Staff Directory

John Koons

John Koons

Deputy Director of Youth and High School Programs
Campus Leadership Program | Youth Leadership

John Koons is a political consultant and is a seasoned youth organizer dedicated to advancing the conservative movement among high school, college, and young professional networks. John also serves on the advisory boards for the American Conservation Coalition, National Federation of College Republicans, and High School Republican National Federation.

Previously, John served as the Deputy Director of the Jay Henges Center for Youth Leadership at the Leadership Institute and as the Director of Youth Engagement for the Republican National Committee, where he assisted with traveling the country to train conservative activists expand the conservative movement.

Before transitioning to Washington, D.C. to work at the national level, John worked on campaigns at the state and local levels in Pennsylvania. During the 2020 presidential cycle, John served as the Pennsylvania Trump Victory Leadership Initiative Director where he oversaw the statewide volunteer recruitment and training efforts. Prior to joining the statewide Pennsylvania Trump Victory team, John was a grassroots organizer for Central Pennsylvania, developing a robust team of thousands of volunteers between 2016 and 2019.

Originally from Lebanon, PA, John is a graduate of Elizabethtown College with a Master of Public Policy and B.A. in Political Science.

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