Become a Movement Leader

Propel the conservative movement through leadership in organizations.


Build America’s foundation
of conservative leadership

Dedicate yourself to preserve our country’s freedom and prosperity.

Many conservatives want to make a difference, but they don’t know where to turn. Then they find the Leadership Institute.

Every election, every policy battle, every conservative cause lost brings the left one step closer to imposing socialism on our country.  That’s where you come in.  You want America to not only survive – but thrive in the face of those who would do her harm.Through premium leadership training, the Leadership Institute gives you the skills to preserve America’s freedom and prosperity.The Leadership Institute’s expert-crafted programs equip you to launch your career in politics, advance conservative policies, and build a strong foundation of conservative organizational leadership to drive meaningful change.

Leadership Institute hosts thousands of trainings a year all around the country and the world.

Find a training near you, check out our full training offerings by clicking the button below. 

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the leadership path

I want to be a…

Training the future torchbearers of conservative leadership.


Become a Movement Leader Today

Learn how to advance your principles in conservative organizations.

The One-on-One Television Workshop is a custom training developed for the specific demands of each student. The full resources of...

The One-on-One Television Workshop is a custom training developed for the specific demands of each student. The full resources of...

The on-camera workshop takes place in front of the TV cameras in LI’s Norma Zimdahl Master Studio in the Sacher...

You don’t get much lead time before an interview, so take advantage of the time you have now to learn...

activism kits

Tools for Effective Activism

Request one of our free Campus Activism Kits for your campus group.


Stay Educated and Looped In

News and foundational readings for every student in America.

How to Run an Effective Meeting For Your Political or Civic Organization

A woman came up to me after a recent meeting for a local political committee. She had recently been elected to a leadership position in her local women’s auxiliary organization and had never before held an elected position in a political organization. She asked me, “How can my organization run a good meeting?” In the world […]

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Your Campus Group Survival Guide

Morton C. Blackwell - January 28, 2019

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"The Neckpiece of Conservative Washington"

-Time Magazine

David Blair_2
Featured Event

Youth Leadership

The Youth Leadership Workshop is a custom training to teach you the skills you need to empower your membership. LI has taken the best of our flagship training, The Youth Leadership School, and developed a 3-hour workshop to fit your group’s specific needs.

Ready to accelerate your political career?  The Leadership Institute’s expert-crafted trainings equip you with essential skills and knowledge for success in politics. 

Leadership Institute offers top-tier trainings that will equip you with the necessary skills and knowledge to become an influential movement leader.