck Norton said after his CPAC training, “I can't wait to attend more," Chuck Norton, another CPAC attendee, said after he attended LI's training at the conference. "I have a degree in communications and the public speaking workshop was very solid, especially considering it was an abbreviated course...Your people were of the highest caliber. Intelligent, charming, and gracious are just a few of the words that come to mind. There is no doubt that LI has peerless passion for their mission. LI was the highlight of my CPAC experience."LI offered a Job Fair and seven trainings at CPAC:Secrets to Landing a Conservative JobBringing the Conservative View to CampusYour Guy Won. So What? Holding Conservatives' Feet to the Fire.History of the Conservative Movement: 1945 - PresentPublic Speaking Workshop (two)It was an exciting week with many great, high-profile speakers, training sessions, and future leaders. Miss LI training at CPAC? Review the full list of upcoming training online.>
Conservatism 101 in the Boston Globe
Lauren Hart
February 14, 2011
Conservatism 101 in the Boston Globe
Yesterday the Boston Globe covered Conservatism 101, a new project of the Leadership Institute with the Intercollegiate Studies Institute.Conservatism 101 helps students, faculty, and administrators bring courses on conservatism to their colleges. The latest victory: Brown University, described by the Boston Globe as a "traditional liberal stronghold."The Leadership Institute congratulates Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island on the approval and launch of a for-credit course on conservatism. The class, Modern Conservatism in America and its Critics, will be offered for the spring 2011 semester.Conservatism 101 worked with students at Brown University to develop a comprehensive class syllabus that fits the rigorous academic requirements of this prestigious university.LI President Morton Blackwell said, “Thousands of courses on college campuses across America teach Marxism sympathetically or promote leftist policy agendas. Rarely do students hear even remotely fair presentations of conservative principles. I hope that other universities will follow Brown's example. Too often conservative thought is not acknowledged in the classroom.”Conservatism 101 has now helped to initiate courses on conservatism at Brown University, the University of Virginia, and American University. The addition of these classes provides students at these universities a philosophically well-rounded education.Conservatism 101 is a joint project of the Leadership Institute, the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, and Wes Siler, founder of the Modern Conservatism class at the University of Virginia. For more information, please go to>
Join LI Again Today At CPAC
Lauren Hart
February 10, 2011
Join LI Again Today At CPAC
February 11, 2011, Arlington, VA—Yesterday was a fun-filled day for all LI staff at CPAC. Not only was there incredible demand for LI trainings, but the hotel itself was at full capacity with a record number of attendees and conservative public figures.Congresswoman Michelle Bachman spoke about the political direction the country is headed toward. Congressman Paul Ryan spoke on the financial hurdles we must overcome to lead exceptionally and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich addressed the issues that are facing the nation.Several panels discussed topics ranging from political correctness to moral issues to the legacy ofPresident Ronald Reagan. Today—Friday—LI is offering the following trainings: 10:00 a.m. – Public Speaking WorkshopKnow how to prepare and deliver persuasive speeches and avoid common mistakes to communicate effectively before an audience. 12:30 p.m. – How to Raise Money…the Easy WayAs our founder Morton Blackwell says, "You can't save the world if you can't pay the rent." Take an in-depth look at how you can improve your organization's fundraising efforts. We will teach how to use personal solicitation, online fundraising, and event fundraising to support your cause or candidate.3:00 p.m. – History of the Conservative Movement: 1945- PresentLearn the intellectual and political history of the modern conservative movement. What are conservatives trying to “conserve”? How did classical liberals, traditionalists, and anti-communists “fuse” together? Who were the philosophers, popularizers, philanthropists, and politicians who brought about the most consequential movement in American politics?All trainings are in Wilson AB at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, D.C.To pre-register for LI training's at CPAC, please click here. >
Mix and Mingle with LI at CPAC
Lauren Hart
February 9, 2011
Mix and Mingle with LI at CPAC
February 9, 2011, Arlington, VA—Starting tomorrow all Leadership Institute staff will be at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), being held at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, D.C.Since 1973 conservatives have gathered from across the country to the nation's Capitol. Organizations, student clubs, and politicians make the pilgrimage to the conservative event of the year.Among this year's featured speakers are former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, former Speaker Newt Gingrich, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, columnist Ann Coulter, former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and a multitude of others.During the three-day event, LI is bringing its trainings to the Marriott. Thursday LI will feature three LI trainings.1. 10:00 a.m. – Secrets to Landing a Conservative JobThis two-hour workshop is for conservatives looking to work on Capitol Hill. Learn various options in the conservative movement, resume and interview skills, negotiating salaries, and networking your way to success!2. 12:30 p.m. – Bringing the Conservative View to CampusThis experienced panel will teach participants how to introduce a modern conservative class into their university curriculum as well as how to organize conservative student groups.3. 3:00 p.m. – Your Guy Won. So What? Holding Conservatives' Feet to the Fire.Do you want to make a difference in your community and hold your law makers feet to the fire? If so, then this is the program for you. Become more effective by learning ways to educate and engage your friends, family, and neighbors. You will learn ways to organize and impact your community by holding legislators accountable.All trainings are in Wilson AB at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, D.C.To pre-register for LI trainings at CPAC, please click here.See you there!The Leadership Institute is an educational foundation whose mission is to increase the number and effectiveness of conservative activists and leaders in the public policy process. LI trains and places conservatives in government, politics, and the media by teaching them how to succeed in the public policy process. To do that, LI offers 40 types of training programs, works with more than 1,465 conservative campus groups, and helps employers connect with conservative jobseekers. Since the Institute's 1979 founding, more than 91,576 students have been trained. Alumni include U.S. Senators, Members of Congress, city council members, local mayors, state legislators, and conservative activists and officeholders at every level. For more information, please visit:>
From Small Business Owner to City Councilman
Lauren Hart
February 8, 2011
From Small Business Owner to City Councilman
John Rosenfeld is like many of us: a small business owner, a family man, and a liberty-loving American. But John is also a member of his City Council -- a position he sought out of concern for his country. "Like many people, I just recently got involved in the political process during the run-up to the 2008 election," John said. Although he had no political experience, he ran for a seat on the City Council in Minturn, Colorado, a small town west of Vail. John's motivation for getting involved was simple: "I am very concerned about the direction of our country," he explained. John's campaign strategy was to talk to as many Minturn residents as he could -- and put a few signs around the town. "I wish I could have taken your class long ago," he said to Chris Doss, LI's Grassroots Training Coordinator, after an Institute training just a few weeks ago, "as I would not have made the mistakes I did." In the April 2010 election, John lost by just one vote. "The ballot stated that people needed to vote for three of the five candidates," he said. "Ironically, during the vote, my wife and I both voted for the same three [candidates]. I lost by one vote -- to the person that we voted for, effectively giving that person the victory!" But in October 2010, John's luck changed. An incumbent City Council member resigned because he'd decided to move his family to Ecuador. John was appointed his seat as the "next highest vote-getter" in the election, and started his City Council term on October 6, 2010. "It's going well so far," John said of his time as a City Council member. "We are dealing with many important issues" like "property taxes and staff salaries." In January, John decided to supplement his hands-on political experience with training from the Leadership Institute. On January 28 and 29, John attended LI's Campaign School in Lakewood, Colorado -- a 99-mile drive from Minturn. Was it worth it? It seems so. "With this class, conservatives will gain the skills needed to take this country back," John said. He added a personal note for other conservatives: "I am just one example of the transformation we are experiencing in this country back toward freedom and liberty. You are playing a very important role in that transformation." To learn the tools and techniques to become a leader in your community, attend a Leadership Institute training. Review LI's 2011 training schedule online. If you'd like to bring training to your hometown, contact LI's Grassroots Department, which brings Leadership Institute training to conservatives around the country.
President Reagan says: “LI is Paving the Way for a New Generation of Conservative Leadership”
Lauren Hart
February 7, 2011
President Reagan says: “LI is Paving the Way for a New Generation of Conservative Leadership”
February 7, 2011, Arlington, VA—Yesterday marked 100 years since the birth of the 40th U.S. president. Honoring Ronald Reagan's vision of a new generation of conservative leaders, the Leadership Institute brought its Youth Leadership School to 27 college and high school students in Wilmington, North Carolina this past weekend, where students represented three states and two countries. The Gipper himself praised the Leadership Institute by asserting that "LI is paving the way for a new generation of conservative leadership."“We need you, we need your youth, your strength, and your idealism, to help us make right what is wrong,” President Reagan proclaimed decades ago, yet the message is still as relevant as ever.During the intensive boot-camp, Reagan's call was answered. The students learned hardcore strategies ranging from organizing and leading a mass-based youth effort to building a successful student organization to a launching a successful career in politics.Indeed Reagan and his team knew how to mobilize people en masse, in particular the younger generation. In his farewell address the President stated, “A final word to the men and women of the Reagan Revolution, the men and women across America who for 8 years did the work that brought America back. My friends: We did it. We weren't just marking time. We made a difference. We made the city stronger; we made the city freer; and we left her in good hands.”The Great Communicator's vision of a shining city on a hill, standing strong, prosperous and robust, is the consequence of leadership by faithful conservatives working strong, working diligently for their Country.Reagan's achievements are historical markers, influencing policy and politics long beyond his presidency. He stood sternly against tyranny; he fought bravely for liberty, democracy and free markets. His efforts to bring down the Soviet Union were rewarded when he changed the course of history, and the Soviet Empire finally collapsed a few years following his presidency. Nevertheless, his greatest achievement was giving a struggling nation hope; proclaiming for all to hear “it is morning in America.”The Leadership Institute is training at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) this week. One of the trainings is called the History of the Conservative Movement: 1945-Present. This course will teach the intellectual and political history of the modern conservative movement. What are conservatives trying to "conserve"? How did classical liberals, traditionalists, and anti-communists "fuse" together? Who were the philosophers, popularizers, philanthropists, and politicians who brought about the most consequential movement in American politics? To register, please click here.For information on upcoming LI trainings, please click here.The Leadership Institute is an educational foundation whose mission is to increase the number and effectiveness of conservative activists and leaders in the public policy process. LI trains and places conservatives in government, politics, and the media by teaching them how to succeed in the public policy process. To do that, LI offers 40 types of training programs, works with more than 1,465 conservative campus groups, and helps employers connect with conservative jobseekers. Since the Institute's 1979 founding, more than 91,576 students have been trained. Alumni include U.S. Senators, Members of Congress, city council members, local mayors, state legislators, and conservative activists and officeholders at every level. For more information, please visit: >
Professionals and Students Prepare for Capitol Hill jobs with LI Training
Lauren Hart
February 4, 2011
Professionals and Students Prepare for Capitol Hill jobs with LI Training
February 4, 2011, Arlington, VA—Gathering from across the country, professionals and students prepared for the Leadership Institute's two-day boot camp on landing a D.C. job. A student from the Capitol Hill Staff Training School, who is currently an office manager at the United Services Organization said this school is “the best training program in the country hands down.” LI provided students with the information they needed to “hit the ground running” as recent college graduate Benjamin Green put it. “I have a book full of notes that I will apply to my job search, in addition to the valuable skills I have learned here,” Green added. LI provided students with the information they needed to “hit the ground running” as recent college graduate Benjamin Green put it. “I have a book full of notes that I will apply to my job search, in addition to the valuable skills I have learned here,” Green added. Professionals with seasoned private sector experience, college students, and recent college graduates gathered with a similar aim: to land a D.C. job, particularly on Capitol Hill. Jennifer Lundy, a student, said that she plans to use the information to find a Capitol Hill job as a staff assistant or as a legislative correspondent. “It was a great experience! I learned a lot of great job strategies that can be used at any point in my career. I networked with a lot of amazing people, and I would definitely recommend attending any LI school,” Ms. Lundy said. Among the featured speakers was National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) Political Director Mike Shields. “Capitol Hill is one of the most pompous places in the world,” Mr. Shields said. “To get anywhere, you need to network but also always work incredibly hard.” Other faculty included: Heritage Foundation Director of the Young Leaders Program Heather Sexton and Executive Director at the Senate GOP Steering Committee Ed Corrigan. LI student Ron Hamilton from Pennsylvania said, “I brought my son here so he could learn the proper application of conservative ideas. He is going to college this fall, but hopefully this training will aid him in getting a job in the future.” AEI Intern Greg Brooks said, “Every training I have taken here leaves me excited to get more involved in the conservative movement because I am more confident with the tools I have acquired.” Mr. Brooks is working in AEI's political department working on public opinion data. LI Political Coordinator Amanda Bowman assembled a team of preeminent speakers for the intensive school, discussing topics ranging from networking strategies, interviewing skills, and the inner workings of Capitol Hill and surrounding D.C. establishments. The Capitol Hill Staff Training School prepares students for a bright future in D.C. For information on upcoming trainings like the Capitol Hill Staff Training School, please click here. The Leadership Institute is an educational foundation whose mission is to increase the number and effectiveness of conservative activists and leaders in the public policy process. LI trains and places conservatives in government, politics, and the media by teaching them how to succeed in the public policy process. To do that, LI offers 40 types of training programs, works with more than 1,465 conservative campus groups, and helps employers connect with conservative jobseekers. Since the Institute's 1979 founding, more than 91,574 students have been trained. Alumni include U.S. Senators, Members of Congress, city council members, local mayors, state legislators, and conservative activists and officeholders at every level. For more information, please visit: -30- 
Forty-Seven South Americans, Many Leaders in Their Country, Train at LI
Lauren Hart
February 3, 2011
Forty-Seven South Americans, Many Leaders in Their Country, Train at LI
February 3, 2011, Arlington, VA--Traveling from South America, 47 students gathered at the Leadership Institute for a week-long international leadership training seminar. Read more for student and faculty testimonies.LI training had “top of the line speakers, high quality content, carefully planned topics and profound insights,” said LI student and Conservative Party of Nicaragua Electoral Commission Secretary Ing. Raul Baca. The training “left me with the gifts of clarity and renewed purpose. Now I have a very powerful set of assets to take back to my county and share with my peers,” Mr. Baca said.The students gathered with the common goal of being better prepared to lead in their communities back home. They experienced a week full of learning taught by prestigious LI faculty seasoned in the political industry.Among the featured speakers was Stephen Clouse, president of Stephen Clouse and Associates. Mr. Clouse shared his knowledge of how to be a great communicator with the students in his presentation.“What a great group you bring us to serve,” Mr. Clouse said. “I was very impressed by the caliber and thoughtful questions. Thank you (LI) for all you do to advance liberty around the world!”Other faculty included: Larry Ward, president of the new media consulting firm Political Media; Professor Philip Bom of Regent University who discussed Constitutional democracy and leadership; former Ambassador Terry Miller; Don Irvine, chairman of Accuracy in Media; and Michelle Taylor, vice president of A.C. Fitzgerald & Associates, LLC. The students also had a visit from former President of Ecuador Dr. Lucio Gutierrez.“The wonderful experience lived at the Leadership Institute will positively affect the rest of my life in my constant democratic battle to achieve better days for the Ecuadorian people,” said Dr. Gutierrez. LI Director of International and Government Programs Miguel Moreno assembled the challenging, rewarding program that equipped students with the tools to be effective leaders. Through interactive lectures as diverse as new media and technological networking, to television training assuring a polished, well-spoken presentation when confronted by the media, students had an edge for future political victories. For information on upcoming trainings, please click here.>
Today’s LI Breakfast Welcomed Mr. Todd Herman
Lauren Hart
February 2, 2011
Today’s LI Breakfast Welcomed Mr. Todd Herman
February 2, 2011, Arlington, VA-- Today as the sun rose above the chilly Potomac, conservatives from both inside and outside the Beltway gathered for the Leadership Institute's monthly breakfast.New media wizard Todd Herman was the featured guest speaker and drew a crowd of hungry, like-minded conservatives.Along with plates of eggs, bacon, sausages, and the ever popular grits, the guests waited in anticipation as LI President Morton Blackwell took to the podium introducing LI to guests.After the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance, led by Grassroots Activist Schools Coordinator Chris Doss, Regional Field Coordinator Amanda Prevette shared with the audience the exciting new LI project entitled ‘Conservatism 101'.The project, Ms. Prevette explained, is rooted in the imbalanced philosophical class offerings at universities across the country. Conservatism 101 is a for-credit course students can take to explore the different areas of conservatism: traditional conservatism, libertarianism, social conservatism and neo-conservatism. It focuses on schools where students have the opportunity to propose a class. Ms. Prevette shared the news that Brown University is starting up a Conservatism 101 course this week.Following Ms. Prevette, External Affairs Officer Lauren Hart introduced Mr. Herman, with his own words, as a “constitutional-loving media brat.” The audience erupted into laughter and applause as Mr. Herman took center stage. The digital media wizard spoke on ‘The President's New Clothes,' stating that old media is over and new media is growing at an increasing speed. “We have a moral obligation to protect an internet unencumbered by government,” Herman stated in reference to Net Neutrality laws and ‘Kill Switch' proposals.Net Neutrality he argued, “is based on the assumption that there is lack of content online. The FCC, who consequently works for the President, is going to step in and help us. I know we all have had problems with finding enough content online.”The former Microsoft executive further discussed the difference between conservatives and progressives in relation to new media, “the perfectly progressive movement has become the Democratic Party in Congress, their DNA is control-driven.”Mr. Herman continued by stating that “in a center-right nation, center-right people, will find a way to talk to each other around the old media.” The message was clear; the new media is the battleground for not only new ideas, but also for news and editorializing. The fact that it can't be controlled drives certain people crazy. “Skepticism is Obama's kryptonite. He shrinks when confronted in the sense of a ‘Honey, I shrunk the Presidency' kind of way.”Nearing the end, Todd Herman had a final call to action. “We have a moral obligation to sustain ultimate free speech, and the internet is just that.”Andrew Sharp of Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) said, “I agree with his views on net neutrality. We have a moral and civic duty to allow the internet to be free from government.” He added, “I do think that the Republican Party can be the party of free speech and new media, not more government.”Not every guest had as great a knowledge of new media as Mr. Sharp, yet many came to discover the realms of a new age. “I came here today because I am part of the generation that lived mostly without new media. There is no doubt the increasing effects it has on local and global communication in today's world,” said Ms. Roseanna Vogt. “It truly is the new frontier.”To attend future LI monthly breakfasts, please visit here.The Leadership Institute is an educational foundation whose mission is to increase the number and effectiveness of conservative activists and leaders in the public policy process. To accomplish this, LI identifies, recruits, trains, and places conservatives in government, politics, and the media. Since the Institute's 1979 founding, more than 91,500 people have been trained (with half of those being in the last six years) in one or more of the 40 current programs offered in all 50 states and across the globe. For more information, please visit:
90 Conservative Activists Come to LI Training in Colorado
Lauren Hart
February 1, 2011
90 Conservative Activists Come to LI Training in Colorado
February 1, 2010, Arlington, VA--Last weekend, the Leadership Institute's Grassroots Department staff was on the road again. Chris Doss, LI's Grassroots Training Coordinator, went to Lakewood, Colorado to offer campaign training to 90 conservative activists.The students themselves can explain how it went.LI's Colorado training had “the best and most knowledgeable instructors pertaining to the political process,” explained Richard Robbins from Parker, Colorado. “I gained a tremendous amount of knowledge and would highly recommend this class to anyone just starting out in politics.”Chris -- who's taught more than 100 seminars here and abroad for LI -- joined with expert, volunteer Institute faculty to offer training sessions on Friday night and all day Saturday. Students learned about vote goals, voter ID, and voter targeting; developing a strong campaign message; fundraising; building coalitions; and much more.Mike Henley, a student from Denver, Colorado, explained, “This is a worthwhile program that provides useful information that can help those concerned about the future of America move into constructive action.” Bill Leek, from Arvada, Colorado, said the course “taught me to think about campaigns in a way I never had before.”Chris explained that his standard for success was simple: “For me, the most genuine litmus test is when students say—‘how soon will you come back?' and they all asked when LI would be back to Lakewood.”LI's Grassroots Department can bring Leadership Institute training to your hometown too. See if your state is already on LI's 2011 training calendar. If it's not, contact Robert Arnakis, LI's Grassroots Director, to learn how to bring LI to you.>
Preparing for the job hunt: Build up your resources before you need them
January 28, 2011
Preparing for the job hunt: Build up your resources before you need them
Attention college students! What is being discussed in this entry may seem like common sense, but you would be surprised how many students (yours truly included) have that what now moment after the uproar of graduation celebrations starts winding down. Countless numbers of college graduates have been through the same feeling of panic and displacement once the college chapter is closed. Many opt to reopen it by attending grad school and furthering their education. This definitely has its perks, but for those who want a break from the books, this is an extremely exciting, yet terrifying time. This feeling is perfectly normal, because up to graduation, life is mapped out in a relatively straightforward manner. Get sufficient grades in high school, apply for college, attend college, get degree... Once that degree is achieved the checklist becomes a little less clear. Once the comfort of the institution of academia is gone, it sometimes feels like it is you against the world. If you're anything like me, that feeling of contacting someone with only the intention of asking for a job feels forced and unnatural. The key to eliminating this discomfort is to start growing and nurturing relationships with people while you're still in school, thus building your resources before you need them. Here are a few tips that have helped me in the past:• Get active. I cannot begin to tell you how many people from different walks of life I met in unprofessional group settings. In 2009 I signed up for Team in Training for the San Diego Rock and Roll Marathon. Superficially, I wanted to get in shape, but I inadvertently ended making friends with the most fascinating and well-connected people. Marathon enthusiasts are extremely motivated individuals physically, and that usually carries over to their professional lives as well. It was a great way to connect with fellow professionals without going to a forced networking event. Marathon training is an example I personally use, but look out for other groups such as softball, kickball, bowling, and other recreational activities.• Expand your interactions outside your major. While interacting with your fellow classmates is positive because you can share common interests, give moral support, and form great study groups, your interaction should not be so narrowly focused. Think about it, while they may be great resources 5-10 years down the road, in the short term, sadly, you will all be applying for the same job market, so there is only so much support they can provide. Example: my roommate throughout college was a pre-med/biology major. We used to joke that we had nothing in common, I used to write all her papers, and she would tutor me for my chemistry exams. But, our last year of school, she was a physician's assistant for a doctor at a local hospital who was very close with the public relations director for the hospital. That worked out really well for me as a PR major. You never know who will come into your life, so make sure to interact in professional settings beyond your own career focus.• Volunteer, volunteer, volunteer. One regret that I have about my college experience is my lack of imagination of how to spend my free time. I won't get into it, but I wish I had balanced my cliché college activities with some volunteer work. This enriches your life for multiple reasons. Aside from the greatness of the selflessness of volunteering, it exposes you to the working world. Employers will appreciate these things on your resume because it shows that you had the personal motivation and imagination to do something outside the academic grind. The people that you meet will remember you and will not hesitate to assist you once graduation arrives. Get involved in any local campaign you can, even if you aren't sure that you want to get involved in politics. People involved in local campaigns have vast networks through the local professional community.• Find a mentor. Find someone that you admire professionally and contact them to try to set up an informational interview. Never view this as an imposition. Most people will find this incredibly flattering. Look at it this way; if you grew into their position from this point and someone approached you with questions wouldn't you feel the urge to assist them? Everyone started somewhere and knows what it feels like to be new to the game. Mentors are a great bridge connecting you the professional world.• Get local. Everyone teased me, but when I moved to my first place off campus, I joined the town council. I was by far the youngest member by at least 20 years, but I loved it. There wasn't any pressure, I would just go to the meetings and observe, but once again it exposed me to many different people in the local community. If you are interested in getting a job in a certain geographical area, joining the town/city council exposes you to some local enthusiasts. Members appreciate people that take interest in their area so they will be the first to want to help keep you local by assisting in the job hunt.These are a few things that I truly wish I had taken even more advantage of during school. Creating and nurturing resources throughout college is the smartest thing you can do for your future job-hunting self. By creating these resources before you need them, you are saving yourself months of anxiety around graduation time. Not only are you creating resources, you are making friends, getting in shape, and being an individual of high moral obligation. You win no matter what, so get out there and get started! >
LI’s Campus Reform Interviews March for Life Attendees
Lauren Hart
January 28, 2011
LI’s Campus Reform Interviews March for Life Attendees
January 28, 2011, Arlington, VA—Staff from the Leadership Institute's Campus Reform went out to the March for Life in DC Monday to talk with attendees, many of them college students, about why they came so far to walk for a cause in weather so cold . Click more to watch the full video.On Monday, Jan. 24 people all across our nation gathered in Washington, D.C. to march for those with no voice. Attendees, many of them students, came to America's capitol to send a pro-life message to legislators that life begins at conception and ends in natural death.The rally commenced at noon on the National Mall where more than 20 Members of Congress spoke and affirmed their shared view of life with hundreds of thousands of pro-life activists. After the rally, around 2 p.m., the activists marched up toward the Supreme Court where the landmark case Roe v. Wade set the precedent for legalized abortions.To watch the full video of attendees from the 38th annual March for Life, please click here.The Leadership Institute is an educational foundation whose mission is to increase the number and effectiveness of conservative activists and leaders in the public policy process. To accomplish this, LI identifies, recruits, trains, and places conservatives in government, politics, and the media. Since the Institute's 1979 founding, more than 91,500 people have been trained (with half of those being in the last six years) in one or more of the 40 current programs offered in all 50 states and across the globe. For more information, please visit:>
January 27, 2011
"Free Lunch" Discussion Postponed
Due to inclement weather, the Leadership Institute has postponed the "Free Lunch" Panel Series scheduled for today at noon. An announcement will be made as soon as a new date has been confirmed with the panelist speakers. If you have any questions, please contact Tyler Foote by email or phone at (703) 247-2000. Thank you for your support of LI. We hope to see you at the rescheduled luncheon.
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