This policy defines how the Leadership Institute uses its email list for bulk distribution.
I. List Sharing
The Leadership Institute does not share email addresses collected on,, and without permission.
The Leadership Institute does not share email addresses collected at training events without permission.
The Leadership Institute does not share email addresses of members of affiliated college organizations without permission.
The Leadership Institute may include messages or news about other organizations or events in its newsletters and emails.
An option is provided to subscribe to receive 3rd party emails. This option can be changed online at any time by the subscriber.
II. Subscription Methods for the Leadership Institute’s Email Lists
Users “Subscribe” (i.e. opt-in) to Leadership Institute communications by:
- Registering for or attending any Leadership Institute school or event.
- Submitting any digital forms on any websites created for or hosted by the Leadership Institute.
- Completing any paper form or list at or related to any Leadership Institute school, event, or function.
- Subscribing to any Leadership Institute electronic or paper publication.
- Providing an email address to a Leadership Institute staff member, intern, or other agent via phone, postal mail, email, or in person.
III. Unsubscribing from the Leadership Institute’s Email Lists
At any time a user may unsubscribe from receiving email correspondence from the Leadership Institute. To unsubscribe from the Leadership Institute’s email list:
- Click the “Unsubscribe link” provided in all email messages.
- Use the unsubscribe section on or other Leadership Institute web sites.
- Make a request by email, phone, or postal mail.
The user may be required to supply their email address for unsubscribing. Upon submission of the request, the email address will be removed from the Leadership Institute’s email list.
If the request is made online, unsubscribing will remove the email address from all Leadership Institute email lists and should take effect in less than 2 business days. If the request is made by phone or email, removal from the list will be effective no later than 5 business days. After successfully unsubscribing it may take up to two days for any email sent prior to the unsubscribe request to propagate to the recipient.
If the recipient chooses, they may subscribe again. (See Section II)
IV. Email Frequency
The Leadership Institute attempts to limit the number of emails a contact receives to two or fewer per day.
V. Email Format and Content
All emails sent by the Leadership Institute are formatted in text or HTML. The email will be sent from an email address that allows responses with the domain being or The sender may be a Leadership Institute staff member’s individual email account or a departmental/Group/Event email account.
All email messages are scanned using up-to-date virus definitions before being sent. Any images contained in the message body will be either attached to the email or hosted on a Leadership Institute website. All attachments are scanned for viruses before being sent.
All emails will direct the recipient to the Leadership Institute’s website for unsubscribing and will contain the Leadership Institute’s mailing address and main phone number. Messages will contain information about, but not limited to personal correspondence, updates on schools, events, and other related news about or relating to the Leadership Institute or the conservative movement. All subject lines will contain an accurate description or call to action relating to the message contents or purpose. Emails sent from the Leadership Institute, shall not purposely contain obscene or offensive language.
All questions about an email’s language should be reported to the Leadership Institute’s Director of Technology. All emails will be sent individually to each recipient. The recipient’s email or other personal information will never be BCC (Blind Carbon Copied) or CC (Carbon Copied) in any email with the exception of intra-office communication with Leadership Institute staff. It is the Leadership Institute’s policy never to exchange confidential data via email including credit card or other bank information.
VI. Removing and Verifying Email address
The Leadership Institute verifies email addresses on an ongoing basis and reserves the right to remove any email address from the system. Email addresses will be removed for reasons including, but not limited to rejection, failure, “bounce,” or repeatedly responding with automatic replies.
VII. Forwarding and Relaying
All email messages are intended only for the recipient and are not intended to be forwarded to other users or groups unless expressed by the Leadership Institute. The Leadership Institute is not responsible for any viruses, content changes, or other malicious activity that may occur from sending or receiving forwarded emails.
The Leadership Institute email system does not allow forwarding or relaying of email messages through our mail servers.
The Leadership Institute reserves the right to change this policy at any time and without prior notice.
The Leadership Institute reserves the right to change this policy at any time and without prior notice.
Revised: 11/18/2015