Campaign Leadership College
The most extensive and intensive program ever offered by LI. Nine days of comprehensive training in every aspect of campaign management.
next Campaign Leadership College countdown
April 4, 2025
Campaign Leadership College
LI’s Campaign Leadership College (CLC) is the most intensive and thorough program ever offered by the Leadership Institute. Morton Blackwell created the CLC so conservative candidates don’t lose elections for lack of skilled staff. This training develops campaigners capable of leading the most challenging campaigns for public office.
The CLC brings together the nation’s top campaign experts to provide nine days of comprehensive training in every aspect of campaign management. This program provides any conservative looking to hold a senior role on a campaign with the proper tools to be successful. Senior campaign staff are always in high demand.
During this nine-day intensive course, you will learn how to:
- Professionally manage a campaign for public office
- Research and develop winning strategies
- Write a comprehensive campaign plan
- Communicate through multiple messaging vehicles
- Raise the required funds to finance a campaign operation
- Efficiently spend campaign resources
- Organize your grassroots team to connect effectively with voters
- Get supporters to turn out and vote on or before Election Day
You will also have the opportunity to write your own campaign plan and have it evaluated and critiqued by the CLC’s panel of expert faculty.
To make sure that all attendees have a chance to receive proper mentorship and coaching, attendance at each CLC is limited to 50 students. So be sure to apply early. Partial and full scholarships are available.
Apply Now
Mark Campbell
Ron Nehring
Steven Sutton
Rick Tyler
Profile of a Successful Applicant
Three Years of Political Experience
Desire to help Conservative Candidates
Principles and Values
Advocate for Conservative Principles

Student Testimonials

Hermann Gunnarsson
“The CLC was a game-changer for me. Thanks to this course, I now have the necessary tools and knowledge to pursue my dream career of advancing the conservative cause and winning elections. This program has not only equipped me with practical skills and insights but also instilled in me the values of dedication, perseverance, and leadership. I am confident that the lessons I have learned here will stay with me for a lifetime and make a real difference in the world around me.
Thank you for your generous support in sponsoring my education at the CLC. Your investment has given me the tools and knowledge to pursue my career goals and make a positive impact on society. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn from the best faculty members and gain invaluable skills in promoting the conservative cause and winning elections. Your contribution has also helped sustain the CLC’s critical mission and inspire the next generation of conservative leaders. Thank you again for your kindness and support.”

Elizabeth Franceschini

Dallas Ernst
“CLC was everything they should’ve taught during my political science degree course of study but wasn’t. Thank you so much for your generous contribution. There is no doubt that the lessons learned will help all of us make a larger impact and win at the ballot box.”
Topics Covered
Day One
- Planning
- Strategy
- Tactics
- Organization
- Management
Day Two
- Vote Goals
- Social Media
- Data Science
- Polling
Day Three
- Finding the Message
Day Four
- Messaging and Media
Day Five
- AI in Campaigns
- Digital Advertising
- Coalitions
Day Six
- Paid Voter Contact
- Campaign Decisions
Day Seven
- Fundraising
Day Eight
- Grassroots Field Operations
Day Nine
- Campaign Plan Review
- Graduation