Lifelong Activist Now Trains Thousands
Lauren Hart
June 19, 2012
Lifelong Activist Now Trains Thousands
Born in the Big Apple to Holocaust survivors, college student Henry Kriegel launched the Columbia University Young Americans for Freedom campus group in the early 1980s. His inspiration? It was his parents' fight for survival during the Holocaust and Ronald Reagan's election in 1980. Henry's passion for survivors moved him across the country to Los Angeles, where he helped Afghan refugees get on their feet and organize a rally against the Soviet Union in the mid 1980s. Soon after, he was hired by Washington, D.C.-based Committee for a Free Afghanistan as its public relations director. Two years later he became executive director, a position he held until the Soviets completely withdrew from Afghanistan in 1989. His group worked with Rep. Charlie Wilson and other Members of Congress to support the Afghans. “The movie and book Charlie Wilson's War is very accurate,” Henry told the Leadership Institute. “I left Washington, DC in 1990 because I felt I had made my contribution and wanted to join my friends who lived in Big Sky Country—Montana, also known as the last best place." "I hardly ever looked back until 9/11, when I watched airplanes strike the World Trade Center, in New York, my hometown. Shocked to discover that the terrorists were trained in Afghanistan, I then got re-energized and launched a remote radio PR tour urging the Bush Administration to work closely with the Northern Alliance to exact retribution on the Taliban and Al Qaeda,” Henry said. “I appeared on nearly every major radio talk show and several TV programs while traveling to New York and Los Angeles. I haven't stopped my activism since that time.” Now, Henry's active in local issues. He's a Tea Partier: He co-founded the Bozeman Tea Party and initiated the Montana Tea Party Coalition. They hosted the largest Fourth of July Tea Party rally, where roughly every 20th resident of the city took part, despite opposition. He's also president of Montanans for Tax Reform, where he collects signed Taxpayer Protection Pledges from local and state-level public officials. Their signature is a pledge to those they represent stating they will not raise taxes while in office. This pledge is a project of Americans for Tax Reform. Henry hosts a weekly radio show on Thursdays at 9 a.m. mountain time at KMMS-AM 1450 Bozeman, KPRK 1340 Livingston, and on the web at He's additionally the deputy state director in Montana for Americans for Prosperity (AFP), an organization of grassroots leaders who engage citizens in the name of limited government and free markets on the local, state, and federal levels. Henry works with Tea Party and Liberty groups throughout Montana organizing events, rallies, and forums as well as representing Americans for Prosperity to the media. He updates the state website, communicates important legislative updates to members, and provides testimony before the legislature. “I also helped organize the Leadership Institute training in Bozeman and supported LI's training in Missoula,” Henry said of the trainings earlier this year. “It was my intent to bring more professional skills training to activists who have the passion and the desire and just need additional training to be more effective.” Henry first learned of the Leadership Institute in the mid-90's when he was working in DC and attending the Paul Weyrich Station Club meetings, where LI's President Morton Blackwell often presented. “I knew the Leadership Institute to be the leader in activist training and I actually attended a training in the summer of 2001 at LI's headquarters in Virginia,” Henry said. “When I got involved in the Tea Party movement, I knew our activists needed LI training. It took me over a year to get the Montana Tea Party Coalition and my local Tea Party to sponsor and support the training. AFP was already working closely with LI and they were very eager to get on board with the training.” Henry has taken three LI trainings: Internet Activist School in July 2001 based in Arlington, Virginia; the Grassroots Activist School in January 2012 based in Bozeman; and the April 2012 Grassroots Activist School in Missoula, Montana. He has also been trained since 2010 on LI's website. “What I learned at LI was how to apply my public relations and marketing skills to specific candidates and issue campaigns,” Henry said. “I also learned specific techniques and tools I can apply to campaigns and organizational development.” LI offers training in 50 states and dozens of countries each year. Please go here to register for an already-scheduled training or contact LI to request training in your area. “You are the leaders in activist training,” Henry said to the Leadership Institute. “I hope to maintain and develop my relationship with LI for many years to come and perhaps serve as a trainer in my areas of expertise and passion—communications, public relations, and crisis management.” Henry joins more than 107,000 graduates trained by the Leadership Institute since 1979. “Thank you so much for the honor of featuring me as an LI Graduate of the Week,” Henry said. To nominate a Leadership Institute graduate to be featured as LI's graduate of the week, please contact LI's External Affairs Officer Lauren Hart at
Let’s Give an “Aloha” to Hawaiian Business and Political Leader
Lauren Hart
June 12, 2012
Let’s Give an “Aloha” to Hawaiian Business and Political Leader
David Chang is a creator—a creator of products, services, strategy, and implementation. He is president and CEO of the following companies: GreenTech Pacific, a company selling energy efficient technologies; PowerH2O, a premium water bottle company; WealthBridge, Inc., a wealth and business management company that empowers individuals in their financial, investment, and retirement planning; WealthBridge Real Estate, development company acquiring a portfolio of properties; The Cabinet and Stone Factory, a residential and commercial remodeling and renovation construction firm; and Pacific West Import and Export, an import and export merchant company. But that's not all. He's also a commander for the Hawaii Army National Guard and previously an intelligence officer. To boot, David is a former pastor and ministry leader at his church. And since November, David has been elected to direct the strategy of the Republican Party in Hawaii. Two years before being elected chairman of the Hawaii GOP (Grand Old Party), David attended two Leadership Institute Activist Schools in Honolulu. “I was a first-time candidate and was very impressed with the depth of knowledge and experience that you offered. I remember the Leesburg Grid very well, and especially the fundraising tips and the best way to conduct grassroots operations,” David told the Leadership Institute. Though he lost his first election, it didn't keep David from running another campaign, and being a “creator” of opportunity. “The Leadership Institute provides a strong framework for starting your campaign or tightening up your operations,” David said. “The best candidates don't necessarily win, but the best campaign generally does. LI provided the structure I needed for a well-run campaign.” LI's October 2009 activists trainings, which David attended brought, more than 125 conservative political activists from Oahu, Maui, and the Big Island for a week-long series of grassroots training sessions designed to help attendees be more effective in communication, fundraising, and political organizing. Several attendees were current and former state elected officials, including candidates for the office of U.S. Congress and the Lt. Governor of Hawaii. Local business owners and the heads of several public policy organizations also attended. “It's great to see the conservatives we've trained take on leadership roles throughout the country and in Hawaii,” LI's Senior Director of Domestic and International Programs Robert Arnakis said. Hawaii Republican Party Executive Director Nacia Blom took the activist trainings in October 2009 when David did as well as LI's Broadcast Journalism School in November 2009 and Public Speaking Workshop in September 2010. In addition to David's business and political responsibilities, he's active in his community. He is on the board of directors for the Builders Industry Association of Hawaii and the Association of Christian Conferences and Teaching Services. He is the past chair for the Young Professional Program for the Chamber of Commerce and is a member of the Financial Planning Association, the Lion's Club International, The Rotary Club, and Toastmasters. David graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point with a B.S. in economics and computer science and went on to receive a M.A. in political science from the University of Hawaii and a master's degree in theological studies from Covenant Theological Seminary. “I highly recommend that anyone thinking of running for office, incumbents, or people wanting to help another candidate attend LI's workshops. It provides invaluable strategies and tips to run a strong campaign,” David said. LI offers training in all 50 states and dozens of countries each year. Please go here to register for an already-scheduled training or contact LI to request training in your area. David joins more than 107,000 graduates trained by the Leadership Institute since 1979. Please welcome him as LI's Graduate of the Week. To nominate a Leadership Institute graduate to be featured as LI's graduate of the week, please contact LI's External Affairs Officer Lauren Hart at The Leadership Institute does not oppose or support any candidate, official, or legislation and all programs are open to the public.
LI Welcomes Congressman Joe Wilson
Danielle Saul
June 11, 2012
LI Welcomes Congressman Joe Wilson
On Wednesday, June 6, more than 100 Leadership Institute supporters, graduates, faculty, and staff welcomed South Carolina Congressman Joe Wilson to address June's Wednesday Wake-Up Club Breakfast. Rep. Wilson is no stranger to the Leadership Institute. He is a notable graduate of LI's 2002 and 2005 One-On-One Television Workshop as well as a member of LI's Congressional Advisory Board. “The Leadership Institute has made such a difference for our country giving young conservative the skills to go home and make a difference. And you [LI] are making a difference,” said Rep. Wilson. Rep. Wilson energized the crowd with his support of Governor Scott Walker in the wake of his victory, saying, “Walker's win should inspire political leaders across the country, and it does.” Rep. Wilson encouraged young people throughout the country to get involved in this fall's election. He went on to share how proud he is of American troops, including his sons, all of whom currently serve in the United States military. He also expressed his disappointment in the current President's actions against our military. “Our military has never been more at risk. They are facing an 8 to 12 percent cut. This is the smallest our military has been since 1939,” Rep. Wilson explained. He then added, “Our troops are so dedicated and so committed...I truly believe we have got the best troops. The personnel are the best ever.” “This fall we will regain victory,” Rep. Wilson said in an optimistic closing to his talk. “We are seeing changes in our lifetime we never could have imagined 25 years ago. Below is a photo of LI's Summer Interns with Rep. Wilson. The Leadership Institute's Wednesday Wake-Up Club Breakfast is held the first Wednesday of each month and is an excellent opportunity for friends of the Institute to meet leading conservative speakers and hear their thoughts on current affairs over good food and fellowship with conservative friends. The next Wednesday Wake-Up Club Breakfast is scheduled for August 1, 2012 and will feature Mallory Factor, President of MALLORY FACTOR INC. Mallory is also the founder and co-chair of The Monday Meeting, and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Click here for more information and to register.
LI Graduate To Be Named “Conservative of the Year” at the Conservative Leadership Conference
Lauren Hart
June 5, 2012
LI Graduate To Be Named “Conservative of the Year” at the Conservative Leadership Conference
College student Mark Ciavola is a political rock star. Mark's not only chairman of the College Republican Federation of Nevada and the student body president at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, but he's also the political director for the re-election campaign of Rep. Joe Heck (NV-03). If that isn't enough, he manages all this while being a full-time student. It's no wonder the Conservative Leadership Conference will name him “Conservative of the Year” this weekend in Las Vegas. “I'm honored to receive the award for my contributions to advancing conservative principles in Nevada,” Mark shared with the Leadership Institute. “It goes to show that anyone can make a difference if they get involved, work hard, stay focused, and follow through on their goals.” In 2009, Mark launched Right Pride, a conservative organization spreading a limited government and free market agenda within the gay community, which propelled him into politics. Shortly thereafter, Mark worked for the Republican National Committee's Victory Program and then onto Rep. Heck's campaign and leading College Republicans in Nevada and at his university. However, Mark's road to college and into politics wasn't without its challenges. “Like many others, I put college on hold to find a job and earn enough money to support myself. I spent about a dozen years in both restaurant management and sales management before deciding to go back to school to earn my degree in a field that I love: political science,” Mark said. “My first day of classes was the day of President Obama's inauguration. Since that time, I have worked as a field rep for the RNC's Victory Program and volunteer coordinator for Dr. Joe Heck's successful 2010 campaign for Congress.” His days are typically 12 to 14 hours, he says. “My days are spent hard at work preparing for the Nevada Republican Primary on June 12, and several of my evenings are spent interviewing candidates who will form our new team in student government on the heels of my ticket's election in April,” Mark said. Last year, when Mark served as president of the UNLV College Republicans, he “grew the organization from 50 members to 800, raised more than $31,000 without taking a single dime from the Republican Party or UNLV, and formed our state federation with the chapter at the University of Nevada.” It's really no wonder he's being recognized for his efforts. “I first learned of the Leadership Institute when I attended a training in Las Vegas,” Mark reflected. “Since that time I have attended numerous LI workshops, all of which have been extremely informative.” Mark has taken LI's Campus Elections Workshop in October 2011, Travel-Future Candidate School in June 2011, and the Internet Activist Workshop in June 2011. “I have made lifelong friendships and other relationships through the Leadership Institute, and have found it to be one of the most important and helpful organizations to those who wish to have a better understanding of leadership, activism, and political strategy,” Mark said. “I describe the Leadership Institute to others I know as a great resource for information, an incredible training tool, and a valuable network of individuals whose collective knowledge and experience help develop the future leaders of our nation,” Mark said. Mark joins more than 107,000 graduates trained by the Leadership Institute since 1979. Please welcome him as LI's Graduate of the Week. To nominate a Leadership Institute graduate to be featured as LI's graduate of the week, please contact LI's External Affairs Officer Lauren Hart at
Chicago Fundraiser Saves Lives, One Child at a Time
Lauren Hart
May 29, 2012
Chicago Fundraiser Saves Lives, One Child at a Time
Next week the Pro-Life Action League will host the Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally in cities across America. The group's rally in March had more than 63,000 people from 146 cities standing up for religious freedom. Expectations are even higher for the rally June 8. “We hope to have 100,000 participants in over 150 cities,” Pro-Life Action League Development Director Paige Scarlett, also a Leadership Institute graduate, said. “This rally is a campaign that's sweeping our nation to build awareness about the threats to our constitutional right to ‘freedom of religion' posed by the Obama Administration's Health and Human Services mandate.” “The administration's newest mandate forces religious employers, such as Catholic hospitals and schools to provide abortion-inducing drugs, sterilization, and contraception in employee healthcare plans for free – even though these all go directly against the employer's religious beliefs,” Paige said. “We are standing up for our constitutional rights that our Founding Fathers fought and died for, and one of those is the right to freedom of religion without interference by government.” The 30-year-old organization Pro-Life Action League leads sidewalk counseling at abortion clinics, helps students start pro-life clubs, and investigates abortion clinic violations, which has led to the closing of numerous facilities. “I get to work alongside the ‘godparents' of the pro-life movement on a daily basis, Joe and Ann Scheidler,” Paige said. “I am inspired by their tireless grassroots efforts to fight abortion since 1973 and keep it a sizzling, hot-button issue in our country.” Paige has worked at Pro-Life Action League since January, but never imagined she would go to college and be working. “My girlish hope and dream was to get married young and have a big family,” Paige, the oldest of a family of seven Catholic and conservative children, said. “But God had other plans for me. He wanted me to go to college and work in the pro-life movement – and save babies before I had any of my own!” In college, Paige was asked to assist the development director at The Thomas Moore College of Liberal Arts in Merrimack, New Hampshire, where she worked for a semester and a summer. Another summer, Paige raised money for the Crossroads Life Walk Across America, during which she walked 50 miles in five days for the cause of life. She's also been known to frequent abortion clinics and pray outside them (pictured right). Paige next became the development director for Foundation for Life in Toledo, Ohio where she served for 3.5 years after graduation before taking the development director job at Pro-Life Action League in Chicago, where she now works. “I first learned of the Leadership Institute through a friend who worked for your group,” Paige remembered. “She introduced me to LI, and coincidentally, I stayed with her a few days after my Crossroads Pro-Life Walk to Washington, D.C. – and even visited LI's office to ‘shadow' her for a couple days.” “I also knew of LI's fundraising trainings through my former job at Foundation for Life, but the Pro-Life Action League found it valuable enough to invest in sending me to it,” Paige said. “The League sent two other staff members to your direct mail school trainings a few years ago and they learned numerous best practices we have used into our communications ever since.” Paige took LI's High-Dollar Fundraising School in April, the Online Fundraising Workshop in April, and the Direct Mail School and Advanced Direct Mail School, both earlier this month. “The Leadership Institute has been a positive way to enhance my previous development know-how, hone my skills and judgment in the area of best approaches for fundraising, and boost my ability to share these successful tactics I learned with my fellow staffers, so we can make a team commitment to use LI's well-tested fundraising methods to keep our organization's mission very sustainable,” Paige said. “LI trainings are a survey in development approaches engagingly presented by a panel of experts. These professionals are dynamic, well-organized leaders in the field,” Paige said. “They're smart advocates of the conservative movement, looking to advance the cause, and are relevant and attuned to the best of current and tried-and-true styles of development.” “At the High Dollar Fundraising School, I learned that my organization needs to become ever more donor-centric – listening to the interests and desires of our donor-base and even using their wishes to shape our new or ongoing programs and just the way we pitch our message,” Paige reflected. “At the Online Fundraising Workshop, I learned new ways to tackle search engines to reach out to and hook a new audience through targeted ad spots,” Paige said. “I was enlightened on ways to go about delving into the internet market to attract and plug new supporters into our cause through the use of new media.” “At LI's direct mail schools (intro and advanced), I learned not only the importance of prospecting to find new donors, how to cultivate these new donors, and how to appeal to and engage your current donors, but how to do so most effectively, with the biggest chance of success,” Paige reported. “The key is to make all your touches (whether by mail, phone, or email) highly personal and focused on the impact that the donor makes possible. The donor needs to feel like an invested partner whose generosity truly saves lives.” And saving lives is the business of Pro-Life Action League. “In a challenging economy, it's necessary more than ever to know what works well and what doesn't as it is mission critical with fundraising. It could mean the difference between your group staying afloat, gaining momentum, or sinking. At LI's training, they give you tools and tips to take your organization's fundraising approaches from your baseline to the next level,” Paige said. Paige joins more than 107,000 alumni trained by the Leadership Institute since 1979. Please welcome her as LI's Graduate of the Week. For more information about Pro-Life Action League and their rally June 8, please contact Paige at 773-777-2900. To nominate a Leadership Institute graduate to be featured as LI's graduate of the week, please contact LI's External Affairs Officer Lauren Hart at
Expert Insights: How to Make the Most of Your DC Internship by Eliza Thurston
Eliza Thurston
May 25, 2012
Expert Insights: How to Make the Most of Your DC Internship by Eliza Thurston
About Eliza: As the intern coordinator at the Leadership Institute, Eliza Thurston works with young conservative leaders from across the United States and around the world to prepare them for service in politics and public policy. Eliza came to LI from The Heritage Foundation's Special Events department where she assisted with nation-wide development events. Prior to her time at Heritage, Eliza interned at Family Research Council and Shared Hope International. A Missouri native, Eliza attended Grove City College in Pennsylvania where she graduated with degrees in French and Political Science. So you've secured a coveted internship in the nation's capitol—now what? Learn how to make the most of your time while you are here. When I first came to Washington, DC as an intern in the summer of 2008 I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Growing up in a sleepy Midwest town on the outskirts of farmland, life in the big city was a new concept to me. How I wish I knew then what I know now! The advice below, culled from my time living and working in Washington, will help you navigate your internship and make it more than just another line on your resume. In the Office What can I do to help you? This little phrase is golden. When you find yourself with extra time on your hands, don't let it go to waste! Offer to assist fellow staffers with their work or look for ways to solve potential problems before they arise. Employers look for staff who demonstrate initiative and who seek opportunities to fill the gap. The intern who makes a positive impression in the office as someone always willing to volunteer will be remembered long after the summer is over—and just may be called back when a position opens. Invest in your organization. Even if you are here for only three months, make it your goal to become an expert in your company or office. From the microscopic (When was the company founded?) to the panoramic (How does my department contribute to the organization's mission?), you should be able to clearly represent your organization to anyone who asks. The same applies to those of you working on the Hill—familiarize yourself with the district and know your boss' position on the issues. Seek out a mentor. Take time to get to know your office mates and establish relationships with them. Find a mentor in your career field (whether at your office or in another one) who can guide you in your journey. Mentors are invaluable resources who will be able to offer advice on everything from office politics to providing contacts for the future. Their experiences can guide you as you discover your own career path. Dress for success. This is critical. No matter how many times people have told you that looks do not matter, in the professional world they do. Before you pack your bags for the internship, find out what the office expectations are regarding appropriate attire. If you don't own a business suit, you should purchase one. Consider it an investment in your future. Around Town Your reputation is everything. The adage, “Don't shame the family name,” has become a classic in my family. When my siblings or I went out for the night those words trailed us out the door. We understood that wherever we went we represented more than just ourselves. While it may not seem like it, Washington really is a small town. People talk. Word travels quickly. Everyone knows everyone else. So remember when you are out on the town, you represent your organization and the principles on which it stands. Don't shame the boss' name. Network, network, network. It's been said that a DC intern could go an entire summer without spending a dime on meals. I believe it. Policy luncheons, happy hours, and conferences abound in the District (and beyond). These events are worth taking advantage of—and not just for the food. DC insiders know that the secret to landing a job here is often found through your network. Remember to follow up with those you meet, ideally within 48 hours. A follow up coffee date or informational interview could be the gateway to your next job. Expert Insights is a regular feature of that highlights important topics by industry experts. If you would like to submit an article on a particular topic, please contact LI's External Affairs Officer Lauren Hart at
LI Graduate Senator Boozman (R-AR) Encourages Potential Candidates and Elected Officials to Get LI Training
Lauren Hart
May 21, 2012
LI Graduate Senator Boozman (R-AR) Encourages Potential Candidates and Elected Officials to Get LI Training
John Boozman was a football player for the University of Arkansas Razorbacks, an optometrist, an entrepreneur, and a business owner, all before he entered Congress. However, Congress wasn't Senator Boozman's first shake with politics. His father was a Master Sergeant in the United States Air Force and his elder brother Fay was a state senator in Arkansas' district 33. Before national politics, Sen. Boozman ran for local office on the Rogers Public School Board, where he served two terms for one of the largest school districts in the state. Sen. John Boozman was a U.S. Representative (AR-03) for five terms, before deciding to run for the upper chamber. He unseated Democratic incumbent Senator Blanche Lincoln, and is finishing up the first year-and-a-half of his six-year term in the United States Senate. In his first year as a senator, he received the Defender of Liberty award from the American Conservative Union, the nation's oldest and largest grassroots conservative lobbying organization. This award is given to Members of Congress who score a perfect 100 for any year within the ACU Ratings of Congress. “This Defender of Liberty award is a reflection of Senator Boozman's outstanding record in support of conservative principles … and someone who conservatives can turn to for leadership. At a time when the fundamental principles of the American system of government are being challenged, Senator Boozman stands with those who are trying to preserve those principles,” American Conservative Union Chairman Al Cardenas said. Sen. Boozman has also garnered endorsements from the National Rifle Association, National Right to Life, the Susan B. Anthony List, and Americans for Tax Reform in signing the Taxpayer Protection Pledge, to name a few. In the Senate, Sen. Boozman sits on four committees: Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry; Commerce, Science, and Transportation; Environment and Public Works; and Veterans' Affairs. “I am proud to be one of the Leadership Institute's alumni,” Sen. Boozman said. The senator took the Leadership Institute's (LI) Television Workshop, One-on-One in March 2003. “Thank you for the media training I received at the Leadership Institute,” Sen. Boozman said. “The training greatly improved the quality of my on-air media appearances and the effectiveness of my messaging. As a result, I encourage other potential candidates and elected officials to leverage their skills with the training that the Leadership Institute uniquely provides.” Senator Boozman's Communications Director Sara Lasure is also a Leadership Institute graduate. Sara took LI's Capitol Hill Staff Training School in August 2008 and LI's Public Relations School in July 2009. Before moving to Capitol Hill, Sara worked as a reporter in Fort Smith, Arkansas at KFSM-TV. "Senator Boozman has long been a supporter of the classes presented by the Leadership Institute after having attended courses that helped put him on the path to success on the campaign trail," Sara, his communications director, said. "His enthusiasm encouraged me to participate in classes to learn new public relations methods to reach our constituency and engage them in the work we're doing on their behalf." Sara continued: "The Leadership Institute offers a wide variety of opportunities to learn the best ways to engage constituents while helping push a conservative message. The classes are great opportunities to meet other people interested in the same field and hear and offer ideas for an effective media strategy. This is a great way to network and develop relationships to help advance your career." “I wish the Leadership Institute continued success in fulfilling your mission to increase the number and effectiveness of conservative leaders and activists,” Sen. Boozman said. LI provides training in campaigns, fundraising, grassroots organizing, youth politics, and communications. LI teaches conservatives of all ages how to succeed in politics, government, and the media. Sen. Boozman and Sara join more than 107,000 graduates trained by the Leadership Institute since 1979. Please welcome Senator Boozman as LI's Graduate of the Week. Please go here for a full LI training schedule. To nominate a Leadership Institute graduate to be featured as LI's graduate of the week, please contact LI's External Affairs Officer Lauren Hart at
LI’s Summer Interns Arrive Next Week with Already 474 hours of LI Training
Lauren Hart
May 14, 2012
LI’s Summer Interns Arrive Next Week with Already 474 hours of LI Training
Next week the Leadership Institute will welcome 12 conservatives hailing from nine American states and two countries as interns for the summer 2012 semester. Already these 12 young people have taken 474 hours of Leadership Institute trainings in topics as various as public speaking, youth leadership, campaign management, public relations, campus elections, TV training, and fundraising. As interns, they will have the opportunity to take additional free LI trainings for the next year, be mentored by LI's staff in their departments as they complete 40-hour work weeks, stay rent-free in the Sacher Intern House just blocks from the office, attend private dinners with conservative leaders, and host a weekly conservative book discussion. “We have a fantastic group of interns coming this summer, all with very unique backgrounds and experiences,” LI's Intern Coordinator Eliza Thurston said. “I'm excited to get to know each one of them as they find their places here at the Leadership Institute." Eugenio Gómez-Chico Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México Mexico City, Mexico President's Office Eugenio is pursuing dual degrees in International Relations and Law at the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México. In addition to his studies, Eugenio has volunteered his time extensively with a variety of international organizations including the Nosara Civic Association (Costa Rica), the World Youth Conference and the Great Basin Institute at the University of Nevada, Reno. Last summer Eugenio volunteered with the Mexican Consulate-General in Denver, Colorado with their Department of Legal Affairs. After taking the 2012 Mexican Youth Leadership School Eugenio co-founded Mas Por Libertad A.C., an organization dedicated to promoting ideas of liberty within Mexican society. LI training and events: Mexico City's Youth Leadership School in January 2012 Ryan Bolyard Hillsdale College Doylestown, OH Technology Ryan has combined his two passions, campaigns and computers, to study Politics and Computer Science at Hillsdale College. He has extensive experience in both, and had the opportunity to put both in to practice while serving as Youth Coordinator and Chief Technology Officer/Developer for a 2010 Congressional campaign. In addition, as the Chairman of the Campaign Committee for Hillsdale's College Republicans, Ryan has organized many successful campaign trips for his fellow students. While on campus Ryan served on Hillsdale's Student Government and currently volunteers with Students for Free Enterprise and the Aliaga Foundation. Through Aliaga, Ryan is working to establish an exchange program between Peruvian students and Hillsdale College. LI training and events: West Lafayette, Indiana's Youth Leadership School in October 2009 and LI's CPAC Job & Internship Fair in February 2011 Alejandro Capote Florida State University Hialeah, Fl Grassroots Alejandro is a rising junior at Florida State University where he is working on degrees in Political Science and International Affairs. A native of Cuba, Alejandro recently became a United States citizen, a privilege he has not taken lightly. While in high school Alejandro was heavily involved in student life and served as the president of his Student Government. Alejandro has been involved with numerous political campaigns, both with individual candidates and through the Republican Party of Florida. Last year Alejandro switched gears from the campaign field to serve as an intern in the office of Florida State Senator Rene Garcia. Alejandro is also an active member of the Leon County Republican Party. Please go here to read about Alejandro as the Institute's 100,000th graduate since 1979. LI training and events: Arlington, Virginia's Youth Leadership School in July 2011 and LI's Tallahassee, Florida's Youth Leadership School in October 2011 Braden Goodgame Georgia State University Snellville, GA Recruitment Braden is studying Political Science at Georgia State University where he is a rising sophomore. An active member of GSU's College Republicans, Braden currently serves as the club's Director of Communications. In addition to maintaining his own lawn care business through high school, Braden co-founded a Young Conservatives Club at his school. Braden has also volunteered extensively with youth, serving both as a Youth Leader at Grace Fellowship Church and as a Youth League baseball umpire. Braden is a cadet in the Reserve Officer Training Corps at Georgia State and plans to become a commissioned 2nd Lieutenant in the United States Army. LI training and events: Chapel Hill, North Carolina's Youth Leadership School in March 2012 and LI's CPAC Job & Internship Fair in February 2012 Amanda Haas Liberty University Dallas, TX Campus Leadership Program Amanda recently received her degree in Government from Liberty University. During her freshman year Amanda became president of Liberty's chapter of Young Women for America (YWA), an organization she served with throughout her college career. In her role as executive secretary for Liberty's Student Government Association, Amanda organized the college's largest pro-life conference with nearly 13,000 participants. As a result of her dedication to the pro-life movement Amanda received the 2011 Susan B. Anthony Young Leaders Award. In addition to her campus activities, Amanda has also worked with Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, both as a congressional intern and as an intern field representative on the Congresswoman's presidential campaign. LI training and events: Arlington, Virginia's Youth Leadership School in March 2012, LI's Public Relations School in June 2011, LI's Travel—Campaign Management School in Lynchburg, Virginia, and LI's conservative Job Fair at CPAC in February 2009 Brandon Hartness University of Chapel Hill Taylorsville, NC Events Brandon is a rising senior at the University of Chapel Hill where he is pursuing a double major in Political Science and Peace, War and Defense Studies. As the National and State Political Chair of the UNC College Republicans, Brandon frequently contributes to campus media outlets and organizes events at UNC. Brandon writes regularly for the Carolina Review, helping to expose bias and abuse on campus. He also serves as the president of Committee for a Better Carolina, another group on campus dedicated to providing intellectual diversity and a conservative voice at UNC. In addition to his campus activities, Brandon spent the past couple months interning with the Orange County Republican Party. LI training and events: Chapel Hill, North Carolina's Youth Leadership School in October 2011 and LI's CPAC Trainings—Getting Your Message Heard and Resume Consultations in February 2012 Pamela Meyerhofer Xavier University Buffalo, NY Youth Leadership School Pamela is a rising junior at Xavier University in Cincinnati, OH where she is double-majoring in Economics and Philosophy, Politics and the Public. No stranger to the campaign trail, Pamela has interned with local, state and federal campaigns. Last summer while working with a congressional campaign Pamela organized a Get Out the Vote initiative with over 200 volunteers. On campus, Pamela is active in College Republicans and is also a fundraiser with Xavier University's Phonathon. Since being on the Phonathan team Pamela has personally raised $27,000 for the university. LI training and events: Newark, Ohio's Youth Leadership School in February 2012, Grassroots Activism training in Buffalo, New York in June 2011, and LI's CPAC Job & Internship Fair in February 2012 Caleb Parke Grove City College Findlay, OH Employment Placement Services Caleb is a rising senior at Grove City College where he is majoring in Political Science and Economics. Over the past couple years Caleb has volunteered on numerous state-wide campaigns. Last year Caleb completed an eight-month internship in the district office of Congressman Jim Jordan. In addition to his political activity, Caleb actively participates in Grove City student life. He serves as the Junior Class President, Co-President of Christians United for Israel, and the Style Editor of the Journal of Law & Public Policy. Caleb has been honored with the President's Call to Service Award for his many hours spent serving his community. LI training and events: Grove City, Pennsylvania's Youth Leadership School in March 2011, Land a Job or Internship in DC training in March 2011, CPAC training called Landing a Conservative Job: the Hill and Beyond in February 2012 Christine Rousselle Providence College Scarborough, Maine Campus Reform Online Christine is currently pursuing a degree in Political Science and a minor in French at Providence College in Providence, Rhode Island. On campus, Christine is the Assistant News Editor for The Cowl and Vice-Chair of the Providence College Republicans. Christine has been featured in multiple national news outlets and blogs regularly for the TheCollegeConservative. She also provides the conservative perspective for The Portland Press Herald's blog The Way Politics Should Be. Go here to read her post on LI's LI training and events: One-On-One Television Workshop in January 2012, Boston, Massachusetts' Youth Leadership School in October 2011, History of the American Right in July 2011, The Year of the Youth: Why Youth Engagement is Vital in Politics in July 2011, Campus Elections Workshop in June 2011, Student Publications School in June 2011, and another Campus Elections Workshop in May 2011. Danielle Saul Minnesota State University, Moorhead Fergus Falls, MN Recruitment Danielle recently received a degree in Communication Studies with a minor in Leadership Studies from Minnesota State University, Moorhead. While on campus Danielle was President of her College Republicans, a member of the MSUM Student Senate and founder of MSUM Students Against Human Trafficking. Danielle also interned with the Minnesota State Senate and the radio program We the People, hosted by Chris Berg. Since June 2011 Danielle has been a writer/contributor to In addition, Danielle frequently volunteers in her community and has served at the Center for the Arts, the YMCA and with flood relief efforts. LI training and events: Minneapolis, Minnesota's Youth Leadership School in April 2012, Beating the Liberal Media at Their Own Game in June 2011, Moorhead, Minnesota's Youth Leadership School in April 2011, and LI's CPAC Job & Internship Fair in February 2012 Katie Shupe University of Florida Tampa, Fl Department of Political Training Katie received dual degrees in Communications and Acting for the Stage and Screen from Palm Beach Atlantic University last May. She is currently pursuing her Masters in Advertising at the University of Florida, Gainesville. On campus, Katie has been involved in UF's chapter of Young Americans for Liberty and the College Republicans. While at PBAU Katie served on Student Government as the Judicial Chair. She has dedicated over 200 hours of community service, working with Habitat for Humanity, Service to the Homeless and other local projects. Katie also recruits for and travels with WinShape (Chick-fil-A) to implement day camps for youth in area communities. LI training and events: Orlando, Florida's Youth Leadership School in October 2007 and LI's CPAC 2012 Job & Internship Fair in February 2012 Abbey Torkelson Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana Walton, Indiana Development Abbey joined the exciting world of conservative activism after attending the Greenville, South Carolina Republican Presidential Debate last May. Since January 2012 she has been interning with Young Americans for Liberty supporting YAL's social media and donor relations outreach. Prior to coming to Washington, DC Abbey worked as the office manager for Indiana Irrigation Co., Inc. Abbey has also worked in nursing and was involved with Civil Air Patrol for nearly ten years. In 2005 Abbey was named Indiana's Non-Commissioned Officer of the Year and received Commander's Commendations in 2006 and 2008. LI training and events: Campaign Management School in July 2011, High-Dollar Fundraising School in April 2012, Online Fundraising Workshop in April 2012, Political Voter Mail Workshop in April 2012, Public Relations School in March 2012, Public Speaking Workshop in April 2012, Arlington, Virginia's Youth Leadership School in March 2012, Indianapolis, Indiana's Youth Leadership School in September 2011, and numerous Wake-Up Club Breakfasts and LI happy hours. For more information about LI's internship, please click here. Please help us welcome our newest members to the team!
Career Path for Recent College Grad: Get Elected and Serve Community
Lauren Hart
May 7, 2012
Career Path for Recent College Grad: Get Elected and Serve Community
This is a busy time of year as college students around the country graduate and begin their careers. With cap and gown, Carla Shutrop walked across the stage three years ago at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, Minnesota and received her B.A. in political science. However, unlike many her age, she was elected to public office just five short months after graduation. Carla was elected to the school board in her hometown of Shakopee, Minnesota in November 2009, where she spent her first year of the four-year term as treasurer, her second year as vice-chair, and now serves as the elected chair of the board, a post she's held since January. As chair of the school board, Carla chairs the twice-a-month board meetings, appoints the standing and ad hoc committees and chairs, serves as the board liaison to the superintendent, and assumes the role of spokesperson to the public at large. “Shakopee School District has been and continues to be a fast-growing district,” Carla told the Leadership Institute. The Shakopee School District serves more than 7,000 students from the communities of Shakopee, Savage, Prior Lake, and Jackson, Louisville, and Sand Creek Townships. “We built and opened a new elementary school this past fall as well as realigned the attendance areas for the elementary schools. We are opening a sixth grade center and moving to two junior high schools this coming fall. We also hired an assistant superintendent position that will start July 1,” Carla reported. Carla works hard to maintain strong education standards for her hometown, but she also works tirelessly for the Department of Veterans Affairs as a senior veterans service representative. Her love for public service started back in college. “My interest and involvement in politics and policy started while I was in college,” Carla said, “and through campus involvement and through organizations such as Young America's Foundation and the Leadership Institute, I was able to advance my skills.” Carla was a member of two student groups the Leadership Institute's Campus Leadership Program field representatives helped start: Females for Firearms and Gusties for Restoring America. “The Leadership Institute has played the role in helping me build a solid foundation for public service and leadership. LI also allowed me to have access to resources and network connections that continue to be valuable to me today and in the future,” Carla said. Carla took LI's Youth Leadership School in September 2008. “The Youth Leadership School was very valuable with training on earned media vs. free media, how to develop a public relations strategy, and the overall election process. It focused specifically on how to focus on the youth vote. All of these skills transferred easily into a public campaign,” Carla said. She so enjoyed the training in September that she returned for more in in November 2008 and took LI's Campus Election Workshop. “In the Campus Election Workshop I learned how to strategize for student government elections as well as how to recruit candidates, and target voters on campus,” Carla shared. Carla is up for re-election on the Shakopee School District School Board in November 2013, if she chooses to run again. Or who knows? She may decide to continue on the public service career path and someday run for higher office. Carla joins tens of thousands of other Leadership Institute graduates working in public service. Please welcome Carla as the Leadership Institute's graduate of the week! “The Leadership Institute grants access to great resources to be effective as a college student on campus and beyond,” Carla said. Take advantage of the opportunity if you get the chance to gain this invaluable information.” Go here for a full LI training schedule. To nominate a Leadership Institute graduate to be featured as LI's graduate of the week, please contact LI's External Affairs Officer Lauren Hart at
Ohio Teen “Ticked” at Government Now Joins the Fight, Not the Club
Lauren Hart
April 30, 2012
Ohio Teen “Ticked” at Government Now Joins the Fight, Not the Club
Timothy Hershner, now 25, still vividly remembers the story “Big Jim,” his best friend's father Jim Gerwin, shared with him. In the 1970s Henry and Fern, two people who worked in his Ohio shoe factory, both were hard workers, working 40 hours each week plus 10 hours each of overtime. However, they owed the government more than 30 percent of their pay in income taxes. “Jim offered to help the two with their taxes because he thought he could save them money, but due to the couple being scared of the IRS, they decided to just pay the taxes,” Tim recalls. “It is solely this story that got me ticked off with the government and eventually led to my political activity,” Tim said. “From this talk, I remember volunteering for George W. Bush in both his first and second campaigns at the polls.” But it's not just presidential Election Day poll work Tim's done. He was also a volunteer in college for the Brad Wenstrup for Cincinnati Mayor campaign as well as the Debbi Alsfelder for Congress campaign. Leadership Institute graduate Debbi Alsfelder suggested that Tim, her outreach/volunteer coordinator at the time, check out LI for political training. He did. In October 2010, Tim attended the Leadership Institute's Youth Leadership School in Indianapolis, Indiana. This began his passionate pursuit of public policy learning through many LI trainings and eventually an internship at the Leadership Institute in the summer of 2011, where he worked for LI's Campus Leadership Program and “The biggest thing the Leadership Institute instilled in me was to stay aggressive and to make sure that I kept networking. LI showed me how to follow up with my network and how to connect the dots when applying to positions later down the road,” Tim said. Tim has also interned for U.S. Senator George V. Voinovich (Ohio) and U.S. Rep. Steve Austria (OH-07). After graduation from the University of Cincinnati, Tim returned to Washington to intern for Congressman Todd Akin (M0-02). Tim now works for Congressman Chip Cravaack (MN-08) full-time in his Washington office. Pictured left is Tim on the balcony of House Speaker John Boehner's office after becoming an official Hill staffer. He serves constituents in answering their phone calls, provides Capitol tours for those visiting DC, and manages the Congressman's busy schedule. Tim's staff assistant position has grown to include executive assistant responsibilities. “LI's Conservative Career Workshop helped me feel more comfortable when interviewing” for his current job on the Hill, Tim said. “The Leadership Institute is a conservative organization that can not only help you hone your talents, but also help turn your weaknesses into strengths. LI will help people be well rounded by gaining a broad knowledge with respect to the world of politics and how this world works.” Tim joins tens of thousands of other Leadership Institute graduates working in “the world of politics” for the causes and candidates of their choice. Please welcome Tim as the Leadership Institute's graduate of the week! To nominate a Leadership Institute graduate to be featured as LI's graduate of the week, please contact LI's External Affairs Officer Lauren Hart at
Navy Man & Entrepreneur Gets Fed Up: Now Congressional Candidate
Lauren Hart
April 23, 2012
Navy Man & Entrepreneur Gets Fed Up: Now Congressional Candidate
In 1993, Dan Sebring bought an old auto service repair station and started to build a business. Dan had worked as a lot of things: assembly line worker, janitor, turret lathe operator, school bus driver, gutter installer, truck driver, printer, painter, disc jockey, bartender, body guard, carpenter, and cabinet maker. Sebring Garage, LLC, his new company, was his way to "provide something better" for his community and, as Sebring's website puts it, "uphold the tradition of the neighborhood garage." The company is based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the state where Dan, and his parents before him, were born and raised. Dan moved home to Wisconsin in 1992. He'd left in the 1980s -- the severe recession left him unemployed and living out of his car -- to serve in the U.S. Navy, first at the Pentagon then at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. When Dan came back, he was ready to get involved in his state's politics. He found his opportunity when Milwaukee, his city, proposed a handgun ban in 1994. Dan didn't sit back; he got involved. That sparked a nearly 20-year journey of activism and campaigning. Now Dan is the Second Vice Chairman of the Republican Party of Milwaukee County's Milwaukee – South Branch, for which he heads the nomination committee. He's also a candidate for Congress, running for the third time against four-term incumbent Rep. Gwen Moore. Dan first ran in 2008. Rep. Gwen Moore was unopposed heading into Election Day, so he staged a six-week write-in campaign to be her opponent. Though he didn't win, he netted nearly 500 votes and made his point -- and he wanted to do more in the next election. Shortly after Thanksgiving that year, Dan filed his declaration of intent to run for office. Local activists recommended that Dan's campaign manager, Jessica Strautmann, attend Leadership Institute training. She took the Campaign Manager School and Political Voter Mail School in February 2009. When Jessica came home to Milwaukee, Dan recalled, "she was so impressed that she basically demanded that I attend LI's Future Candidate School, which I did in August 2009." Dan seemed glad he'd taken his campaign manager's advice. "Leadership Institute training is an absolute must for anyone seeking public office," Dan said. "It is far and away the most comprehensive, indispensable crash course introduction to political activism for activists, candidates, and campaign staffers on the planet. I recommend it highly to anyone considering running for public office and their staff." Dan has since used his training in his 2010 and 2012 campaigns against Rep. Gwen Moore. His grassroots campaign is focused on what Dan sees as the proper role for the U.S. representative from his district. "It is the job of Members of the House of Representatives to take the ideas, opinions and concerns of the people they represent to Washington and say 'this is what the people want,'" Dan explained. "It is not to bring the policies of the government back to the people and tell them they need to 'get behind it.'" Dan joins thousands of other Leadership Institute graduates working for the causes and candidates of their choice – including themselves! – in this election year. Please welcome Dan as the Leadership Institute's graduate of the week! In 2012, the Leadership Institute is offering its top-notch campaign training -- the Future Candidate School and the Campaign Management School -- in the first full week of every month. Learn more or register online right now. To nominate a Leadership Institute graduate to be featured as LI's graduate of the week, please contact LI's External Affairs Officer Lauren Hart at
One Man’s Story—From Rental Car Employee to Campaign Doctor for Local, State, and National Races
Lauren Hart
April 9, 2012
One Man’s Story—From Rental Car Employee to Campaign Doctor for Local, State, and National Races
Chuck Muth's political roots run deep and have been a lifetime in the making. His father took a break in the 1980s from Baltimore City firefighting and served one term in the Maryland Legislature when Chuck and his three brothers and two sisters were growing up. Later, Chuck's brother worked for former Maryland Congressman Bob Ehrlich, who later became the 60th Governor of Maryland (2003-2007). Chuck was himself pulled into politics in 1995, when he was elected chairman of the local GOP central committee in Las Vegas, where he and his wife of 25 years, Gia, moved in 1988 for a job with a rental car company. Now, Chuck has distinguished titles on his resume—former executive director of the American Conservative Union, National Chairman of the Republican Liberty Caucus, Clark County GOP chairman, and former Nevada Republican Party executive director. Today Chuck stays busy as a conservative in Las Vegas. He's president and CEO of the libertarian-leaning, non-profit grassroots advocacy organization Citizen Outreach, publisher of Nevada News and Views, and founder of, an online candidate coaching program. “The Leadership Institute came out to do a training program for grassroots activists at my invitation,” Chuck said, “and that established my longtime relationship with and admiration for LI.” For Chuck, “Leadership Institute training has been the basis and foundation of my entire political/public policy career. I wouldn't be where I am today – doing what I love doing, while making a difference – were it not for the training I received early on, and to this day, from the Leadership Institute. That's not hyperbole. That's not spin. That's just fact,” Chuck said. After serving as chairman of the local Las Vegas GOP central committee in 1995, Chuck was hired full-time as the executive director of the Nevada Republican Party and continued to work for the state party for the next six years. After state politics, Chuck moved into the national scene in Washington, D.C., when he accepted the executive director role at the American Conservative Union in 2002. One year later, Chuck was asked to take over as chairman of Citizen Outreach, and, by the end of 2005, the organization was sufficiently funded, so Chuck and his family moved back to Nevada to transition Citizen Outreach to primarily a state-based organization. Chuck currently hosts the monthly “third Thursday” center-right coalition meeting in Las Vagas, the “First Friday Happy Hour” mixer each month in Las Vegas, and the 5th Annual Conservative Leadership Conference, which will run from June 8 to 10 in Las Vegas. This year, Chuck launched, campaign coaching programs that utilize technology—teleconferences, e-newsletters, webinars, DVDs—to help conservative candidates, tea party leaders, and grassroots activists. After his first LI training in Nevada, Chuck fundraised to come to Arlington, VA for the week-long Campaign Management School, formerly known as the Campaign Leadership School. “That training gave me the confidence to run against the Democrat State Senate Minority Leader in 1996,” Chuck reflected. “I lost, but it wasn't because of my LI training, but because the district had a large, 3-1 Democrat majority. Still, that experience and LI's training helped me begin conducting my own campaign training workshops and seminars throughout Nevada.” Chuck has taken five trainings at the Leadership Institute: High-Dollar Fundraising School; Advanced Direct Mail School; Internet Activist School; Campaign Leadership School; and Public Relations School. He also serves as volunteer faculty for LI's Grassroots Campaign trainings, and he helps to fund dozens of conservative Nevada activists and candidates to attend LI's Campaign Management School. When asked what he learned from LI, Chuck said, “Well, pretty much everything I know. Or let me put it this way: The early LI training I received put me on a path of lifetime learning about the nuts and bolts of campaign operations and public policy advocacy.” You too can be trained and shape your community. Go here for information on the dates for LI's upcoming trainings and locations. Please welcome Chuck as the Leadership Institute Graduate of the Week! To nominate a Leadership Institute graduate to be featured as LI's graduate of the week, please contact LI's External Affairs Officer Lauren Hart at
LI Graduate Elected to the Washington State House of Representatives at Age 25
Lauren Hart
March 26, 2012
LI Graduate Elected to the Washington State House of Representatives at Age 25
Twenty-seven-year-old Hans Zeiger is no stranger to public life. At age 19, Hans ran for precinct committee officer in the 25th legislative district in Washington state. He was elected two years later in 2006 and then again in 2008. Hans authored a book at age 20, with multiple published works following. He is a regular guest writer to more than 13 newspapers across the country, including the Washington Times, Philadelphia Inquirer, Baltimore Sun, and Human Events, where he's penned hundreds of pieces since teen years, and now, is a distinguished syndicated columnist. In college, Hans was elected president of the senior class. As World Magazine says, “When Hans shared the commencement stage with Mitt Romney as student president of Hillsdale College, the biased campus buzz was that they'd rather vote for (Hans) Zeiger.” Newsweek caught hold of him, and profiled him as one of the “15 College Students You Haven't Heard of … But Will.” In 2010, at age 25, Hans put himself again on the ticket for his beloved Evergreen State. But this time, he took a more public role. Now, Hans is in Washington State House of Representatives. He represents his stomping grounds of Puyallup, where he, his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather all grew up. Hans brings his district's voice to the state capital as their state representative. “I was able to put some of the Leadership Institute's training to practice while working on campaigns, and then really put it practice on my own campaign for the state legislature,” Hans said. “LI training was essential to my success as a candidate.” Hans serves on several committees: higher education, transportation, capital budget, and joint legislative audit and review. He is also on the William Ruckelshaus Center Advisory Board and the American Legislative Exchange Council Environment and Energy Task Force. Hans serves as the alternate House minority member for the Community Economic Revitalization Board. He is actively engaged with his community through civic and community groups in roles like Boy Scouts of America executive board member, South Hill Historical Society vice president, Kiwanis Club of Puyallup member, One Another Foundation board member, Mainstream Republicans of Washington board of directors, and Action for Washington Evans Fellow, among many others. Hans is a graduate of the Leadership Institute's Broadcast Journalism School in March 2008, Grassroots Activist School in March 2003, and Grassroots Preparation Workshop in January 2003. “Four lessons I learned from LI,” Hans said, “and put to use in my campaign and public service are: first, stick to your campaign message at all times. Second, wear your nametag on your right side. Third, ask for more money than you think you can get. Fourth, for campaign events, it's better to have a room too small than a room too big.” Hans is a graduate of Hillsdale College, where he studied American Studies. He received his Master's degree in public policy from Pepperdine University, and did graduate studies in American politics and political philosophy at Claremont Graduate University. “LI is an excellent program for learning how to win in politics,” Hans said. “I recommend LI training strongly for campaign managers, policy professionals, and others who are shaping the future of our communities, state, and country.” You too can be trained to influence and serve your community. Go here for information on the dates for LI's upcoming trainings and locations. Please welcome Hans as the Leadership Institute Graduate of the Week! To nominate a Leadership Institute graduate to be featured as LI's graduate of the week, please contact LI's External Affairs Officer Lauren Hart at
From Constituent to Congressional Staffer: One LI Graduate’s Story
Lauren Hart
March 12, 2012
From Constituent to Congressional Staffer: One LI Graduate’s Story
James Wesolek leads constituents on tours around the U.S. Capitol. He drafts reply letters back to citizens living in his district. He helps keep the Congressman's website up to date. James is on the front lines of the U.S. House of Representatives, where he works as a staff assistant to Rep. Roscoe Bartlett (MD-06), his Member of Congress since boyhood. “The training the Leadership Institute offers is second to none in my book, and I owe a good portion of my career to it,” James said. “The things I have learned have put me far above my peers with only real world experience, so I recommend LI training to anyone thinking about making a career in politics.” His childhood passion for politics and teenager activism has only grown in recent years. Now, James is making a career of it all. James previously worked as an assistant for The Carlyle Gregory Company, LLC, a media and political consulting firm for candidates, public figures, political institutions, and businesses. Before that, he was a campaign coordinator for Blaine Young for County Commissioner and a field director for Hough For Delegate. “I grew up hearing about the Leadership Institute,” James said. “However, it wasn't until after college and after managing a campaign that I realized how invaluable LI's training is.” James grew up in Frederick, Maryland and was homeschooled with his two younger sisters. “We were taught from a young age that individuals can always make a better choice than the government,” James said. “Election Day was one of the few ‘homeschool holidays' we had. Our house was a block away from the local polling location so my family would go wave signs and pass out literature outside the polls," James remembered. "My mother would even make a large pot of soup to pass out to volunteers.” But it wasn't until James was 15-years-old that he made campaigning his own. He went door-to-door and chatted with fellow Marylanders about State Senator Alex Mooney and his campaign. After taking LI's Youth Leadership School and Campaign Management School back to back, James applied for LI's internship, and was placed last spring in the Institute's development department. Since then, he's taken eight LI trainings. “I've taken many schools at the Leadership Institute,” James explained, “and each school offers something different, and has helped me in different ways throughout my campaign and consulting experiences.” James continued, adding an example, “The things I learned in the LI's direct mail school have come in handy as I work on constituent letters in my current job.” You too can be trained in direct mail and fundraising. LI's High-Dollar Fundraising School is Tuesday, April 24 and Wednesday, April 25 with the Online Fundraising Workshop Tuesday evening. LI's Direct Mail School and Advanced training are Monday, May 14 to Wednesday, May 16. Register now to get a discount. “LI training is like drinking from a fire hose,” James said. “There is so much great material thrown at you, just try your best to soak it all in!” Please welcome James as the Leadership Institute Graduate of the Week. To nominate a Leadership Institute graduate to be featured as LI's graduate of the week, please contact LI's External Affairs Officer Lauren Hart at
LI Grad Manages Presidential Race in Africa’s Mali
Lauren Hart
March 5, 2012
LI Grad Manages Presidential Race in Africa’s Mali
Renting camels are not traditionally budgeted for most campaigns' get-out-the-vote efforts. But, for American-born and Leadership Institute-trained Patrice Pederson, camels are crucial to her candidate's success on Election Day. Patrice manages Yeah Samake's presidential race in the African country of Mali, a 14.1 million person country with 30 percent unemployment and a literacy rate of 46.4 percent. She first started on Yeah's campaign as a general consultant, but eventually accepted the campaign manager role. “The Leadership Institute has played such a huge role in my life,” Patrice said. Patrice first learned of LI when she was 15-years-old and attended LI's Youth Leadership School in Utah. She remembers the training as--originally--a good excuse to get out of junior high for a day. “I went to the Youth Leadership School, took good notes, and before I knew it,” Patrice said, “I was the vice-chair for the Utah Teenage Republicans and had a job working for Enid Waldholtz for Congress, who won the race as part of the Republican Revolution in 1994.” After working for several campaigns in high school, Patrice came to LI to become a summer intern before college. While at the Institute, Patrice took LI's Campaign Leadership School and Broadcast Journalism School. At Brigham Young University, later her alma mater, Patrice met a constitutional law professor who inspired her to learn more about family policy internationally. She spent the next 12 years fighting for life, marriage, parental rights, and religious liberties on the international level at organizations including the UN, European Union, Organization of American States, African Union, and the Human Rights Council. “During this time I was also able to give back to the Leadership Institute by teaching at their International Leadership Training Seminar,” Patrice said. She has been a volunteer faculty member for LI's Youth Leadership Schools and for various International Leadership Training Seminars. After the African Union passed the Maputo Protocol, which legalized abortion across the continent, Patrice was distraught. “I had lost my hope for Africa,” she explained. Enter Yeah Samake, candidate for president in Mali. “What Mali needs is an awakening,” Yeah said on his campaign website. Patrice was awakened. Shortly after Patrice committed to work on Yeah's campaign, she came back to LI in October to retake the Campaign Management School. “I returned to LI to update my campaign skills and to review all of that information from an African perspective. For example, my get-out-the-vote budget includes camel rentals because two-thirds of Mali is covered by the Sahara,” Patrice explained. “It was great to be back at the Leadership Institute since I feel like I practically grew up there!” “The Leadership Institute will teach you how to do whatever you want to do in politics,” Patrice said. “Once people are committed to the 'why' of politics, they need to go to LI to learn the 'how'. Even after taking almost every LI training and teaching as faculty, there is always so much more to learn.” Make a difference this year for the candidate or campaign that inspires you. LI now offers week-long campaign training the first week of every month. For more information on Yeah, please visit The Leadership Institute is a non-partisan 501 (c) 3 nonprofit. The Institute does not endorse or oppose any candidates or legislation, and all programs are open to the public. Please welcome Patrice as this week's Leadership Institute Graduate of the Week. To nominate a Leadership Institute graduate to be featured as LI's graduate of the week, please contact LI's External Affairs Officer Lauren Hart at
Honoring Andrew Breitbart
Abigail Alger
March 1, 2012
Honoring Andrew Breitbart
The staff of the Leadership Institute join those across the country honoring the memory of conservative journalist – and, dare I say, mischievous muckraker – Andrew Breitbart today. Andrew passed away unexpectedly early this morning.Andrew was best known as a writer, a publisher, and an activist. Many today have remembered him as “fearless” in his defense of his beliefs, as full of laughter and good-spirited antics, as a happy warrior for conservatism. Certainly many more know his works and words through his and “Big” sites: Big Government, Big Hollywood, Big Journalism, and Big Peace.Andrew had taught at past Institute trainings, including LI's Broadcast Journalism School.It's fitting to remember Andrew in his own words. This new excerpt from his book, Righteous Indignation, was posted on Big Government this morning:"I love my job. I love fighting for what I believe in. I love having fun while doing it. I love reporting stories that the Complex refuses to report. I love fighting back, I love finding allies, and—famously—I enjoy making enemies."Three years ago, I was mostly a behind-the-scenes guy who linked to stuff on a very popular website. I always wondered what it would be like to enter the public realm to fight for what I believe in. I've lost friends, perhaps dozens. But I've gained hundreds, thousands—who knows?—of allies. At the end of the day, I can look at myself in the mirror, and I sleep very well at night."The thoughts and prayers of LI staff and conservatives across the country are with Andrew's family. >
Tech Entrepreneur Ethan Wingfield, LI Graduate of the Week, Enters NC Congressional Race
Lauren Hart
February 27, 2012
Tech Entrepreneur Ethan Wingfield, LI Graduate of the Week, Enters NC Congressional Race
Native North Carolinian Ethan Wingfield is now running to represent his stomping grounds in Congress. Ethan's background of growing his small business and later, advising the CEO of a Fortune 500 company—Capital One—has prepared Ethan for running a campaign. “Building a campaign is a bit like starting a business, so I have been drawing on my experience as a tech entrepreneur in getting the campaign off of the ground,” Ethan said. “Like starting a business, I have to recruit a team, develop a strategy, and raise the funds to power our campaign through the election.” “The Leadership Institute was very helpful in teaching me how to approach a campaign in a structured fashion,” Ethan said. “We've developed a concrete plan for how we will reach out to voters, cultivate support, and turn that support into votes on Election Day. LI helped demystify the whole process and flattened the campaign learning curve for me quite a bit." Ethan, originally from Buncombe County, is running for Congress in North Carolina's 11th district. A self-described “Christian businessman,” Ethan helped create thousands of jobs through his work as a successful tech entrepreneur at Elan Design + Development and strategy executive at Capital One. Growing a small business has its challenges: making payroll, meeting government regulations, serving clients, and creating new products and services that fill a gap in the marketplace. Despite these, his company Elan Design + Development grew and was later bought by Fuzz Productions, a NYC-based web development firm in April 2007. Ethan then took a job with Capital One, one of America's leading financial services firms, where he rose to become a senior strategy consultant, advising the CEO. In this position, Ethan worked with senior leadership to help the bank be more focused on the needs of hardworking Americans while driving the company's growth to create thousands of jobs during this tough economic season. Homeschooled with his five siblings in Weaverville, North Carolina, Ethan earned his Eagle Scout badge before attending Asheville-Buncombe Technical College for two years. He was then admitted to Brown University, where he earned a bachelor's degree in ethics and political philosophy. At Brown, Ethan was president of the 200-member Christian fellowship group and was state chairman of the Rhode Island College Republicans. Since, Ethan has assisted many conservatives running for offices ranging from city council to U.S. Senate. Now, he's running himself—and putting to practice what he's learned in other campaigns and at LI. Ethan took LI's Grassroots Activist School in August 2011. LI also offers a Future Candidate School and a Campaign Management School, both full-week trainings. “Campaigns are complex organizations that operate under a tremendous amount of pressure. There is a lot to accomplish in a very limited amount of time, so knowing how to focus your limited resources of time and money is critical to a winning campaign,” Ethan said. “LI's training will teach you," Ethan said, "how to focus your limited time and resources in the most effective way, which can mean the difference between winning and losing.” Sign up today to get trained on how to win. The Leadership Institute is a non-partisan 501 (c) 3 nonprofit. The Institute does not endorse or oppose any candidates or legislation, and all programs are open to the public. To nominate a Leadership Institute graduate to be featured as LI's graduate of the week, please contact LI's External Affairs Officer Lauren Hart at
Latinos’ Conservative Liaison Mario Lopez: LI Graduate of the Week
Lauren Hart
February 13, 2012
Latinos’ Conservative Liaison Mario Lopez: LI Graduate of the Week
Mario Lopez has a top-notch resume: U.S. House of Representatives' Congressional Hispanic Conference former executive director; the Republican National Committee's Hispanic Advisory Board member; George W. Bush administration's presidential appointee; House Republican Conference Chairman Rep. J.C. Watts' deputy director of coalitions and outreach; and California and Virginia campaigns staffer. Mario's most recent achievement was founding, in April 2008, the Hispanic Leadership Fund, where he currently serves as president. This group is the first non-partisan, national Latino advocacy organization run by political and public policy professionals that promotes limited government, individual liberty, and free enterprise. “I make sure that we are developing in a way that furthers our goal of expanding the conservative base to include more Latinos,” Mario explained. “The Leadership Institute helped me gain a foot into the door in Washington by helping with job searches and career development, and LI continues to help me guide our organization to new heights,” Mario said. “I am a lifelong conservative and have always been passionate about making sure that the free enterprise, limited government message reaches new audiences. The Leadership Institute has helped me carry out that mission through the Hispanic Leadership Fund.” Before founding the Hispanic Leadership Fund, Mario was tapped to serve as executive director of the U.S. House of Representatives Congressional Hispanic Conference, where he served as liaison to the White House, executive branch agencies, the private sector, and public policy groups. This group comprised of between eight and 16 Members of Congress who together promoted legislation and policy that sought to foster Hispanic prosperity through free enterprise and traditional values. House Republican Conference Coalitions and Outreach Director Rick Manning said in October 2009, “Mario understands the big picture, and he is extraordinary at translating that understanding to action. It is just a matter of time before Mario is one of the most influential people in Republican politics.” Just two-and-a-half years later, influence marks Mario. Just last month, the Hispanic Leadership Fund was permitted to intervene as a defendant in U.S. Representative Chris Van Hollen's (D-MD) lawsuit against the Federal Election Commission. After the U.S. District Court's DC decision, Mario's defense challenged the FEC's donor disclosure rules to protect First Amendment rights. Mario said, “We are glad that the Hispanic Leadership Fund can be at the forefront of protecting the First Amendment rights of our members and all who seek to inform the American public about political candidates and their positions on issues. We will continue to oppose liberal attempts to force federal courts to impose rules restricting free speech. ” Mario has taken seven LI trainings, including the High-Dollar Fundraising School, Online Fundraising Workshop, Introduction to TV Techniques, On-Camera TV Workshop, Blogging Workshop, and Campaign Management School. “The points I learned during the TV training in particular always stick in my mind every time I do an on-camera media interview,” Mario said. “The trainers did a wonderful job instilling the sometimes subtle, but always crucial points on how to make sure you are communicating effectively with the audience, and how to deal with the sometimes intimidating world of live television.” Mario has appeared in numerous English and Spanish language print, television, radio, and online outlets, and been quoted by Fox News, the Washington Post, the Weekly Standard, and Terra Colombia – to name just a few media outlets. Mario is a graduate of The Fund for American Studies' Institute on Political Journalism and earned his bachelor's degree in political science from the University of San Diego. He performed graduate work at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles in both political science and the Master of Professional Writing programs. “One thing that has always stood out to me is Morton's Laws of the Public Policy Process. I've read those points a few dozen times over the years, and it is always interesting just how many times I've been dealing with an issue or making a decision about what course of action to take. Inevitably, one or more of the laws always apply. The Laws of the Public Policy Process shed a succinct light on how to succeed in politics and public policy,” Mario said. “The training provided by the Leadership Institute is invaluable,” Mario said. “LI training provokes thought, open doors, and makes sure you are prepared to win, and win the right way. Even folks with experience will always end up with important takeaways.” Mario shares his expertise as a faculty member at LI's Campaign Management Schools. You too can take the same TV training Mario did and attend LI's Future Candidate School. To nominate a Leadership Institute graduate to be featured as LI's graduate of the week, please contact LI's External Affairs Officer Lauren Hart at
Scooter Schaefer: LI Helped Me Progress in Each Stage of My Career
Lauren Hart
January 30, 2012
Scooter Schaefer: LI Helped Me Progress in Each Stage of My Career
Scooter Schaefer is on the front lines fighting liberal bias in the media every day. His turf: the internet. His work: communications marketing coordinator for the Media Research Center (MRC), a leader in documenting, exposing, and neutralizing liberal media bias. Scooter's special focus at MRC is a new project, which he describes as “a major drive to demand fair election coverage of the 2012 presidential election.” He added, “One key component to our fair election coverage campaign will be social media, which is where I come in.” Scooter is a graduate of four LI trainings, two of which were focused on new media. “I can attest that the Leadership Institute training I received is first-rate and has had a direct impact on my professional development,” Scooter explained. “While all of the classes have benefited me in one way or another," Scooter said, "the Comprehensive Online Activist School and New Media Workshop provided me with the training and tools I needed to take the next step into a career in social media and politics.” Scooter continued, “The training that LI provides is unique in that they offer real and effective political training by conservative leaders in the movement. There is no better place to receive interactive, hands-on political training from experienced conservative leaders than the Leadership Institute.” “As a young activist hoping to break into conservative politics in Washington D.C., the Leadership Institute provided me with practical and useful training as well as access to leaders in the conservative movement,” Scooter said. Of course, Scooter did not always dream of a move to Washington, D.C. and a career in politics. “I grew up in a small town in northern Minnesota, went to high school in Burlington, Vermont, and eventually settled in the D.C. metro area after attending college at George Mason University,” he said. After a post-graduation backpacking trip through Europe with his wife, Scooter came home with a “new-found appreciation for America,” and ended up working for a Member of Congress, as director of communications for ProEnglish, and – ultimately – the Media Research Center, where he can combine his interest in politics and social media. You too can take the same training as Scooter by attending this Wednesday's Advanced New Media Workshop: Campaigns offered at LI's Arlington, VA office. Or you can register for LI's Comprehensive Online Activist School February 27-28. LI's New Media Training Coordinator Carol Wehe said, “LI's expert new media faculty are founders of digital technology consulting firms, presidential campaign staffers, and consultants with first-hand political experience. Scooter and many other LI graduates have grown careers and expanded the conservative movement through strategies they learned at trainings like the Comprehensive Online Activist School and Advanced New Media Workshop.” Want to jumpstart your career in politics like Scooter? Scooter credits LI's resource for his career in politics and social media. “For any young conservative activist eager to get involved in politics, ConservativeJobs is a critical job placement service and resource that should not be passed up,” Scooter said. “ConservativeJobs not only helped me land my first internship, but it has helped me progress in each stage of my career in conservative politics.” is where employers and jobseekers connect online. Employers post openings and search for conservative employees using the resume database and robust 200-question public policy questionnaire, at no cost to either employers or jobseekers. Create your jobseeker or employer account today. Contact LI's Director of Employment Placement Service Emily Miller for questions. To nominate a Leadership Institute graduate to be featured as LI's graduate of the week, please contact LI's External Affairs Officer Lauren Hart at
Naples Councilman: LI Training Is Essential For Success In Politics
Lauren Hart
January 23, 2012
Naples Councilman: LI Training Is Essential For Success In Politics
City Councilman for the City of Naples Sam Saad, III brings a wealth of experience with him to the job: attorney; business entrepreneur and owner; former presidential campaigner; and political appointee for the Department of Labor, among others jobs working for Members of Congress and a governor. “We have wonderful people and wonderful potential in our town,” Sam said. “It is my goal to ensure that Naples remains THE premier place to live, work, and raise a family—today and tomorrow.” Sam's main focus, he says, is economic development in the downtown area. “Specifically, I am working to reduce fees, permitting times, and zoning issues so that Naples is a more attractive place to invest.” Sam took LI's Campaign Leadership School in November of 1995. “Going to the Leadership Institute's Campaign Leadership School was the jumping off point from volunteer to professional campaigner,” Sam said. “I use those skills to manage my business and my political office.” When asked about the Institute's programs, Sam said: “LI training is INVALUABLE. It is essential for success in politics whether an elected official or an activist.” “The part I remember and use the most are list management and GOTV,” Sam said. “I always worked in the field operations part of campaigns and I am pretty good with an Excel spreadsheet so I could create walk lists and manage the ‘sign war'.” Sam is the owner of a real estate and business law practice, Sam J. Saad III, PA, which provides general legal advice and tax planning to small business owners. Before starting his business, Sam was an attorney with Advocate Aircraft Taxation Co. in Naples. There he implemented tax planning strategies for aircraft owners, negotiated aircraft acquisition, financing and insurance terms. Before moving to Naples, Sam was a presidential appointee serving as special assistant to the Solicitor of Labor at the U.S. Department of Labor. Before that, Sam was coalitions, management and communications assistant on the Bush-Cheney 2004 reelection campaign. A graduate of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Sam earned his bachelor's of science degree in business administration. He holds his Juris Doctorate (JD) from the Creighton University School of Law in Omaha, Nebraska. Sam has previously worked as a field operative for Bresow for Governor, an intern for Stenberg for Senate, and as an intern for Rep. Jon Christensen. Sam is involved with the local Naples business community as an executive member of the Greater Naples Chamber of Commerce and as an active participant in the Collier County Bar Association and Young Professionals of Naples. If you are interested in taking you're campaigning to the next level—from volunteer to professional campaigner or candidate—register for LI's campaign training. LI now offers campaign training every month for a full week. To nominate a Leadership Institute graduate to be featured as LI's graduate of the week, please contact LI's External Affairs Officer Lauren Hart at
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