Leigh Vlasblom

Director of School Board Leaders Program

About Leigh Vlasblom

Leigh Vlasblom has always been passionate about education and governing. It has been the focus of her professional life. Leigh started her professional work at the US Department of Education in the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, where it solidified her understanding that educational institutes are dependent on their governing bodies. Education is only as effective and successful as its governing bodies.

Her next decade plus was spent inside of an elementary school classroom. Leigh had diverse exposure and experiences ranging from a rural Kentucky classroom to a cutting-edge urban Fairfax County, Virginia classroom. Curriculum development and community engagement were always strong focuses for Leigh. She held many leadership roles in her tenure and worked as a mentor teacher as well.

Starting a family and leaving the classroom allowed Leigh the ability to once again focus on her governing and political side. While in North Carolina, Leigh worked on Elizabeth Dole’s Senatorial Campaign at her headquarters in Salisbury, North Carolina. Her focus was a communications specialist and constituent liaison.

Leigh and her family moved to Pennsylvania and where she raised her children. This also allowed her the opportunity to engage in their new community and expand on her civic engagement. Leigh has had extensive governing experience while being a member of the Board of Directors for Buckingham Township Civic Association, MOMS Club, Central Bucks School District’s Home and School Association, Girls Scouts of America, Relentless Dragon Boat Association, Eastern Regional Dragon Boat Association, United States Dragon Boat Federation, and Buckingham Township Republican Club. She also served as a Bucks County GOP Executive Director.

While pursuing my love of civic engagement and community involvement in Pennsylvania, I also served as Director of Operations, the Americas with CWMUSA Survey and Inspection Inc. Heading up the US office has afforded me the ability to work from home while raising my children and contributing to my community.

In addition to serving on multiple boards, Leigh continued to be very involved in our township and county Republican Clubs. She has worked extensively with and coordinated local school board and supervisor campaigns; these endeavors found Leigh running for Central Bucks School Board in 2019. 

While serving on the Central Bucks School Board, Leigh has served as Vice President, Chaired the Finance and Operations Committee, been a member of the Policy and Curriculum Committees and was a member of the Middle Bucks Institute of Technology’s board of directors. Leigh has worked extensively with PA Family Institute, Independence Law Firm, Keeping Kids in School PAC, Hope 4 PA, and Bucks Families for Leadership. She was also a founding member of the Bucks County Conservative School Board Coalition.

While there is still much work to do in Bucks County, Leigh has a calling to share my knowledge in a broader scope. Leigh believes we Conservatives need to pull resources, collaborate and train other conservative leaders to reclaim their communities and schools. Leigh wants to be a part of making this renewal a reality.

Reach out to Leigh Vlasblom

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