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Jerry Sharp III

Deputy Director of Pro-Life Programs

About Jerry Sharp III

Jerry became involved with the Pro-Life movement during his last semester of college, where he assisted his then-girlfriend’s Pro-Life club. He received training from Students for Life of America, as a student lobbyist and advocated for legislation that would defund Planned Parenthood and other abortion facilities from the state’s Medicaid program. He then gained political campaign experience by working on a congressional campaign for TX-23 in 2020. He briefly joined the Sidewalk counseling efforts in front of Planned Parenthood, as a client referral intern, before he was brought on by the premier statewide pro-life organization, Texas Alliance for Life, as a pro-life lobbyist, where he helped with efforts to pass their Human Life Protection Act, which protected life from the moment of conception shortly after Roe v Wade was reversed after the Dobbs decision. Most recently, he relocated to San Francisco, California with his loving and supportive wife, Melanie, their baby in the womb, and their dog, Manolo.

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