Success at CPAC 2011
Lauren Hart
February 16, 2011
Success at CPAC 2011
The Leadership Institute took training to Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) Thursday, Friday and Saturday last week, where hundreds of conservatives were trained in public speaking, campus activism, fundraising, the history of the conservative movement, government accountability, and job-hunting secrets.Hundreds of students, activists, and elected officials visited with LI and its Campus Leadership Program. At the LI booth, Andrea McCarthy, Director of Employment Placement Services, was on-hand to offer free resume consultations. Cody Holt, a sophomore at Patrick Henry College, first attended LI training when he was a college freshman. He took the broadcast journalism school at the Institute offices in Arlington, and even received LI's the Balance in Media Fellowship, a scholarship for those studying journalism. With the fellowship, Cody interned last summer at a radio broadcast school in Los Angeles. "I use a lot of what I learned at the Broadcast Journalism school in my internship," he explained, adding that his goal is to be a show host. "I want to be the next Rush Limbaugh."Chuck Norton said after his CPAC training, “I can't wait to attend more," Chuck Norton, another CPAC attendee, said after he attended LI's training at the conference. "I have a degree in communications and the public speaking workshop was very solid, especially considering it was an abbreviated course...Your people were of the highest caliber. Intelligent, charming, and gracious are just a few of the words that come to mind. There is no doubt that LI has peerless passion for their mission. LI was the highlight of my CPAC experience."LI offered a Job Fair and seven trainings at CPAC:Secrets to Landing a Conservative JobBringing the Conservative View to CampusYour Guy Won. So What? Holding Conservatives' Feet to the Fire.History of the Conservative Movement: 1945 - PresentPublic Speaking Workshop (two)It was an exciting week with many great, high-profile speakers, training sessions, and future leaders. Miss LI training at CPAC? Review the full list of upcoming training online.>
Join LI Again Today At CPAC
Lauren Hart
February 10, 2011
Join LI Again Today At CPAC
February 11, 2011, Arlington, VA—Yesterday was a fun-filled day for all LI staff at CPAC. Not only was there incredible demand for LI trainings, but the hotel itself was at full capacity with a record number of attendees and conservative public figures.Congresswoman Michelle Bachman spoke about the political direction the country is headed toward. Congressman Paul Ryan spoke on the financial hurdles we must overcome to lead exceptionally and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich addressed the issues that are facing the nation.Several panels discussed topics ranging from political correctness to moral issues to the legacy ofPresident Ronald Reagan. Today—Friday—LI is offering the following trainings: 10:00 a.m. – Public Speaking WorkshopKnow how to prepare and deliver persuasive speeches and avoid common mistakes to communicate effectively before an audience. 12:30 p.m. – How to Raise Money…the Easy WayAs our founder Morton Blackwell says, "You can't save the world if you can't pay the rent." Take an in-depth look at how you can improve your organization's fundraising efforts. We will teach how to use personal solicitation, online fundraising, and event fundraising to support your cause or candidate.3:00 p.m. – History of the Conservative Movement: 1945- PresentLearn the intellectual and political history of the modern conservative movement. What are conservatives trying to “conserve”? How did classical liberals, traditionalists, and anti-communists “fuse” together? Who were the philosophers, popularizers, philanthropists, and politicians who brought about the most consequential movement in American politics?All trainings are in Wilson AB at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, D.C.To pre-register for LI training's at CPAC, please click here. >
Forty-Seven South Americans, Many Leaders in Their Country, Train at LI
Lauren Hart
February 3, 2011
Forty-Seven South Americans, Many Leaders in Their Country, Train at LI
February 3, 2011, Arlington, VA--Traveling from South America, 47 students gathered at the Leadership Institute for a week-long international leadership training seminar. Read more for student and faculty testimonies.LI training had “top of the line speakers, high quality content, carefully planned topics and profound insights,” said LI student and Conservative Party of Nicaragua Electoral Commission Secretary Ing. Raul Baca. The training “left me with the gifts of clarity and renewed purpose. Now I have a very powerful set of assets to take back to my county and share with my peers,” Mr. Baca said.The students gathered with the common goal of being better prepared to lead in their communities back home. They experienced a week full of learning taught by prestigious LI faculty seasoned in the political industry.Among the featured speakers was Stephen Clouse, president of Stephen Clouse and Associates. Mr. Clouse shared his knowledge of how to be a great communicator with the students in his presentation.“What a great group you bring us to serve,” Mr. Clouse said. “I was very impressed by the caliber and thoughtful questions. Thank you (LI) for all you do to advance liberty around the world!”Other faculty included: Larry Ward, president of the new media consulting firm Political Media; Professor Philip Bom of Regent University who discussed Constitutional democracy and leadership; former Ambassador Terry Miller; Don Irvine, chairman of Accuracy in Media; and Michelle Taylor, vice president of A.C. Fitzgerald & Associates, LLC. The students also had a visit from former President of Ecuador Dr. Lucio Gutierrez.“The wonderful experience lived at the Leadership Institute will positively affect the rest of my life in my constant democratic battle to achieve better days for the Ecuadorian people,” said Dr. Gutierrez. LI Director of International and Government Programs Miguel Moreno assembled the challenging, rewarding program that equipped students with the tools to be effective leaders. Through interactive lectures as diverse as new media and technological networking, to television training assuring a polished, well-spoken presentation when confronted by the media, students had an edge for future political victories. For information on upcoming trainings, please click here.>
90 Conservative Activists Come to LI Training in Colorado
Lauren Hart
February 1, 2011
90 Conservative Activists Come to LI Training in Colorado
February 1, 2010, Arlington, VA--Last weekend, the Leadership Institute's Grassroots Department staff was on the road again. Chris Doss, LI's Grassroots Training Coordinator, went to Lakewood, Colorado to offer campaign training to 90 conservative activists.The students themselves can explain how it went.LI's Colorado training had “the best and most knowledgeable instructors pertaining to the political process,” explained Richard Robbins from Parker, Colorado. “I gained a tremendous amount of knowledge and would highly recommend this class to anyone just starting out in politics.”Chris -- who's taught more than 100 seminars here and abroad for LI -- joined with expert, volunteer Institute faculty to offer training sessions on Friday night and all day Saturday. Students learned about vote goals, voter ID, and voter targeting; developing a strong campaign message; fundraising; building coalitions; and much more.Mike Henley, a student from Denver, Colorado, explained, “This is a worthwhile program that provides useful information that can help those concerned about the future of America move into constructive action.” Bill Leek, from Arvada, Colorado, said the course “taught me to think about campaigns in a way I never had before.”Chris explained that his standard for success was simple: “For me, the most genuine litmus test is when students say—‘how soon will you come back?' and they all asked when LI would be back to Lakewood.”LI's Grassroots Department can bring Leadership Institute training to your hometown too. See if your state is already on LI's 2011 training calendar. If it's not, contact Robert Arnakis, LI's Grassroots Director, to learn how to bring LI to you.>
Preparing for the job hunt: Build up your resources before you need them
January 28, 2011
Preparing for the job hunt: Build up your resources before you need them
Attention college students! What is being discussed in this entry may seem like common sense, but you would be surprised how many students (yours truly included) have that what now moment after the uproar of graduation celebrations starts winding down. Countless numbers of college graduates have been through the same feeling of panic and displacement once the college chapter is closed. Many opt to reopen it by attending grad school and furthering their education. This definitely has its perks, but for those who want a break from the books, this is an extremely exciting, yet terrifying time. This feeling is perfectly normal, because up to graduation, life is mapped out in a relatively straightforward manner. Get sufficient grades in high school, apply for college, attend college, get degree... Once that degree is achieved the checklist becomes a little less clear. Once the comfort of the institution of academia is gone, it sometimes feels like it is you against the world. If you're anything like me, that feeling of contacting someone with only the intention of asking for a job feels forced and unnatural. The key to eliminating this discomfort is to start growing and nurturing relationships with people while you're still in school, thus building your resources before you need them. Here are a few tips that have helped me in the past:• Get active. I cannot begin to tell you how many people from different walks of life I met in unprofessional group settings. In 2009 I signed up for Team in Training for the San Diego Rock and Roll Marathon. Superficially, I wanted to get in shape, but I inadvertently ended making friends with the most fascinating and well-connected people. Marathon enthusiasts are extremely motivated individuals physically, and that usually carries over to their professional lives as well. It was a great way to connect with fellow professionals without going to a forced networking event. Marathon training is an example I personally use, but look out for other groups such as softball, kickball, bowling, and other recreational activities.• Expand your interactions outside your major. While interacting with your fellow classmates is positive because you can share common interests, give moral support, and form great study groups, your interaction should not be so narrowly focused. Think about it, while they may be great resources 5-10 years down the road, in the short term, sadly, you will all be applying for the same job market, so there is only so much support they can provide. Example: my roommate throughout college was a pre-med/biology major. We used to joke that we had nothing in common, I used to write all her papers, and she would tutor me for my chemistry exams. But, our last year of school, she was a physician's assistant for a doctor at a local hospital who was very close with the public relations director for the hospital. That worked out really well for me as a PR major. You never know who will come into your life, so make sure to interact in professional settings beyond your own career focus.• Volunteer, volunteer, volunteer. One regret that I have about my college experience is my lack of imagination of how to spend my free time. I won't get into it, but I wish I had balanced my cliché college activities with some volunteer work. This enriches your life for multiple reasons. Aside from the greatness of the selflessness of volunteering, it exposes you to the working world. Employers will appreciate these things on your resume because it shows that you had the personal motivation and imagination to do something outside the academic grind. The people that you meet will remember you and will not hesitate to assist you once graduation arrives. Get involved in any local campaign you can, even if you aren't sure that you want to get involved in politics. People involved in local campaigns have vast networks through the local professional community.• Find a mentor. Find someone that you admire professionally and contact them to try to set up an informational interview. Never view this as an imposition. Most people will find this incredibly flattering. Look at it this way; if you grew into their position from this point and someone approached you with questions wouldn't you feel the urge to assist them? Everyone started somewhere and knows what it feels like to be new to the game. Mentors are a great bridge connecting you the professional world.• Get local. Everyone teased me, but when I moved to my first place off campus, I joined the town council. I was by far the youngest member by at least 20 years, but I loved it. There wasn't any pressure, I would just go to the meetings and observe, but once again it exposed me to many different people in the local community. If you are interested in getting a job in a certain geographical area, joining the town/city council exposes you to some local enthusiasts. Members appreciate people that take interest in their area so they will be the first to want to help keep you local by assisting in the job hunt.These are a few things that I truly wish I had taken even more advantage of during school. Creating and nurturing resources throughout college is the smartest thing you can do for your future job-hunting self. By creating these resources before you need them, you are saving yourself months of anxiety around graduation time. Not only are you creating resources, you are making friends, getting in shape, and being an individual of high moral obligation. You win no matter what, so get out there and get started! >
In 2010, LI trained 9,500 students and seven new members of the 112th Congress
Lauren Hart
January 14, 2011
In 2010, LI trained 9,500 students and seven new members of the 112th Congress
January 13, 2011, Arlington, VA—The Leadership Institute, through generous donors, was able to train more than 9,500 students in 2010, with seven being in the freshman class of the 112th Congress. Read on for LI President Morton Blackwell's thoughts on this past year.LI President Morton Blackwell said, “Last year my staff set records in almost every area of LI programs. Last year more than 9,500 people were students at our 40 types of in-person training programs, and more than 4,000 viewed LI political training lectures online, the first year the Institute ever offered online training. The new Congress includes seven freshmen congressmen who are graduates of Leadership Institute training. Dozens of other House and Senate winners had LI grads in leadership positions in their campaigns.”“Right now my team and I are working hard to maintain and expand our programs over the next two years because I believe the 2012 elections will be at least as important as last year's,” said Mr. Blackwell.The Leadership Institute is an educational foundation whose mission is to increase the number and effectiveness of conservative activists and leaders in the public policy process. To accomplish this, LI identifies, recruits, trains, and places conservatives in government, politics, and the media. Since the Institute's 1979 founding, more than 91,500 people have been trained (with half of those being in the last six years) in one or more of the 40 current programs offered in all 50 states and across the globe. For more information, please visit: >
A few thoughts on resumes
January 3, 2011
A few thoughts on resumes
Some of the resume tips I'm about to list may seem like common sense to many of you, but we can always use a refresher, even when it comes to the most basic of guidelines. So, after looking at hundreds of resumes, here are the reminders for which I see a great need for review.• Keep your resume on one page. I know this is hard for people with 10+ years of experience, and there are certainly exceptions to this rule, but remember, most recruiters give resumes about 14 seconds the first time through. You want your most important information to be seen, so get it on one page to ensure nothing is overlooked.• Unless you are still in college or have graduated within the last year, always list your education at the bottom of the page.• Do not list your high school information on your resume unless you are creating one while you are still in high school.• Be consistent with punctuation. Either use periods at the end of each line or don't. Just decide on one format and stick with it.• Do NOT put a picture of yourself on your resume. It's not a good idea, don't do it.• Line your dates up on the right-hand side of the document. And be sure they are all aligned and consistent. This makes your resume much easier to read in that first 14 seconds.• List the organization, company, or office you worked/work for first, and list your title in that office directly below. Use bold or italics to differentiate between the place and the title, but always use the same font. That goes for your entire document. Nothing screams lack of attention to detail like two or three different font types and sizes in one resume.• Keep it simple. Use the standard bullet to list your responsibilities, accomplishments, and successes under each title you have had or currently have. Resist the urge to use fancy diamond, rectangular, or heart-shaped bullets. The standard black dots will suffice.• Use the whole page. Recruiters do not like to see a lot of white space on a resume. You have one 8 by 11 ½ page to sell yourself to a potential employer. So use all the space you have.• In direct contrast to the bullet above, do not use microscopic font. Anything smaller than 11 is too small, and often recruiters won't bother to read the resume if they have to squint to see what is on the page.• Finally, in your bullets under each place of employment, list your successes and accomplishments rather than just your responsibilities. Quantify your results at each organization or office. Numbers jump out on the page and are proof that you were an asset to that particular employer. I could go on, but I'll save that for another post. Happy resume building! >
LI Brings Training to Conservative College Students in Mexico City
Lauren Hart
December 17, 2010
LI Brings Training to Conservative College Students in Mexico City
December 17, 2010, Arlington, VA—This past weekend LI took its Youth Leadership School to Mexico City to train 55 college students at their request.Three students came to Arlington, VA earlier in the year to receive training and requested LI come to them in Mexico City to train more conservative college activists.Above is a picture of many of these students that have now entered into our distinguished LI graduate, alumni group.The Leadership Institute's flagship school, nicknamed “the boot camp of politics,” provides you with effective techniques to organize and lead mass-based youth efforts for candidates and causes of your choice.The Youth Leadership School has launched more successful political careers than any other Leadership Institute training program.Topics covered included:• Building an effective student organization• Getting out the vote• Earned media (favorable publicity)• Developing a public relations strategy• Launching a successful career in politicsFor more information on our upcoming trainings, please click here.The Leadership Institute is an educational foundation whose mission is to increase the number and effectiveness of conservative activists and leaders in the public policy process. To accomplish this, LI identifies, recruits, trains, and places conservatives in government, politics, and the media. Since the Institute's 1979 founding, more than 90,000 people have been trained (with half of those being in the last six years) in one or more of the 40 current programs offered in all 50 states and across the globe. For more information, please visit:>
Capitol Hill Jobseekers Ready for Employment
Lauren Hart
December 3, 2010
Capitol Hill Jobseekers Ready for Employment
December 3, 2010, Arlington, VA—The Leadership Institute hosted 147 people on Tuesday and Wednesday nights for Capitol Hill Staff Training School. Read on for a student's reflection and for information on an upcoming school geared for those looking to work on the Hill.LI Student Alex VanNess of Baltimore, Maryland said, “I really wanted to thank you, and all of the Leadership Institutes staff, for putting together the Capitol Hill Staff Training School. I learned a great deal of information, over the past few days, that I know will help me with my Capitol Hill job search.”“I have been searching for a job on the Hill, unsuccessfully, for well over a year now. I've gone on informational interview after interview, thinking that I was getting my name out there. But I still couldn't understand why I wasn't finding an open position. It's because of this school, that I understand how the lack of sufficient follow up, with the people I met with, was hindering my job search.”“You provide an invaluable service to the Hill job hunter. I will definitely utilize as many of the networking concepts, as I can, in my future job search. Thank you so much.”The Capitol Hill Staff Training School helps conservatives looking to work in Congress by bringing in great faculty to highlight students' personal strengths, interview skills, salary negotiation, annual budget process, and the legislative process in the House and in the Senate.Notable faculty included:• Paul Teller, Executive Director of the Republican Study Committee• Christopher N. Malagisi, Director of Political & New Media Training at the Leadership Institute• Jessica DeGraffenreid, Executive Director, America's Future Foundation• Sarah B. Smith, Corporate Relations Manager, Americans for Prosperity• Steve Sutton, Vice President of Development & Campus Programs at the Leadership Institute• Meghann Olshefski, Talent & Events Manger at The David All Group• Ed Corrigan, Executive Director of the Senate GOP Steering CommitteeDue to the demand of this school LI will be hosting a similar school February 2 and 3 for conservatives looking to work on the Hill. For more information on this upcoming school and to register, please click here.The Leadership Institute is an educational foundation whose mission is to increase the number and effectiveness of conservative activists and leaders in the public policy process. To accomplish this, LI identifies, recruits, trains, and places conservatives in government, politics, and the media. Since the Institute's 1979 founding, more than 90,000 people have been trained (with half of those being in the last six years) in one or more of the 40 current programs offered in all 50 states and across the globe. For more information, please visit: -30->
Speaking in Public
Lauren Hart
November 30, 2010
Speaking in Public
November 30, 2010, Arlington, VA--Friday the Leadership Institute will teach individuals at the Arlington, VA headquarters how to be effective in public speaking.The workshop on public speaking provides folks with the tools and techniques to communicate before an audience in the public policy arena.Topics covered include: -Fundamentals of interpersonal communication-Special circumstances and impromptu speeches-Organizing and building a speech-Delivering an effective speechFor a sample agenda and to register please click here or contact Communications Training Coordinator Rachel Phillips at Leadership Institute is an educational foundation whose mission is to increase the number and effectiveness of conservative activists and leaders in the public policy process. To accomplish this, LI identifies, recruits, trains, and places conservatives in government, politics, and the media. Since the Institute's 1979 founding, more than 90,000 people have been trained (with half of those being in the last six years) in one or more of the 40 current programs offered in all 50 states and across the globe. For more information, please visit: -30->
Capitol Hill Staff Training School Tomorrow
Lauren Hart
November 29, 2010
Capitol Hill Staff Training School Tomorrow
November 29, 2010, Arlington, VA--The Leadership Institute's Capitol Hill Staff Training School which starts tomorrow night is for individuals looking for a job in Congress after the historic elections. This popular school will help students highlight their personal strengths as they seek to land their dream job in Congress. Topics covered include:-Various career options in the conservative movement-Negotiating salaries-Resume and interview skills-Networking your way to success The Leadership Institute is an educational foundation whose mission is to increase the number and effectiveness of conservative activists and leaders in the public policy process. To accomplish this, LI identifies, recruits, trains, and places conservatives in government, politics, and the media. Since the Institute's 1979 founding, more than 90,000 people have been trained (with half of those being in the last six years) in one or more of the 40 current programs offered in all 50 states and across the globe. For more information, please visit: -30->
LI Employee of the Quarter Award Given for the Re-launch of
Lauren Hart
November 19, 2010
LI Employee of the Quarter Award Given for the Re-launch of
November 19, 2010, Arlington, VA--The Leadership Institute's Employee of the Quarter award goes to Meghann Olshefski for her crucial role in re-launching, the one-stop shop for conservative jobseekers and employers in the fields of public policy, government, media, business, or Capitol Hill.Ms. Olshefski re-launched the Web site with a facelift that makes the site more user friendly for employers and jobseekers to meet and advance the conservative movement. The Leadership Institute has placed over 1,300 conservatives in over 500 organizations nationwide.LI thanks Ms. Olshefski for her great work and wishes her well in her new job as Talent and Events Manager for the David All Group in Washington, D.C. For information on the David All Group, please click here.LI's new Director of Employment Placement Services is Ms. Andrea McCarthy, who was formerly LI's Director of Recruitment.For more information about Conservative Jobs, please click here.The Leadership Institute is an educational foundation whose mission is to increase the number and effectiveness of conservative activists and leaders in the public policy process. To accomplish this, LI identifies, recruits, trains, and places conservatives in government, politics, and the media. Since the Institute's 1979 founding, more than 90,000 people have been trained (with half of those being in the last six years) in one or more of the 40 current programs offered in all 50 states and across the globe. For more information, please visit: -30->
Calling all Capitol Hill Job Seekers
November 16, 2010
Calling all Capitol Hill Job Seekers
Are you looking for a job on Capitol Hill? Are you a little unsure of how to go about it? Join other Hill staff hopefuls at the Leadership Institute's Capitol Hill Staff Training School on the evenings of November 30th and December 1st. Veteran staff members from congressional offices will give you the pointers you need to make your job hunt successful and your transition into life on the Hill as easy as possible. Register today and treat this school like your first job interview. Hill offices have hired directly from the Capitol Hill Staff Training School in years past. So bring your resume. You never know.Free resume consultations will be provided upon request. Hurry and secure your spot in this excellent training school today!>
Attend LI’s Advanced PR School Monday - Wednesday
Lauren Hart
November 12, 2010
Attend LI’s Advanced PR School Monday - Wednesday
November 12, 2010, Arlington, VA—This upcoming week the Leadership Institute will host public relations professionals for a three-day advanced school in PR. Get a seat before they are all gone.The Advanced PR School at LI offers hands-on instruction for tackling communications problems, from organization and planning to presentation. Students will be divided into communications teams and given real life scenarios to work through strategy and message development, including topics like: How to deal with an adversarial press; The key to recognizing “hooks” in the day's news; and How to develop, pitch, present, and defend your message and vision.For more information on this school, including the agenda and faculty bios or to register, please click here.The Leadership Institute is an educational foundation whose mission is to increase the number and effectiveness of conservative activists and leaders in the public policy process. To accomplish this, LI identifies, recruits, trains, and places conservatives in government, politics, and the media. Since the Institute's 1979 founding, more than 90,000 people have been trained (with half of those being in the last six years) in one or more of the 40 current programs offered in all 50 states and across the globe. For more information, please visit: -30->
Staff Matters
November 1, 2010
Staff Matters
We all agree; new conservatives headed to Capitol Hill need to fill their offices with like-minded, liberty-loving staffers. The popular blog RedState just recently posted on the necessity of great leaders finding great staff. And the Leadership Institute is stepping in to help future Members connect with solid prospective personnel through the newly re-launched job seekers simply need to log on to, fill out job seeker profiles, and send their resumes to For assistance or more personalized attentiong, they can always contact LI's Director of Employment Placement, Andrea McCarthy, at or 703-647-3344.>
$50,000 and $25,000 Robert Novak Journalism Fellowships Offered By The Phillips Foundation for 2011
Lauren Hart
October 29, 2010
$50,000 and $25,000 Robert Novak Journalism Fellowships Offered By The Phillips Foundation for 2011
October 29, 2010, Arlington, VA—The Phillips Foundation is accepting applications for the 2011 Robert Novak Journalism Fellowship Program. Print and online journalists with less than 10 years of professional experience are eligible.Please see their release below. THE PHILLIPS FOUNDATIONOne Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Suite 620, Washington, DC 20001Tel: 202-842-2002, Fax: NEWS RELEASEFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASECONTACT: John Farley 202-250-3887 x609 or e-mail: Trustees:Thomas L. Phillips, ChairmanKellyanne E. ConwayBecky Norton Dunlop Thomas A. FuentesAlfred S. RegneryRonald E. RobinsonTrustee Emeritus:Donald P. Hodel IN MEMORIAMRobert D. Novak$50,000 and $25,000 ROBERT NOVAK JOURNALISM FELLOWSHIPS OFFERED BY THE PHILLIPS FOUNDATION FOR 2011 Applications Available for Print and Online JournalistsWashington, DC, November 1, 2010 -- The Phillips Foundation is now accepting applications for the 2011 Robert Novak Journalism Fellowship Program. Print and online journalists with less than 10 years of professional experience are eligible. The Foundation created this program to provide fellowships for projects by journalists who share its mission to advance constitutional principles, a democratic society and a vibrant free enterprise system.The Phillips Foundation awards $50,000 full-time fellowships and $25,000 part-time fellowships to undertake and complete a one-year project of the applicant's choosing focusing on journalism supportive of American culture and a free society. In addition, the Foundation offers separate yearlong fellowships on the environment, on the benefits of free-market competition, and on law enforcement. There are also Alumni Fund Fellowships funded by donations from current and former Phillips Fellows. Alumni Fund Fellowship winners write one magazine-length article on their topic.The Foundation awarded 10 fellowships in 2010:Full-time Fellowships• Aleksandra Kulczuga for “Our Allies and Our Exit Strategy: Poland's Contribution to the War On Terror”• Maura O'Connor for “Misguided Benevolence: Three Case Studies in American Aid,” to examine free-market policy alternatives to tackle poverty and instability abroadPart-time Fellowships• Scott Thomas Anderson for “Shadow People: How Meth-Driven Crime is Eating at the Heart of Rural America”• Amy Bushatz for “Deployed: The Silent Sacrifice for Freedom and the Destruction of the Military Family”• Jessica Corry for “Victim Nation: How We Can Rescue Our Children fromAmerica's Oppression-Inventing, Self-Hating, Overspending, Multi-Billion Dollar Diversity Industry”• Elise Jordan for “Muslim Girls and Women as Equal Americans: Crimes Against Women Under the Guise of Political Islam and Tribal Custom are a Human Rights Tragedy Abhorrent to American Values and Law”• David Keyes for “The Impact of Technology on Democratic Dissent”• William McMorris for “Fraud by Any Other Name: Public Pension Neglect and the Coming Panic”• Peter Suderman for “Markets in Medicine: The Virtues of Free Enterprise in Medical Practice”Alumni Fund Fellowship• Thomas Sileo for “The Unknown Soldiers: How the Media Celebrates American Idols and Ignores American Heroes”For a list of all 94 fellowship winners and their projects since inception of the program in 1994 visit Foundation is looking for journalism projects which are both original and publishable. The winners will deliver four quarterly writing installments with the potential to be published sequentially in a periodical or as a book.Applications must be postmarked by February 22, 2011. The winners will be announced next May at an awards dinner at the National Press Club in Washington. The starting date for the fellowships is September 1, 2011. Applicants must be citizens of the United States.For an application, visit, or contact: The Phillips Foundation, 1 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Suite 620, Washington, DC 20001. Phone: 202-250-3887. E-mail: -30->
How To Get a Job on Capitol Hill
October 26, 2010
How To Get a Job on Capitol Hill
Are you interested in working for a new or existing conservative office after the election? If so, you need to become a registered member of and complete your professional profile to be considered for important jobs in congressional offices.Simply register, complete your profile, provide references and fill out the Public Policy Questionnaire. Don't forget to check the box, "I want to work on Capitol Hill."Once your profile is complete, email to let key Hill staff know that you've completed your profile and would like to be considered for a job opportunity in the 112th Congress.Don't wait until after the election to begin making connections with the people who have the power to hire or recommend you. Now is the time to ramp up your networking efforts and put your hat in the ring. It's going to be a competitive job market with many job seekers vying for the same positions. The earlier you launch your job hunt, the better.>
Politics Daily: Hiring Staff for New Members of Congress? Look to Morton Blackwell’s Rules
Lauren Hart
October 26, 2010
Politics Daily: Hiring Staff for New Members of Congress? Look to Morton Blackwell’s Rules
October 26, 2010, Arlington, VA—Online newspaper Politics Daily Columnist Matt Lewis referred to LI President Morton Blackwell's Laws of the Public Policy Process in hiring Capitol Hill staff. “Conservative leader Morton Blackwell, for whom I previously worked, has a few rules for the public policy process that might be helpful for tea party conservatives who win election next week,” Politics Daily Columnist Matt Lewis said.“One of Blackwell's rules is: "Personnel is policy." Another: "Hire at least as many to the right of you as to the left of you." It seems the GOP party bosses are hoping Republicans who get elected this Tuesday will ignore this advice,” Lewis said.To read the full Politics Daily story, please visit here.The Leadership Institute is an educational foundation whose mission is to increase the number and effectiveness of conservative activists and leaders in the public policy process. To accomplish this, LI identifies, recruits, trains, and places conservatives in government, politics, and the media. More than 88,000 people have been trained in one or more of the 40 current programs offered in all 50 states and across the globe since the Institute's founding in 1979. For more information, please visit:>
Want to get into the Civil Service?
October 22, 2010
Want to get into the Civil Service?
October 22, 2010, Arlington, VA— The Leadership Institute is hosting the Civil Service Opportunity School November 8-9 to help conservatives break into the bureaucracy, get a job, and be successful.Learn from top Washington insiders how to break into the liberal dominated Civil Service. Whether you are a newcomer to Washington, D.C. or you are looking for a career change, this intensive two-day seminar gives you the tools you need to begin your career in the Civil Service. Topics covered include:• The application and hiring process• Creative ways to enter government• Which departments are right for you• The political management of the bureaucracyTo register, read more about this school, and view the agenda, please visit here.The Leadership Institute is an educational foundation whose mission is to increase the number and effectiveness of conservative activists and leaders in the public policy process. To accomplish this, LI identifies, recruits, trains, and places conservatives in government, politics, and the media. More than 88,000 people have been trained in one or more of the 40 current programs offered in all 50 states and across the globe since the Institute's founding in 1979. For more information, please visit: -30->
Sarah Palin Radio Hosts LI Vice President
Lauren Hart
October 21, 2010
Sarah Palin Radio Hosts LI Vice President
October 21, 2010, Arlington, VA— Sarah Palin Radio hosted Leadership Institute Vice President Steve Sutton on its show Monday to discuss notable LI graduates that are currently running in congressional and gubernatorial races.“LI is the Harvard of political training,” said Sarah Palin Radio Executive Producer LaDonna Hal Curzon. “You guys have spit out some real, top conservative leaders,” Curzon said.LI has trained Nevada Senate Candidate Sharron Angle, former Executive of the Christian Coalition and political activist Ralph Reed, Alaska Senate Candidate Joe Miller's campaign manager, and Delaware Senate Candidate Christine O'Donnell, among many others.The very first LI training Morton Blackwell held consisted of 20 students including: Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell, former Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore, and former Iowa Governor Terry Branstad.To listen to the full interview on Sarah Palin Radio, please visit here.The Leadership Institute is an educational foundation whose mission is to increase the number and effectiveness of conservative activists and leaders in the public policy process. To accomplish this mission LI identifies, recruits, trains, and places conservatives in government, politics, and the media. More than 88,000 people have been trained in one or more of the 40 programs offered in all 50 states and across the globe since the Institute's founding in 1979. For more information, please visit: >
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