Ryan Brann

Ryan Brann

Director of Communications Training

About Ryan Brann

Ryan Brann currently serves as the Director of Communications Training, helping facilitate trainings related to public speaking, debate, and speech writing.

Beforehand, Ryan served as a Leadership Institute Regional Field Coordinator. His tasks involve engaging with students throughout dozens of states, helping invite speakers, and establishing conservative clubs on campus.

Ryan first became involved with politics in 2015, working as an intern for the Maine Republican Party. In both 2016 and 2017 he returned to the Maine GOP, serving as their Intern Coordinator. After graduating from The University of Maine in the spring of 2018, he was hired as State Field Director for the Shawn Moody for Governor campaign.

While pursuing his degree in economics, Ryan was involved with both College Republicans and Students For Liberty. In 2016 he ran as a house candidate for his state legislature, earning one of the highest vote counts as a Republican in a deep blue district.

Reach out to Ryan Brann

Ready to accelerate your political career?  The Leadership Institute’s expert-crafted trainings equip you with essential skills and knowledge for success in politics. 

Leadership Institute offers top-tier trainings that will equip you with the necessary skills and knowledge to become an influential movement leader.