The New
October 20, 2010
The New
Welcome to the new We re-launched this site with you in mind to make navigating our online platform more visually appealing and user-friendly.A few things have changed. • Resources: We've created a whole new and expanded Resources section with detailed articles on mastering the art of the job search alongside links to numerous online articles we recommend every job seeker read. In fact, before you register for, be sure to read our tips on how to write an effective resume.• Blog: Visit this blog regularly for weekly (or sometimes bi-weekly) posts on job search advice, upcoming Leadership Institute career training, and featured job opportunities.• The Look: We hope you'll find our new color scheme and design more upbeat and streamlined.This is only the beginning of many changes to come. Please let us know what you'd like to see in future versions of We value your feedback. >
Interested in Getting a Job in the 112th Congress?
October 19, 2010
Interested in Getting a Job in the 112th Congress?
The Heritage Foundation and the Leadership Institute invite you to attend a free informational meeting on Thursday, October 21st in SVC 201-00 on Capitol Hill from 12 p.m. - 2 p.m. to learn more about how you can use to be considered for important jobs on Capitol Hill.Whether you're looking to be a staff assistant or chief of staff, or you're looking to hire staff for your office, you will not want to miss this event.Free Chick-fil-A will be provided by the Heritage Foundation. To attend, please RSVP to>
Game Time: Mastering the Art of the Interview
October 17, 2010
Game Time: Mastering the Art of the Interview
So you've arranged an interview! Your first response is elation…followed closely by pre-interview anxiety. Relax. Getting an interview is half the battle. If you have an interview you know that the employer knows you have the right skills and qualifications needed to do the job. Now is your opportunity to find out more information about the job and organization. Remember, you are interviewing the employer just as the employer is interviewing you.The key to a great interview is your ability to master the basics. Here are five simple interview strategies to help you stay ahead of the competition.1. Do Your HomeworkResearch the organization thoroughly. Know what that organization's mission statement is, when it was founded, who key staff members are, and most importantly why you want to work there.2. Mind Your Body LanguageYou have 14 seconds to make a lasting first impression. Give a sincere smile, look the interviewer in the eye, have a confident, self-assured posture, and master a firm handshake (but not too firm!).3. Dress the PartErr on the side of professionalism. Always wear business attire like a neatly pressed, tailored suit. If you're a man, you must wear a dark blue or charcoal suit with an understated button-down shirt and a power tie with minimal pattern. For women, navy or dark gray skirt suits are preferable. Make sure your hair is pulled back and wear minimal makeup, perfume and jewelry. A little bit of a heel (but not too high!) helps boost confidence.4. Be Engaged in the ConversationYou should talk about 50% of the time and come to the interview prepared with questions about the job and what it's like to work with that company or organization.5. Follow Up!Always send a prompt thank you email as well as a sincere, handwritten note to each person you meet at the interview. Ask when you can hear back from the interviewer and follow up with that person if he or she hasn't followed through on their promise. Hiring managers get busy. Reasonable persistence demonstrates that you really want the job. >
Resumes That Open Doors
October 15, 2010
Resumes That Open Doors
Resumes That Open DoorsBy: Meghann Olshefski, Director, Employment Placement ServiceThe right resume, a little networking, and an aggressive self-marketing strategy can get you the interview you're waiting for in the conservative movement.To ensure that your resume stands out among the dozens of applicants applying for the job that you want, you need to spend considerable time organizing your accomplishments to accentuate your strengths. Did you know that most resumes only get 14 seconds of attention from a hiring manager? Here are several tips to make sure your resume gets noticed.• Limit your resume to one page (regardless of your experience level.) This way, you can prioritize the information and highlight only the jobs you are most proud of and that are the most relevant.• Frontload critical information “above the fold.” Include a Professional Profile or Summary at the top of the page that lists your top 3 to 4 skills, strengths and accomplishments in bulleted form. This section quickly tells an employer that you have the skills and qualifications that he/she is looking for in an employee.• Include a Work Experience section that blends paid and volunteer positions. Begin every bulleted point with a powerful action verb, like, “Motivated 27 volunteers…”, “Created a proposal…,” etc… Quantify your bullet points whenever you can. Focus on results and accomplishments not tasks. Use specific numbers and offer context: “Met 113% of the goal.” If you're just graduating college, don't bury campus leadership positions at the bottom of the resume. Treat those experiences as if they were a work experience and list your accomplishments for each in bulleted form. The same goes for any political volunteer or leadership experience you have.• Presentation is key. If you're looking for a job, always have hard copies of your resume on hand, wherever you go. Use nice resume paper and never use multi-purpose copy paper. Beware of smudging ink, coffee stains and wrinkles. Your resume represents you, so make sure the overall presentation is perfect.• Be organized. Choose black, legible serif font, preferably size 12. If the font or margins are too small, the resume becomes harder to read. Bold the names of your organizations so that each work experience stands out. Be consistent in the way you format certain items. Consistency and organization is key.• Proofread. Proofread. Proofread. Have a few people read your resume for errors, misspellings, and readability. Even the simplest mistakes can kill your chances of getting an interview.The Leadership Institute offers free, in-depth resume consultations. We will review your resume and offer tips for a more readable and impressive presentation. Contact Meghann Olshefski today to set up an in-person, over-the-phone, or via-email consultation today. >
LI to Bring Back the Writing Workshop this Month!
Lauren Hart
October 6, 2010
LI to Bring Back the Writing Workshop this Month!
Are you a conservative trying to break into journalism? Do you want the tools necessary to more effectively combat the liberal media. The Leadership Institute's Writing Workshop on October 19-20 is ideal for both conservatives who are looking to work in journalism and those looking to hone their craft. If you are interested in working for a conservative publication - online or offline - or in the press department of a congressional office, think tank, or a non-profit, this two-evening workshop is for you.Top-notch professionals will teach you the ins and outs of journalism so that you can succeed! Topics covered, include: • Professional writing techniques for publication• Writing an op-ed and press release• Breaking into conservative journalism• Getting others to read your workRegister now and take the first step to break into journalism! The workshop is $75, and with the early registration discount until October 8th, you can register today for only $50! >
Wake Up Right with LI
September 30, 2010
Wake Up Right with LI
Join the Leadership Institute on Wednesday, October 6th for breakfast with Kellyanne Conway, president and CEO of the polling company inc./Woman Trends. Ms. Conway will be addressing LI's monthly Wednesday Wakeup Club Breakfast. Registration is only $15 and covers breakfast, which is served at 7:30 am. The program kicks off at 8. Come out and join your friends at LI for food and fellowship this coming Wednesday. Register today!>
Campaign School this Saturday in Radford, VA
Lauren Hart
September 16, 2010
Campaign School this Saturday in Radford, VA
The Leadership Institute will host a campaign school in Radford, Virginia this Saturday, September 18 at 8:30 a.m. for volunteers, community activists, elected or party officials, current or future candidates, and campaign managers training them to win a campaign.The campaign school helps activists to “be more effective and energized in the 2010 elections,” LI's Grassroots Activist Schools Coordinator Chris Doss said.Sessions are taught by experienced professionals, including Morton Blackwell, founder and president of the Leadership Institute. LI hosted a similar campaign school this past Saturday, September 11 in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Thirty-four students were trained on how to present a compelling message, conduct direct voter contact through door-to-door efforts, handle negative information, and get out the vote.Registration includes a light breakfast at 8:30 a.m. with presentations beginning at 9 a.m. Students can register free with the discount code “liberty.” Join us in the fight to restore limited government and the vision of our founders. For more information and to register, please visit: >
Learn How to Get Your Message Out and Look Good Doing it!
September 2, 2010
Learn How to Get Your Message Out and Look Good Doing it!
The Leadership Institute's television training workshops are the premier training grounds for conservatives who seek to improve the quality and effectiveness of their on-air media strategy. Attendees learn how to look good, sound good, and tailor their messages for tv. Take advantage of LI's Introduction to Techniques and On-Camera Workshops on September 17th. Register today!>
Join the Leadership Institute and March on DC
August 19, 2010
Join the Leadership Institute and March on DC
Join thousands of conservatives as they descend on Washington, DC for four full days of liberty and learning. Unite in Action invites you to participate in events from September 9-12, 2010, including a march down Constitution Avenue and rally on Saturday, September 11th. Other festivities and events include the Liberty XPO and Symposium, the Young Patriots Symposium, the Religious Leaders Roundtable, and the Remember the Ladies Banquet. Your Leadership Institute will hold trainings at both the Liberty and Young Patriots Symposiums. For more information on this exciting four-day event in the Nation's Capital visit>
Attendees Learn How to Prepare and Deliver Effective Speeches at the Public Speaking Workshop
July 14, 2010
Attendees Learn How to Prepare and Deliver Effective Speeches at the Public Speaking Workshop
The July 9 Public Speaking Workshop welcomed 21 participants including Communications Directors from Capitol Hill, a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives from California, a candidate for the Delaware State Senate, a research assistant from The Heritage Foundation, and several interns from Capitol Hill, The Heritage Foundation, and the Leadership Institute. Ian Ivey led the morning session during which he addressed Elements of Effective Delivery and the Utility of Visual Aids, while Dr. John Shosky focused on the Goals of a Speech and Message Construction. Overall, the workshop was found to be of great value as one attendee noted that, "although it was a full day, I could have stayed around for more.">
Become a Winning Candidate
July 13, 2010
Become a Winning Candidate
Are you thinking about running for office? What does it take to be a community leader? The Future Candidate School will equip you to successfully run for office and become the grassroots leader you want to be. During this intensive four day training, experts in politics and policy will show you what you need to be effective before and after election day. Register before July 22nd to receive a discount of $50.00 off of the regular price of $250.00.>
Get Your Conservative Message Out
June 21, 2010
Get Your Conservative Message Out
How can you best communicate your conservative message? Come to LI's Public Speaking Workshop on July 9th and discover the best practices for presenting your message to an audience. In this full day workshop, you'll learn the tools and techniques you need to communicate in the public policy arena. Register by July 2nd and receive a discount of $30.00. Reserve your spot today!>
Looking for a New Job? LI Can Help!
June 16, 2010
Looking for a New Job? LI Can Help!
If you are interested in working in a congressional office, think tank, non-profit, association, or a campaign, register today for the Leadership Institute's Conservative Career Workshop on July 12-13. Capitol Hill veterans, including chiefs of staff, will teach you how to highlight your personal strengths to appeal to those who do the hiring. They will also offer guidance on typical salaries for different jobs and how to negotiate a higher salary. Attend this workshop and let LI's expert faculty help you land your dream job!The cost of the school (which includes dinner both evenings) is only $75, and if you register by June 22nd, you will receive a $25 discount. >
Students Learn all about Public Relations from the Experts
June 15, 2010
Students Learn all about Public Relations from the Experts
LI's Communications Training department hosted a Public Relations School during the evenings of June 7-9. Those in attendance included summer interns and several media and marketing staffers from the Patrick Henry Center, the Booker T. Washington Society, and John M. Palatiello & Associates. Participants discovered how to generate positive media for their cause or candidate by creating attention-grabbing media events, building valuable relationships with the media at any level, and writing an effective press release.For information on this and other communications training workshops hosted by LI, please click here.>
Comprehensive Online Activist School teaches students to network on the Internet
May 28, 2010
Comprehensive Online Activist School teaches students to network on the Internet
The Department of Political Training held a successful Comprehensive Online Activist School at the Institute on Monday, May 24, 2010. Students learned the “Dirty Dozen” social networking tools they can use to help their campaign or organization. They also learned how to blog, fundraise online, create and disseminate videos online, and how to purchase online ads via Google. Trainers included Rowena Paz, one of Google's political strategists, Chris Moody, new media director at the CATO Institute, and Dan Hayes from Reason TV.>
Learn How to Maximize your PR Opportunities
May 18, 2010
Learn How to Maximize your PR Opportunities
LI's Public Relations School teaches you how to create favorable coverage for your organization and your cause. Over the course of three nights, top conservative public relations experts teach you how to develop a comprehensive pr strategy. The next Public Relations School will be held on June 7-9, 2010 at LI headquarters in Arlington, VA. Register today! >
Do You Live in a Rich or Poor State?
May 7, 2010
Do You Live in a Rich or Poor State?
The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) recently released the third edition of “Rich States, Poor States,” which outlines the fiscal policies of all 50 states. This edition is particularly enlightening because it shows how states with rampant spending and high taxes have spiraled out of control during the current economic downturn. Conversely, states that have reigned in spending while also promoting pro-growth tax policies have done quite well. According to ALEC the five most-prosperous states are Utah, Colorado, Arizona, South Dakota, and Florida. California, Illinois, New Jersey, Vermont and New York are at the bottom. To see where your state is or to take a closer look at the overall research, go to and click on the “Rich States, Poor States” tab on the left side of the page.>
LI Takes Training to Wyoming
April 29, 2010
LI Takes Training to Wyoming
Braving a spring Rockies blizzard and several closed highways, 26 students showed up for the Leadership Institute's latest Rocky Mountain Youth Leadership School in Laramie, Wyoming on Saturday and Sunday, April 24th and 25th. Although predominantly comprising students from the University of Wyoming, the school included parents, activists, students from other colleges, and one very brilliant home schooler. One student drove eight hours from Montana, and an LI donor drove over six hours from Utah to attend the training. The instructors were Michael Thompson from L.I.'s Campus Services Program and Christopher Doss from the Grassroots Training Division.>
LI Trains over 30 in Arlington
April 27, 2010
LI Trains over 30 in Arlington
The Leadership Institute trained 33 conservative fundraisers on April 20-21, 2010 at the High-Dollar Fundraising School and the Event Planning Workshop. The students left with tips on all aspects of high-dollar fundraising, including one-on-one solicitation, grant writing, and planned giving. >
National Rifle Association is Hiring Field Representatives
April 9, 2010
National Rifle Association is Hiring Field Representatives
The National Rifle Association, the nation's premiere grassroots organization, is looking to hire campaign field staff to organize gun owners this election season.The ideal candidate will have previous campaign experience, with emphasis on voter registration, field work and grassroots organization. Activities will include, but not be limited to: volunteer recruitment; voter registration; phone banks; door-to-door; yard sign and bumper sticker distribution; letters to editor; event organization; and GOTV & Election Day activities.Additionally, candidates:- must be willing to dedicate attention to this job on full-time basis, including weekends and evenings;- must be self-starter, able to work independently with little direct oversight, and meet strict deadlines and reporting requirements;- must be in harmony with NRA's mission and able to work in support of a candidate irrespective of partisan affiliation. Competitive monthly stipend, based on experience. Expenses, including travel, lodging, food, and the like will NOT be reimbursed. Duration will be approximately July 12, 2010 (not final)–November 6, 2010.Please send résumé, campaign vitae, salary requirements, references, and direct any further questions to: Glen Caroline, Director, NRA-ILA Grassroots Divisiongcaroline@nrahq.org11250 Waples Mill RoadFairfax, VA 22030Direct dial: (703) 267-1172 Toll Free: (800) 392-VOTE (8683) >
Total: 253