Stephen Aaron


About Stephen Aaron

Stephen Aaron was born and raised in Ellijay, Georgia, where he grew up on a farm cultivating apples and raising chickens. His passion for politics ignited in 2005 when he served as a page for his State Senator, an experience that inspired his dedication to public service and grassroots activism. Stephen began volunteering for campaigns shortly after, including Gary Black’s 2005 bid for Agriculture Commissioner. In 2008, he founded a Teenage Republican Chapter to engage young conservatives in preparation for the election season.

After graduating high school in 2009, Stephen attended Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College, where he continued to immerse himself in political leadership. He volunteered on campaigns, served in various roles within the College Republicans and Student Government Association, and ultimately chaired both organizations. Notably, he proposed and implemented the Regional Director Program for the Georgia Association of College Republicans, leaving a lasting impact on the organization’s structure and outreach.

Stephen earned an Associate’s degree in Political Science and a Bachelor’s degree in Economic Development before managing his first post-college campaign in 2014 for the Georgia Speaker of the House’s Primary race. In 2015, he was elected as Chairman of the Gilmer County Republican Party and appointed Communications Director for Georgia’s 9th Congressional District Republican Party.

Stephen’s career has been marked by diverse leadership experiences in politics and grassroots advocacy. From 2018 to 2020, he worked with Vanguard Field Strategies, managing field operations for campaigns, nonprofits, and Political Action Committees. He also served as Political Director for a congressional campaign in Georgia’s 7th Congressional District Primary and as campaign staff for Trent Staggs in his race for Salt Lake County Mayor.

In 2021, Stephen returned to Georgia politics as a Regional Field Director for the Georgia Republican Party, overseeing northeastern Georgia during the General and Runoff Elections.

Stephen’s expertise extends beyond campaigns into governance, where he has honed his knowledge of Robert’s Rules of Order and Parliamentary Procedure through his time in the Future Farmers of America (FFA) and his political career. He is passionate about teaching effective meeting management and procedural rules to grassroots organizations and elected officials.

In June 2023, Stephen joined the Leadership Institute as the Georgia Deputy Director of Grassroots, where he continues to empower conservatives with the skills and resources needed to excel in the public policy process.

Reach out to Stephen Aaron

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