Michael Colopietro

Campaign Leadership College Coordinator

About Michael Colopietro

Michael serves as the Advanced School of Politics Fundraising Coordinator at the Leadership Institute, where he manages three multi-day, in-person training sessions, and helps coordinate the prestigious nine-day Campaign Leadership College. A former intelligence analyst with the 10th Mountain Division of the United States Army National Guard, Michael brings a wealth of strategic insight to his current role. He is also pursuing a Master’s degree at the Institute of World Politics, specializing in Statecraft, Strategy, and National Security. His experience in both military intelligence and political training positions him as a skilled member of the Leadership Institutes team.

Reach out to Michael Colopietro

Ready to accelerate your political career?  The Leadership Institute’s expert-crafted trainings equip you with essential skills and knowledge for success in politics. 

Leadership Institute offers top-tier trainings that will equip you with the necessary skills and knowledge to become an influential movement leader.