Conservatives Sweep CU-Boulder Elections
April 14, 2011
Conservatives Sweep CU-Boulder Elections
Conservative students swept the student government elections at the University of Colorado--Boulder last week. All 28 students who ran as part of the conservative INVEST party won their election, including the office of president, vice president of internal and external affairs, and numerous positions as campus representatives and senators. The key to their success? They say it's their training from the Leadership Institute's Campus Election Workshop on March 31. "The Campus Election Workshop is the best way to finalize your plans for your campaign and get all of your volunteers and candidates on the same page. We owe a huge thanks to the Leadership Institute for training us conservatives to win on an overwhelming liberal campus," said Andrew Yoder, newly-elected president of the Colorado University Student Government. The incoming student government plans to enact a conservative agenda over the next year, building on their success from last year's student government which also was controlled by conservatives. They cut the $36 million budget by $1 million, and defunded CoPIRG and other liberal programs that received disproportionate funding. The Leadership Institute will bring a Campus Election Workshop to your campus to teach you how to run for -- and win -- student government elections. Contact a Regional Field Coordinator to learn more.
Pennsylvania's Grove City College students welcome LI's Youth Leadership School
April 11, 2011
Pennsylvania's Grove City College students welcome LI's Youth Leadership School
Dozens of highly energized students at Grove City College in Pennsylvania participated in the Leadership Institute's Youth Leadership School.Student Brian Lonto enjoyed “learning how to be an effective political force,” a skill he is planning to utilize on campus, but also as he prepares for a career “to influence politics as a non-politician.” Brian was encouraged that even though he is only a student, “I can [still] influence politics outside the political spectrum.”The students assembled for the YLS were not only getting ready to tackle campus issues, but also their future career prospects. “I would tell [any friend] that this training is absolutely crucial if they want to go into politics,” said Kristie Eshelman, adding “I eventually want to work on a campaign or run for office in local politics.”During the busy weekend, the engaged students learned the ins and outs of campus activism and leadership, and “how to use the power of youth to further your cause,” student Sharon Koss said.Also available to students was a lecture about networking, interviewing, resumes and how to land a job in DC—at a Capitol Hill office, on a campaign, or at a conservative nonprofit.LI's Director of Employment Placement Service Andrea McCarthy reviewed students' resumes and advised those not already on to make an account. Andrea said, “The students were really receptive and put into practice what they learned. I've seen some resumes since the YLS and they look much better.”Andrea said because of the weekend training, LI's relationship with Grove City College's career services has been strengthened. Now, on a weekly basis, college students receive an email of featured jobs and internships advertised on Conservative Jobs.At the end of the weekend, student Emily Seelman had reached a verdict, “It was definitely intense, but absolutely worth every minute!”Find the next YLS near you or other LI training opportunities or create an account on Conservative Jobs now to hear about new jobs and internships or to find the perfect new employee.>
Congressman Price Speaks to LI Breakfast Attendees
April 7, 2011
Congressman Price Speaks to LI Breakfast Attendees
"When asked if we had gotten a republic or a monarchy, Benjamin Franklin answered, 'A republic. If you can keep it,'" said Congressman Tom Price to a crowd of more than 80 Leadership Institute supporters at LI's monthly Wednesday Wake-Up Club Breakfast. "We are in 'if you can keep it' times. History will write whether we answered the call of the times. Did we fight to retain the greatest nation in the history of the world?"In a wide-ranging talk, Congressman Price gave his perspective on multiple current issues -- including the budget debates in Congress -- and then took questions from the audience. William Peck, a breakfast attendee, said the congressman was "very inspiring."Held the first Wednesday of each month, the Wednesday Wake-Up Club Breakfast is an excellent opportunity for friends of the Leadership Institute to meet leading conservative speakers and hear their thoughts on current affairs. Past breakfasts have been attended by members of Congress, public policy experts, and columnists.>
Meet Wisconsin State Representative Michelle Litjens
Lauren Hart
March 31, 2011
Meet Wisconsin State Representative Michelle Litjens
Michelle Litjens ran for Wisconsin State Assembly to change the direction of her government. She probably did not imagine she'd be at the center of a national media firestorm just months later, when a Democratic colleague told her she was "[expletive] dead" on the Assembly floor for voting for Governor Scott Walker's budget bill in March. But Michelle ran for office in 2010 to promote her conservative principles: to limit government or, as she put it, to have government "start acting like adults instead of like spoiled children who run up their parent's credit cards." Her political activism started at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, where she joined the College Republicans, Oshkosh Students for Life, and the Oshkosh Student Association. But much of her early political experience took place outside the classroom, when she interned for the Leadership Institute and worked on campaigns. Michelle's first Leadership Institute training was a Youth Leadership School, LI's "boot camp of politics," in Indianapolis, Indiana in 1992. After that, she took a Broadcast Journalism School in 1994, a Campaign Leadership School in 2000, and a Grassroots Activist School in Madison, Wisconsin in 2006. In 2010, Michelle decided to run for the open Wisconsin State Assembly seat in her district. The incumbent assemblyman was not seeking reelection -- and neither were 22 other Wisconsin state legislators. To Michelle, that news indicated "we might really have a chance to change the direction of our state," as she explained. It was her first time running for office, but not her first foray into politics, after years spent as a local activist and campaign volunteer. Michelle won the Republican primary election for Wisconsin's 56th district in September 2010 with 59.87% of the vote and won the November general election as well. After her general election win, Michelle sent LI staff a copy of her campaign brochure and a handwritten note: "Another LI grad elected to office. I couldn't have done it without you." Michelle now serves Wisconsin's 56th district in the State Assembly. She lives in Vinland, Wisconsin with her husband, their two children, and their Australian Sheppard. She joins hundreds of LI graduates in receiving the congratulations and thanks of the Leadership Institute, LI supporters, and conservatives in Wisconsin and across the country for their successful 2010 campaigns and commitment to promoting conservative principles now that they are in office.
Learn to defend your message
March 31, 2011
Learn to defend your message
The Leadership Institute's Advanced Public Relations School offers hands-on instruction for tackling communications problems, from organization and planning to presentation. Attendees are divided into communications teams and are given fictional crisis situations to work through strategy and message development in a mock press conference setting.The next Advanced Public Relations School is April 11-13 from 6:30-9:30 PM. Topics covered include:• How to deal with an adversarial press• The key to recognizing “hooks” in the day's news• How to develop, pitch, present, and defend your message and visionAs one past attendee remarked, “It really helped to hear from professionals in the same work environment I am in. I got a lot out of their advice, stories, and warnings!” To learn more and register for the training, please visit: >
Washington Post: Liberals Imitate Leadership Institute Training
Washington Post
March 29, 2011
Washington Post: Liberals Imitate Leadership Institute Training
As an Institute supporter, you'll like this article from last week's Washington Post. It details a new project by liberals to copy LI's media training. They say imitation is the highest form of flattery, so LI grads should feel flattered.From the Washington Post: “Brenner [a faculty member] joined the other participants in a wood-paneled room on the carriage house's ground floor. A camcorder stood on a tripod in the middle of desks arranged in a horseshoe formation. Black and white boards hung on the walls. Brock, with graying hair and blue tie, offered some words of wisdom to the class. Their conservative antagonists had all gone through rigorous media training at the Leadership Institute, he warned, but now they, too, would be armed with the ammunition to compete.”If you're ready to compete in the liberal-dominated media, take a television training from the Leadership Institute. Register now for schools on Friday, April 15 and Friday, May 13.>
Lauren Hart
March 28, 2011
"Tito the Builder" Comes to LI Campaign Management School
When Tito Munoz came to the United States several years ago, he was adamant "not to be a burden on the country, the government, or the American people." Coming from Columbia, his political passion and ideology stem from personal experience. “We had Venezuela and Bolivia right next door. I saw government intrusion and take-over firsthand. I came here and said, ‘Not here in America!'” Tito became an American citizen “on September 27, 2008 to be exact,” Tito says, quickly pointing out how much that date means to him. “The day I became a citizen, I became involved in politics. I got my citizenship, immediately registered to vote, and then joined the Republican Party.” His active involvement led him to be nicknamed ‘Tito the Builder' as Tito actively campaigned for the Republican nominee during the 2008 elections. He was featured on many news and media outlets. During the 2010 midterm elections, he was featured on CNN International's election night coverage in Spanish, explaining the Tea Party activists' role in the outcome of the elections. In an effort to promote the Constitution and free markets to the Spanish speaking American public, Tito founded the Conservative Hispanic Coalition. “As Latinos, we are the largest minority in the United States. We have to take our place in history and preserve the vision of the founding fathers of this nation. It is our duty. It is our responsibility,” he said. The catalyst for the conception of the Conservative Hispanic Coalition is very personal to Tito, as he feels the Hispanic community in America has been deceived. “It is crucial to reach the growing segment of new immigrants with a conservative message as soon as possible, even before they learn English. The mainstream media and liberals have lied to them in Spanish about conservative values, and it is time to set the record straight and deliver the truth.” To adequately spread the message, Tito has a weekly radio talk show aimed at the Hispanic community; appropriately entitled ‘America Eres Tu' or America is you. “Every day we make choices. Many of us were not born here; we chose to come to this great nation and it has given us so much. Choose the right path and defend what is so special about America because America Eres TU,” Tito said. Between spearheading the Conservative Hispanic Coalition and hosting a weekly radio show, Tito is the president of a Dale City, Virginia based construction company. Despite his time-consuming involvement, he has attended multiple LI trainings. Recently, Tito attended the Campaign Management School, and commended the program. “This is not like college where you only have professors with book knowledge. Here, you get teachers with book knowledge and practical knowledge. This is what they do!” Speaking at a September 12 Freedom Works rally in Washington, D.C. Tito rallied the crowd by saying, “As our founding founders fought the British redcoats, today we have a job; it is to fight the socialist redcoats in Washington!” Tito continues to stay active, and is committed to using LI training to stay passionately involved with his party and in his community. He is even exploring the possibility of running for state legislature stating, “I was born in Columbia, but I was made in the USA!” To learn more about America Eres Tu, please click here or visit For information on Tito PAC, please visit
Invitation to the International School of Fundraising
Lauren Hart
March 24, 2011
Invitation to the International School of Fundraising
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 The Leadership Institute invites you to attend the fourth annual International School of Fundraising: How to Raise A Lot of Money in Your Country for Your Causes from April 5 to April 9 at Wellington College, Crowthorne, Berkshire in the United Kingdom. Register now before all the 100 spots are filled.At the training, you'll receive lessons from expert faculty on personal solicitation; adapting the principles of direct mail fundraising to your culture and country; how to fundraise for corporations; vital research on donors and prospective donors; building strong donor relations; how to make strong presentations; writing a fundraising plan and budgeting for long-term success; how to write a successful fundraising letter; social media for fundraising; informational mailings and newsletters; how to build a house file with strategies for strong renewals; and many other topics.The cost for the week-long training is US $750 and includes lodging, meals, materials and training in state-of-the-art facilities with top-notch expert faculty from around the world. Scholarships are available. However, this seminar will be limited to 100 delegates.Register for the International School of Fundraising right now.If you have any questions, please contact Director of International Training Miguel Moreno at or 703-247-2000 ext. 345.>
LI Welcomes New Staff Members
March 22, 2011
LI Welcomes New Staff Members
The Leadership Institute has welcomed three new staff members to its Arlington, Virginia headquarters, the Steven P.J. Wood Building, in the past few weeks: Gabriel Conger, Danielle Savoy, and Brennan Ward.Brennan WardNew Hampshire native Brennan Ward has joined LI's Grassroots Department directly from the office of Congressman Cliff Stearns (R-FL). In his new position as Grassroots Coordinator, Brennan explained, he will "teach, organize, and coordinate conservative grassroots training programs across the country."Brennan graduated the University of New Hampshire with a degree in Psychology, then went on to George Washington University's School of Political Management for his Master's degree.During the 2010 election cycle, Brennan served as the Pennsylvania Republican Party state liaison, coordinating efforts between congressional and statewide candidates. He oversaw his volunteers making one of the largest victory efforts in the entire country."The Leadership Institute has provided me an opportunity to train and network with likeminded conservative activists," said Brennan, adding, "The position has awarded me the chance to travel the country and teach campaigning. This is extremely rewarding to see students take these tools and techniques and apply them to their own political campaigns."Robert Arnakis, the Institute's Senior Director of Domestic and International Programs, said, "Brennan's political experience and can-do attitude will be a welcome addition to the Grassroots team. 2011 and 2012 will be two very crucial years for conservatives. Having Brennan on board at LI means more conservatives will get the training they desperately need."Gabriel CongerA Wisconsin native, Gabriel recently joined the Institute as Director of Foundation and Corporate Relations. In his new position, Gabriel explained, he will "communicate LI's mission and information regarding the Institute's programs to foundations and corporations that make grants, drafting proposals, reports, and other correspondence to individuals at those organizations."Prior to joining LI, Gabriel worked as Development Assistant at the Heritage Foundation. While there, "all the interns I supervised spoke very highly of the training they received here [LI] and always returned to work enthusiastic to put that training into action," Gabriel said, adding, "I was curious to learn more about an organization that did such a superb job motivating and teaching young conservatives.""To be completely honest when I came to work at LI, I was not fully aware of the extent and scope of the training programs and outreach efforts on college campuses," Gabriel continued. “LI's training programs, work on college campuses, and the employment service program combined reach virtually every organization in the conservative movement in one way or another. LI is truly the H.R. department for the movement.”Gabriel attended Creighton University in Nebraska and received a B.A. in History. Having lived in the D.C. area for a few years now, Mr. Conger has had some interesting encounters. One includes a chance meeting with former Vice President Dick Cheney: "One day I was stepping out of an elevator at the Heritage Foundation on my way to work out at their gym and literally bumped into former Vice President Dick Cheney. The Secret Service agents surrounding Vice President Cheney were less than thrilled with the gym bag I was carrying, but luckily, they let me go!"Danielle SavoyDanielle Savoy joins Gabriel in LI's Development Department from Louisiana as a Donor Relations Officer. "My focus is on maintaining and strengthening LI's relationships with donors and prospects," said Danielle, adding, "A large part of this endeavor involves providing information about our programs and achievements to donors so that they can see exactly how their donations are making a difference."Danielle graduated with a B.S. in Microbiology from Louisiana State University, and then pursued a law degree from LSU's law school. While a law student, Danielle fostered the relationship that would ultimately lead her to the Institute."My mentor and law professor, Professor John S. Baker, was instrumental in helping me develop a sound understanding of the Constitution and a strong conservative philosophy. During my third year of law school, he helped me make the decision to move to DC to become a part of the conservative movement. Professor Baker had wonderful things to say about Morton Blackwell, whom he knows personally, and he suggested that I enroll in one of the Leadership Institute's training schools," Danielle explained.Prior to coming to LI, Danielle worked for Louisiana Congressman Rodney Alexander as a staff assistant and then his scheduler; as a Federal Judicial Law Clerk for U.S. District Judge Kurt D. Engelhardt; and as an attorney in private practice and corporate counsel.It was during the Institute's job fair at CPAC this February that Danielle learned about job opportunities with the organization. "I attended the CPAC job fair, where I learned that LI was recruiting for this position. After speaking to Director of Regional Development Seth Nichols, I knew it was the right position for me. Just ten days later, I began working at LI!"Steve Sutton, LI's Vice President of Development and Campus Programs, was "pleased" and "excited" by the addition of the new development staff members. In particular, Mr. Sutton commended "their youthful exuberance, their experience, their intelligence, and their proven track records of success as conservative activists." He added, "I am excited that LI can benefit from their extensive experience."Please welcome Gabriel, Danielle, and Brennan as new staff at LI.>
LI graduate writes for tens of thousands
Lauren Hart
March 21, 2011
LI graduate writes for tens of thousands
Leadership Institute graduate John Rossomando, after having taken six trainings at LI, has begun the Rossomando Report to showcase his writings for and the Daily Caller. “I got my start on the Rossomando Report last fall after a friend -- who is also a Leadership Institute alumnus -- suggested I start a website to showcase the work I have been doing for the Daily Caller and for other publications I have been writing for,” John said. John's articles for the Daily Caller “have received as many as 30,000 hits...which I think showcases my ability to connect with my readers and write about what they care about,” John continued. When asked about his LI training experience, John said, “The Leadership Institute's schools are excellent.” In particular he mentioned that the "Capitol Hill Staff Training School provides invaluable information for aspiring Hill staffers that is hard to find elsewhere, and the Broadcast Journalism School also provides invaluable information on getting started in the field from people in the field. The PR school also provides a good introduction to the PR field for those considering entering it.” John's Townhall column debuted over the weekend.
How Could a 28-Year-Old Activist and Former LI Intern Influence the 2012 Elections?
Lauren Hart
March 18, 2011
How Could a 28-Year-Old Activist and Former LI Intern Influence the 2012 Elections?
March 16, 2011, Arlington, VA—Sunday's edition of The Atlantic featured an article by National Journal Political Correspondent Beth Reinhard where she says, “Now, potential presidential candidates know Ryan Rhodes on a first-name basis.” Twenty-eight-year-old Ryan Rhodes, a former Leadership Institute intern, is a true conservative grassroots activist, arriving here only by way of an unlikely road. To read the full article by Beth Reinhard, please click here. “Rhodes never expected to be at the forefront of presidential politics. When he started college, he was more interested in partying and going to football games. He was found guilty of underage drinking in 2002. A couple years later, he left college and floated from one job to another: chef, construction worker, clothing store salesman, pizza delivery guy.” In 2007 at Iowa State University Ryan was activated to politics after witnessing a “protest over a campus blood drive,” where “a handful of students were accusing the Red Cross of discriminating against gay men by refusing to take their higher-risk blood. To Rhodes, the protest smacked of political correctness, and he plunged into movement conservatism.” He began reading conservative books like Barry Goldwater's The Conscience of a Conservative and Thomas Paine's Common Sense. “He started going to church. He interned at the Leadership Institute, a boot camp for conservative activists in Virginia” and across the world. Ryan has attended 12 LI trainings including a blogging workshop, campaign management school, future candidate school, online fundraising workshop, public relations school, advanced public speaking workshop, student publications workshop, TV trainings in techniques and on camera, and the youth leadership school, LI's flagship school. “In 2008, still in college, he turned theory into practice and ran for the Iowa House against a Democratic incumbent. He didn't have a car, so he took the bus. He wore out four pairs of shoes. The centerpiece of his platform was a plan to boost Iowa's economy by encouraging college graduates to stay in the state. If they got jobs in Iowa after graduation, the money they owed in income taxes would go toward paying off student loans.” “After he lost the election, ‘literally penniless and eating eggs,' Rhodes honed his chops at retail politics working at a Chrysler dealership and selling ads for a group of radio stations.” “On the side, he organized tea party rallies and lobbied a key Republican, Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa, to vote against President Obama's health care reform. In 2010, he managed the unsuccessful congressional campaign of a retired pilot and gun enthusiast who carries a copy of the Constitution in his coat pocket.” To read the full article in The Atlantic, please click here. The Leadership Institute is proud of former intern Ryan who is doing good things. To see LI's upcoming trainings and get plugged in like Ryan, please click here. The Leadership Institute is an educational foundation whose mission is to increase the number and effectiveness of conservative activists and leaders in the public policy process. LI trains and places conservatives in government, politics, and the media by teaching them how to succeed in the public policy process. To do that, LI offers 40 types of training programs, works with more than 1,465 conservative campus groups, and helps employers connect with conservative jobseekers. Since the Institute's 1979 founding, more than 91,600 students have been trained. Alumni include U.S. Senators, Members of Congress, city council members, local mayors, state legislators, and conservative activists and officeholders at every level. For more information, please visit: -30- 
The Miracle Worker – LI’s Andrea McCarthy earning the ‘Employee of the Quarter’ award for placing conservatives in their “dream jobs”
March 17, 2011
The Miracle Worker – LI’s Andrea McCarthy earning the ‘Employee of the Quarter’ award for placing conservatives in their “dream jobs”
March 17, 2011, Arlington, VA—The Leadership Institute's Director of the Employment Placement Services Department (EPS) Andrea McCarthy rarely has a slow day. She oversees, the nation's premier free, online solution that connects conservative job seekers with potential employers.In LI Founder and President Morton Blackwell's Employee of the Quarter announcement, he said, “Andrea has worked tirelessly for the last three months to meet with dozens of job seekers, quickly post new job positions to Conservative Jobs, and to review individual resumes to recommend top-talent to employers seeking conservative employees.”Accepting the award, Ms. McCarthy felt both “honored” and “surprised.” “This award is a motivator to keep meeting with folks. A motivator to place conservatives in their dream jobs,” said Ms. McCarthy.The Leadership Institute has placed over 1,300 conservatives in over 500 organizations nationwide. In addition to maintaining, Ms. McCarthy also quite frequently meets with conservative job seekers; answering questions, offering advice, and aiding in resume writing. Ms. McCarthy feels she has done her job “when I get a thank you card from someone I met with. We talked. We made some edits. And they got the job they wanted. The goal is for them to go from job seeker to employee.”Looking to the future, Ms. McCarthy has many plans. One includes a cell phone application for so that “we can make the services readily available,” she said.Having been with LI since 2006, first as a recruitment coordinator, then as the director of recruitment and now in her current position, Ms. McCarthy draws on her extensive knowledge, wide experience and contacts to aid conservatives and organizations in the search for the perfect match. “This award is a strong reminder of why I do what I do,” she said.Being the ultimate encourager, Ms. McCarthy is always ready to help anyone who contacts her. No matter how tough the challenge or how busy she is. She has one suggestion to all LI grads and conservatives: “Utilize the free sources!”To learn more about and set up an account please click here or contact Andrea at 703-247-2000.The Leadership Institute is an educational foundation whose mission is to increase the number and effectiveness of conservative activists and leaders in the public policy process. LI trains and places conservatives in government, politics, and the media by teaching them how to succeed in the public policy process. To do that, LI offers 40 types of training programs, works with more than 1,465 conservative campus groups, and helps employers connect with conservative jobseekers. Since the Institute's 1979 founding, more than 91,600 students have been trained. Alumni include U.S. Senators, Members of Congress, city council members, local mayors, state legislators, and conservative activists and officeholders at every level. For more information, please visit:>
LI's Public Relations School:
Harald Brevik
March 15, 2011
LI's Public Relations School: "Eye-Opening"
With our increasing hunger for information, real-time photos and video, and "live-tweeting" from the scene, a composed response to any scenario is more important than ever for political communicators. That's just what students learned at last week's interactive, three-night Public Relations School at the Leadership Institute. "Crisis communication is a sixth sense -- an art, not a science," explained Mark Pfeifle, an LI faculty member and Systems Media Group Vice President. Drawing on his past experience as Deputy Assistant to President George W. Bush and Press Secretary and Communications Director for Interior Secretary Gale Norton, he taught attendees how to stay on message during a crisis. For Washington Scholars Legislative Fellow Mark Cummings, "learning the different aspects of crisis management was the most beneficial" information at the school. Mark, who works for Senator Ensign (NV), called the training "a worthwhile, eye-opening experience." Blain Rethmeier (photo at left), Senior Vice President of Public Affairs at the American Insurance Association, instructed LI students to "always answer the question you wished they would have asked" during his lecture on message development. Remember, he advised, that "every question is an opportunity to get your message out." The faculty was well-received; their lessons, even more so. But the students weren't the only ones enjoying their time. As Blain Rethmeier said at the end of his lecture, "I came to you to do this, because people used to come do this for me."
The essence of working on a campaign
Stephanie Freedman
March 15, 2011
The essence of working on a campaign
As we are rolling into a fresh race cycle for 2011, jobs are starting to pop up on the campaign trail. If you are in any way politically inclined there will always be a certain allure to working on a campaign at one point in your career. When I graduated college I had this vision of being staffed full time on a campaign. I was envisioning rallies, debates, and late nights eating pizza sessions while listening to Led Zeppelin. Do not get me wrong, these things did happen during the campaign (minus the Led Zeppelin tunes, even though we did throw in Journey a few times) but there were many holes in my vision that were quickly filled in once starting my first campaign job. My first job after college was a Congressional campaign, and it was one of the most intense, yet rewarding experiences of my life. But it takes a certain personality to truly enjoy campaign work. It is not for everyone. Before you embark on a search for a campaign job, here are a few things that I observed being campaign staff. This is not a job for the weary of heart.Be flexible: This job is in no way your structured, 9 to 5 scenario. In fact this might just be the antithesis of your typical job. Campaigners never sleep; there will always be an early morning news article that needs to be read, late night events that need to be hit, and weekends free are just a distant pastime on your life B.C. (Before Campaign). You may have a schedule planned for the day, and an article may turn up in the local paper that morning that will turn your whole day upside down. A last minute event opportunity may present itself that you cannot ignore. Having structure but being able to roll with the punches is a priceless craft to master on the campaign trail. Be open-minded: A campaign job is a job with many hats. While you will be hired for a specific job, be prepared to be doing everything under that job's spectrum. You will be in a suit one day and jeans and a T shirt the next. You will find yourself dressed up for a gala one night and pounding the pavement going door to door the next morning. You might even find yourself running to put out signs in your professional attire. Anything is possible. Be prepared to have your comfort zone pushed as far as possible.Assess your stress threshold: Before you embark on the journey to seek out the campaign job, sit down and be honest with yourself about how prepared you are to handle the stress of the campaign thrill ride. People told me that working on a campaign was like working in a pressure cooker and I could not think of a better way to explain it. There will always be more doors to knock on, there will always be another hundred calls to make, there will always be volunteers that need to be recruited, and there will always be media alerts to assess. Everyone wants to say that they handle stress well, but for the sake of your sanity and your potential colleagues' sanity; if you tend to not react well to stress, this may not be the job for you.At the end of the day be able to let your hair down: While the stress is high and the tasks are at times arbitrary, the point of campaigning is your ability to connect. This is a job strictly contingent on creating personal relationships. While there are a lot of things on the table, you still need to be able to have fun, and allow yourself to truly enjoy the job opportunity you are experiencing because it is truly one of a kind.Recognize that once you solidify your position on a campaign, you are surrendering yourself to the ride of your life until November 3rd. The only way to see if you're truly cut out for the work is to throw yourself into one headfirst. It may be the worst experience you've ever had, or the best experience you've ever had, but at the end of the day it will be an experience you will never forget. >
Campaign Management School draws more than 40 conservatives
March 14, 2011
Campaign Management School draws more than 40 conservatives
Florida campaign manager Andrea Penton, Vancouver CEO Julian Haigh, Texan entrepreneur Trent Derr, and more than forty other conservatives came to the Leadership Institute for its Campaign Management School (CMS), a week-long, intensive "boot camp" in campaign management last week.The school teaches students the ins and outs of campaigning through intensive training and real life stories, and in doing so, give students the how-to knowledge they need to succeed. As CMS student Gus Leventis of Addison, Illinois said, "The [CMS] will teach you how to win!"The week-long school drew future campaign managers, campaign staff, and several potential candidates. Among the candidates was Lynda Fairman (photograph below), a candidate for a Virginia State Senate seat. "I was visiting our state senator and every question I asked, the current state senator answered, ‘We'll just have to disagree on that,'" Lynda explained. "I asked about an education issue, since it is a field I am well experienced in, and it was an issue I was certain everyone would agree was a state issue. He claimed it was a district issue, looked at me then said, ‘We'll just have to disagree on that.' As we are about to leave, he sarcastically says, ‘Hmph. You should run for School Board.' I turn around, and blurt out ‘Actually, I think I'll run for your job!'" Lynda laughed. "He [the senator] just looked at me, then says, ‘Get in line.' With this training, I feel I have been given the tools to succeed. Not just for my campaign but for the movement as a whole."Emily Lucier, a contract documents paralegal in Richmond, Virginia shared her experience: "This has been such a plethora of invaluable information that has given me ideas for my candidate all week." She attended the school because she'll serve as campaign manager for a local government race in Richmond this fall. "This training has helped me to first consider the skills I have and how to use them, and also has given me a strong, organizational frame in how to go about planning a campaign. Learning these tools and processes will allow me to go forward with confidence."The CMS featured experienced, expert faculty members who brought many years' experience with campaigns -- and a willingness to share their knowledge with eager students."The campaign management training was an intense, one-week experience packed with the best practices and wisdom of the most impressive group of consultants I have met," said Trent Derr of Texas."Just this week alone, the training has been successful," said CMS attendee Dr. Lolita Mancheno-Smoak. She teaches graduate and undergraduate business at the University of Phoenix and Strayer University, and is an at-large candidate for the Fairfax County (VA) School Board. "What [LI] teaches is not just theory, but application. When you know you can immediately apply it, you know it is valuable," as she had already put the training to use by crafting a coalition of support for her candidacy.Lolita praised the training as teaching "the good, the bad, and the ugly of real campaigning based on real-life experiences." She added "fundamentally I think everyone should take this school. Not only campaign managers, but candidates, as well. I am ecstatic! We learn the right questions, the proper techniques, and bottom line you could never get this from a book. This is good!"Sharing this sentiment, Lynda Fairman added, "And not only is the training itself good, but the dinners at night and being able to stay in the dorms allows us to network and connect with each other. This is definitely worth my -- and the donors' -- money...Most of the lasting connections are made after class."After a week at the Campaign Management School, the more than 40 students are ready to contribute to the conservative movement as campaign managers, campaign staff, or future candidates. Perhaps Lynda explains it best: "Prior to this school, I felt like I was jumping off a cliff into a pit. Now, I'm ready!">
Youth Leadership School Visits the Upper Midwest
March 10, 2011
Youth Leadership School Visits the Upper Midwest
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Texas A&M Students Use LI Training to Win Student Government Elections
Lauren Hart
March 9, 2011
Texas A&M Students Use LI Training to Win Student Government Elections
Nearly a month ago, conservative students from Texas A&M University came together at the ranch of a Leadership Institute supporter. The students -- many members of the Texas Aggie Conservatives, affiliated with LI's Campus Leadership Program -- were there for a Campus Election Workshop taught by Tony Listi, a Regional Field Coordinator for the Institute. The A&M student government elections were coming up, and these conservative students wanted to learn how to win student government positions. With the results now in, it's clear they learned well. Freshman Kristin Bonner and sophomore Nicole Heath were elected to the Student Senate on platforms that reflected their conservative principles. In a field of 64 candidates, Nicole received the eighth most votes; Kristin, the 20th most votes. "The campaigning tactics provided by the Campus Election Workshop proved to be a vital element in getting elected as one of the top student senators," Nicole explained. "I know I would not have been near as successful running my very first campaign without having gained such valuable knowledge and skills." Kristen agreed, adding, "I know that I would not have won the student government election without the information and guidance provided by the election workshop held by the Leadership Institute." LI's Campus Election Workshop teaches conservative students how to run for -- and win -- student government elections. If you or someone you know would like to bring a workshop to your school, contact Kent Strang, Director of Youth Leadership School, to organize one.
Atlas Shrugged Movie to Premiere April 15
Lauren Hart
March 8, 2011
Atlas Shrugged Movie to Premiere April 15
Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged will debut on the silver screen this year on Tax Day, April 15, when the first of a three-film series will be publicly released."It's refreshing to see a pro-liberty movie coming out of Hollywood," said Cuylor Reeves, who attended a special sneak preview screening organized by the Atlas Society in Washington, DC. "I haven't yet read Atlas Shrugged, but I really think this film can spread Rand's defense of free markets to new audiences."Cuylor, who was a member of Young Americans for Liberty, affiliated with LI's Campus Leadership Program, at Mississippi State University, continued, "Plus, in fitting with current news, the movie made quite a few good digs at union leadership."Atlas Shrugged, first published in the 1957, has enjoyed long-lasting popularity. Morton Blackwell, LI's president, also includes the novel on the list of books he recommends most to conservatives, published as Read to Lead."This book has been described as a very long essay in the guise of a very long novel," Morton explains in Read to Lead. "It is one of the most devastating critiques ever written of big government and the liberal media. Rand's moral indignation is contagious; after reading her, most readers are forever immune to the enticements of socialism."But, Morton continues, "It must also be said, however, that the militantly atheistic Rand had an unrealistic view of human nature and little appreciation for cultural values. Most people, however mesmerized by her they may be in their youth, outgrow Rand's philosophy, which Burke might have described as a theoretical construct rather than an application of the accumulated wisdom of mankind."Read Morton's full review of Atlas Shrugged -- and see the other 25 books he recommends -- right now.>
Youth Leadership School comes to Denver, CO
Harald Brevik
March 7, 2011
Youth Leadership School comes to Denver, CO
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Gathering on the foothills of the majestic Rocky Mountains, the Denver Youth Leadership School (YLS) drew dozens of students for the "boot camp of politics" to prepare them to lead youth efforts for the candidates and causes of their choice."These skills helped us win the student elections," said Gregory Carlson of the University of Colorado Boulder. He added, "We amended them to fit the dynamics of the CU campus. They empowered us to be more effective and work smarter, not harder."Brian Ruddle of the University of Colorado (CU), not only tagged the school as “intense” but also commended YLS for teaching "what is needed for campaigns and [political] awareness."The Youth Leadership School, the Leadership Institute's flagship school, has traveled across the country for decades. The school has launched more political careers than any other LI training program."This training motivated me exponentially to read books, stay connected on news, and improve my thinking," high school student Bay Baker said, adding her intentions "to be involved in college."Nicholas Catalano of the University of Colorado Boulder agreed, saying the YLS is "invaluable for the price" and plans to use the training "to advance my political career."With the tools in hand, LI faculty left the group of energetic students ready to hit the ground running with LI staff and resources at their disposal for the future.As the school drew to a close, Centennial Institute Staff Assistant Karthik Venkatraj (photo at right) praised the training as an effective tool for campaigns and campus activism and for being "quintessential in leading an effective, pragmatic conservative movement." See LI's calendar to find a training -- including a Youth Leadership School -- near you.>
Development Associate at Americans for Tax Reform Praises LI Training
Lauren Hart
March 4, 2011
Development Associate at Americans for Tax Reform Praises LI Training
Americans for Tax Reform Development Associate Aaron Buchhop who is a part of the ATR internship program has taken six Leadership Institute trainings, saying “LI training schools I've attended have helped me in a number of areas, both personally and professionally.” After attending the fundraising school at the Leadership Institute, Mr. Buchhop said that by far the most beneficial thing to him was “how to organize a development department in an organization and putting into practice the suggestions made at this school.” LI's February fundraising school, How to Raise Money...the Easy Way, hosted 82 students and took an in-depth look at how to improve an organization's fundraising efforts through personal solicitation, online fundraising, and event fundraising to support the cause or candidate. Mr. Buchhop has taken six LI trainings including: the Job and Internship Fair; How to Raise Money…the Easy Way; Youth Leadership School; Advanced Public Relations; and two Public Speaking Workshops. “Public Speaking was my first and most inspirational LI school,” Mr. Buchhop said. “It motivated me to be more involved at LI and to take advantage of the excellent training provided in a variety of areas.” Commenting on the Youth Leadership School, Mr. Buchhop said it was the “most beneficial in its heavy promotion of conservative grassroots organizing and activism. The Advanced Public Relations School enabled me to start seeing the flip side of media so as to better understand how to work with the media and avoid being used by it.” When asked about how he would describe his LI experience, he said, “LI staff and teachers are very willing to assist and answer questions. Networking is very important at any LI school and it is strongly encouraged. I have met conservative students and professionals from all walks of life. Networking with the people I have trained with has opened doors for future opportunities, both for them and for me. And of course the provided meals are always good!” What does Mr. Buchhop plan next? “I plan on incorporating all LI training into my life in one way or another. Specifically with the development training, I hope to use the organizational knowledge I have acquired at the most recent school to not only help strengthen and better my current development work, but to develop a more solid, experienced understanding of development operations as I advance in my career.” We wish you the best Aaron! To learn how to talk with voters, be a public relations professional, create a campaign plan, fundraise, or get TV training like Aaron—come get LI training.
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